
Chase Me Again, Mr. Billionaire
Chase Me Again, Mr. Billionaire
Author: Loveinthemix

Isabella Ricci

Isabella POV

So today was a rough day. Really rough! I love my job but sometimes it has its moments.

My name is Isabella Ricci. I am 5’7 and curvy. I am not your model type. I have curves in all the right places. I have long brown hair and hazel eyes. I have a very hot boyfriend. He is 5’11. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a great body. I own my own house and am very independent. My boyfriend is the VP for his dad’s accounting firm. He is well off as well and own a huge mansion.

I am the daughter of Marco Ricci. My dad started his company a year after graduating college. It was small at first but now it is one of the biggest technology gaming company in the world. I love my dad. He is amazing. My mother works with him as well as she had helped him start the company.

My parents love each other so much and it is the type of love I strive for. I have been with my boyfriend for a year. He is amazing and such a gentlemen. He is willing to wait for me til marriage. I know it’s old fashioned, but my mom did the same thing and my parents love for each other is so strong. I want that.

I am currently working with my father to take over the business when he retires. I love my job. We create the most amazing games and devices. People all over the world use them and I love seeing people enjoying things that I create and design.

Why the rough day? Well one of my programs keeps glitching and I am trying to fix it. It is now 8 pm and I think I should call it a day. I had told my boyfriend I can meet him for a late dinner and told him I will meet him at his place. I know he said 10 but I am so done with today. Plus his house is only 20 minutes away.

I get in my car, my beautiful Audi. I love my car. I drive towards my boyfriends place. I park my car in his drive way and start heading towards the entrance. Surprisingly the door is opened a bit. Maybe he left it open for me.

I head inside and call out to him. This house is so big. Maybe he is getting ready in his room since he did not hear me. I walk up the stairs and head towards his room. I hear weird noises coming from the room.

I quietly open the door to surprise him but I am the one surprised. I see my boyfriend in bed with his assistant. So cliche. I just stand there. I don’t even know what to say. We are not at the love stage yet. I mean we only see each other once or twice because of our busy schedules. But we talk everyday. I don’t even know what to feel right now because I am just numb and shocked.

All of the sudden the assistant sees me and gasp. Then Matteo turns around and sees where she is looking. Once he sees me gets off her.

“Sofia, honey, it’s not what it looks like. She means nothing to me. I love you. Please believe me. I only want you. “

“Well that’s nice but I no longer want you. I don’t share and I no longer care. You guys have yourself a good night. “

I walk out while he is shouting my name and trying to follow me out but he has to get dressed, and I use the opportunity to walk out and get in my car to leave. I can’t believe I fell for his bullshit. I thought he was different and that maybe I can fall in love with him. Well I will not cry over it.

I drive to my house. The first thing I do is call my parents. They are my best friends. I love them and share everything with them. I tell them what I walked into tonight and to say my dad was upset was an understatement. He wanted to go to Matteo’s house and kill him. I just told him he is not worth it.

My mom told not to stress over it. She said “you will meet the one you can’t live without. There will be a spark, and you will only be able to think about him. That is how I knew that Matteo was not the one for you, honey.”

I knew what she meant. Because at the moment I don’t even feel the betrayal. I feel nothing. I end the call after wishing them a good night. My dad reminded me of the important meeting we will be having tomorrow with his best friend. I told him I wouldn’t miss it.

My dad has been best friends with Miguel Lopez his whole life. They grew up together and both started their respective companies at the same time.

My mother Loretta has been best friends with Miguel’s wife Eliza since high school. They have a a son named Alexander, Alex for short. We grew up together and were close. Our birthday is actually on the same day. But when we got to college he became a huge player and I didn’t like to hang out with the friends he had. I mean his best friends were a different story. They were not players. Actually they are married. They always treated me with respect and were very different than Alex. Their girlfriends at the time now wives are still my friends and they are amazing. But Alex, well he thinks he is too young for marriage.

We still talk but not like we used too. We tried to be in a relationship and I actually thought that that could be it. I felt the spark. Then the summer after high school graduation, he said we are better as friends and he wanted to experience life in college. I was heartbroken but maybe it was not meant to be. Maybe we were too young. It took me a year to be able to even speak to him again. But he had changed. Things change and we grew apart. I do miss him sometimes because he was my best friend. His sister Elise and are still pretty close. She is actually coming over tonight after I texted her what happened. She is the sister I always wanted but never had. My mom couldn’t have anymore children after I was born.

I look at my phone and have over 30 missed calls and over 50 text messages from Matteo. I read some of the messages and I am disgusted. I can’t believe he thinks that I should forgive him because apparently it was only a one time thing and she came over and seduced him. Please! I am

Not a fool. He even said he he needs and he knew that I would not give it to him so he was just getting it out of his system so he can be faithful once we marry. Is he serious! Then he even said we can be a powerful couple once we take over our families companies. And there you have it folks. The real reason he wants me back. Money! I thought he was different but he is just like everyone that wants to be with me. It’s always about my family’s money and power.

The doorbell rings taking me out of my thoughts and I go open the door.

“Hi Elise”

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