

For as many times as Reece had fantasized about this moment with Amara, he'd never once imagined he'd be kissing her during a moment of crisis such as this. Neither had he expected her to be the originator of the kiss.

No, he'd always envisioned their first kiss as a slow, sensual, erotic exploration. Him coaxing her passion to the surface at a leisurely pace, and her gradually surrendering.

This reckless embrace went beyond a sweet, lingering kiss and went straight for fast, deep, and blistering hot, as well as wild and consuming. Amara clung to him as if she wanted to crawl into his skin and be a part of him, plastering her soft, lush curves along the length of his body in a way his long-denied libido couldn't ignore.

The fingers she'd thrust through his hair flexed for a better hold and Amara angled his mouth for greater pressure, sealing their lips so tightly he was certain he'd bruise her.

She didn't seem to care…

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