
CEO's Luxury Lady
CEO's Luxury Lady
Author: pamzao


I jumped off the bus at the same time my heart seemed to leap out of my chest.

Thirty minutes ago my cell phone had rung and Aunt Meiry had told me that my mother had been the victim of a stray bullet in a police operation in Complexo do Alemão, our community. I ran across the street and practically threw myself against the entrance doors of the hospital. I ran to the reception and almost tripped over my own legs. I made it to the bench panting:

- Marta Souza. - I said to the receptionist.

The blonde gave me a look full of contempt. I didn't blame her. It was quite likely that even I was looking at myself with disdain at that moment. I was wearing my usual waitress uniform and I certainly smelled greasy. My hair was pulled back in a ponytail and I could feel sweat beading at the roots of my hair. I was certainly not the kind of person who would walk into a hospital like that.

- Operating room. - The girl took her blue eyes off the computer and stared at me for a few moments. - Second floor.

I nodded and hurried out to the elevator.

Aunt Meiry should have taken Mom to a public hospital. We wouldn't be able to afford it and my uncle would have to pay for it all by himself, once again. It wasn't fair. Even though they were better off than us, I didn't think it was right to put them in charge of our livelihood.

I got into the elevator and the doors closed. Every minute of the ride up increased an unpleasant feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I wondered if my mother was all right, had her injury been serious? Auntie

refused to give me details of the situation over the phone and that only made me fear for the worst.

The elevator doors opened at the same time I felt hot tears run down my face. I jumped out and turned down the hallway to a scene that petrified me instantly: Uncle Louis was hugging my Aunt Meiry who was crying convulsively. - I'm so sorry. We couldn't save her.

A balding man in white whispered regretfully. I felt a deep pang of pain that seemed to break my heart into a thousand pieces. Tears now blurred my vision completely. It felt as if the ground had opened beneath my feet.

- Oh my God. - A scream of horror burst from my throat, drawing the attention of everyone in the waiting room.

- My child! - Auntie came to meet me, hugging me and mixing her tears with mine.

I felt Uncle Louis' arms wrap around both of us.

I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. Life didn't seem to tired of throwing stones at me.

Sadness overwhelmed my heart. What would become of me? What would become of David and Julia who were still waiting for Mom at home?

All I could do was try to bear the pain that tore me apart and pray that God would send us something. Some miracle straight from heaven.

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