
chapter 4

"What are you doing in Town? I thought you were at Carlisle Estate helping our mother take care of father."

"She has Babs and Lily to help her. Little Michelle is in the nursery with Brianna and Bradley, you're Miss Angie is being cared for by Miss Marsh and Ann. She's being treated like a queen, is there anything else you'd like to know?"

"Don't give me cheek you young pup! I've been in town taking care of business on behalf of the McAllister sisters and they have now become my official wards by the war department." He roughly raped his hands through his dreadfully the shoveled black hair. "What am I to do? I don't need this right now." Came his desperate plea.

Darren slapped Roderick on the back and sat in a chair across from his brother with his feet spread and his elbows on his knees mimicking Roderick's newest posture. With a cognac hanging from his hand between his knees Roderick took a long drink of his cognac and sighed at the welcoming burn.

"You'll think of something, Michelle isn't any of a problem Miss Angie isn't in any shape to cause you any problems."

"It's not that. what if she's with child? She's a Lady of Quality and she doesn't deserve to have the stigma of giving birth to a bastard or to be ruined. I feel like I should do something to help her out of this horrid predicament." Darren leaned forward and clapped Roderick on his shoulder with a very serious and great expression on his young tanned face.

"Then I guess the solution to this problem is pretty obvious, marry the girl." Roderick jump to his feet and began pacing, thanking God for the private parlor they were in and wouldn't be overheard by anyone.

"You can't be serious! I can't marry her!" His pacing became more aggravated and faster. "How could you possibly suggest something like that?"

"Because it will solve the problem of a possible babe, and her ruined reputation, and you can protect her a lot easier. How do I not suggest it!" Darren jumped up and blocked his older brother's path. "That's why I've come to Town, at Father's order. I'm to inform you of your impending nuptials. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but it is what it is." Roderick tried to walk around Darren, but Darren grabbed Roderick by his shoulders and held him still. "I know it's a shock, but it's your duty as the heir." Roderick shrugged off his brothers hands and resumed his pacing.

"I won't do it! I won't be forced to do something that I do not have an inkling to do, damn me, why did the old man come to this conclusion?" Roderick whipped around and stared a hole through Darren until he started to squirm. " Why, Darren, would Father suddenly decide I need to wed and that must be to Miss Angie?" Darren gave his brother a sheepish look and ducked his head.

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