
Chapter 7 - Austin

‘Smooth. Real smooth. Dumbass.’ Jax chuckled while I rubbed my cheek where she slapped me. 

I’ve been slapped more than once by a she-wolf, but Suzie certainly packs a punch. Maybe rubbing my nose against hers was too forward for her taste. 

“I see you got Edith’s strength.” I groaned, still rubbing my face. 

“And I was holding back.” Suzie snorted.  

“Not a fan of rubbing noses. Noted.” I smirked as she glared at me.  

“Maybe you should go see if…. Denise likes rubbing noses.” Suzie huffed, turning away from me. 

Okay, that might have hurt more than the slap, especially as it reminded me that I was in Denise’s bed just last night.  

‘Yeah, until she threw you out of it because you wouldn’t commit to her. And the reason you couldn’t is standing in front of us.’ Jax snorted. 

Though wait, how would Suzie know anything about Denise? I furrowed my brow because even my dad didn’t know about Denise. And I know I do not have her scent anywhere on me. 

Taking a step around her to be in front of her again, I tilted her face to mine. “And what’s that supposed to mean?” 

Those angry green eyes were back on me again. Jealousy? She’s jealous. But I still don’t know if she’d know anything about Denise. 

“That last I knew, you were dating her. Or at least she told the receptionist you were going on a date.” Suzie shrugged. 

‘You better not lie or omit here. Suzie’s our mate and will find the truth. Then that slap is going to be a full-force punch.’ Jax warned. 

I sighed, running a hand over my face. No matter how I say this, it will piss Suzie off. I feel it.  

I glanced up at the clock. We don’t have much time before I and whoever else Alpha Logan assigned to this need to get the newly shifted kids started with training. 

“Okay. We don’t have the time to hash through all this before training.” I sighed. 

“So we will discuss it in more detail, I promise. But I can assure you that I am not involved with Denise.” I assured her. 

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at me, trying to determine if I was being honest.  

“I promise. I swear on my grandmother’s life, I’m not involved with Denise.” I added as emphasis.  

It’s not a lie. I am not with Denise anymore. She dumped me last night. So I am being honest with Suzie.  

“So you didn’t date her?” Suzie arched her brow at me.  

“Clement! Come on. We need to start! Stop flirting with Stephen’s baby sister.” Scott called out from the other side of the gym. 

I winced, clenching my jaw that he used that name. I hate that name. I made it very clear I was going to be going by Austin. Even Alpha Logan calls me Austin. 

I was about to correct Scott when Suzie beat me to it. She turned to glare at Scott.  

“Hey, Scott! His name is AUSTIN! If you can’t get my mate’s name right, don’t say it all!” She snorted before turning back to me. 

Scott’s mouth hung open in utter shock and disbelief. Not that Suzie would mouth off, that’s her MO, but that I’m her mate. Ignoring the shocked looks we were getting, I chuckled, shaking my head at her.  

“What? You’ve been going by Austin for years now. He hasn’t been living under a rock, so he should know it. It’s rude to call someone a name they don’t want to be called.” Suzie huffed. 

“You just shouted in a room full of werewolves that I’m your mate.” I chuckled because that was funnier and probably what had most people gobsmacked than her reminding Scott of my preferred name.  

When it dawned on her, I could see the realization of her actions settling in. Her lips parted in a surprised gasp, eyes widening, and cheeks flushing. 

“Oooh. I did.” She gulped, glancing at the group she walked in with. They were all gossiping about us. 

“Wait, so that’s why you’re here? You’re one of the seasoned pack members who is supposed to train us?” She blinked as that tidbit finally hit her.  

“Yep. I wouldn’t be here if Alpha Logan hadn’t told me to be. Guess was bound to happen eventually. Everyone gets told to pupsit at least once.” I shrugged. 

“Pupsitting?” Suzie scoffed, hitting my shoulder, not hard like the slap but still enough that I almost lost my balance.  

Of course, she’d hit my left shoulder, where my prosthetic leg doesn’t offer me as much grounding. Some things just can’t be helped. 

“Oh shit… I’m sorry.” Suzie quickly apologized as she saw me having to correct to keep my balance. 

“I’m fine. You didn’t hit me that hard. I can stay standing.” I assured her. 

“And it’s what every older wolf calls this duty. It was called pup sitting when your brother and I were standing here as newly shifted. I’m sure it will be called that until the end of time.” I shrugged.  

“Which, we should get to that training. You apparently could use it, so you learn to control Kayla’s strength.” I teased. 

Suzie sighed, rolling her eyes. “Fine. But we have a lot, and I mean A LOT, to discuss after training.” 

I held my hands up in surrender. “That’s fine by me. I can give you a lift home after training.” 

“And FYI, that dickweed who walked in with his arm around your shoulders will not be your sparring partner and probably should stay six feet away from you….” I started to explain. 

“Oh, do not start that territorial macho male bullshit with me.” Suzie poked me in my chest. 

“If you don’t want Jax to rip his arm off, he stays away from you. It’s not macho bullshit. It’s called being a werewolf.” I reminded her. 

“Being territorial of our mates, especially when they aren’t marked, is natural. Unless you can tell me you wouldn’t mind me getting up close and personal sparring against one of those she-wolves.” I countered, arching my brow.  

I smirked as she didn’t even have to answer. Her growl said it all.  

“Exactly. So you spar with one of the she-wolves, and I’ll spar against one of the males, or we spar with each other. Now come on, let’s get this over with.” I pressed my hand to the small of her back, guiding her to the others. 

The gossip stopped when we reached the group. The little shits switched to the link instead. 

“Wake up and pay attention, you snot-nosed pups!” I snarled, making them jump a little.  

“Now that I’ve got your attention. I’m Austin, and this is Scott. We drew the short straw this month and had to spend a perfectly good Saturday morning training you on how to shift into your wolf and control the power of your wolf.” I fell into my gruff, annoyed voice. 

I know I sound like a dick. But well, this is how the wolves that trained me handled us. It seemed to work. And if it ain’t broke, why fix it.

“Pair off, and we will get started.” Scott commanded.  

When they didn’t move fast enough, Scott let out a sharp whistle that made me wince. Fucker doesn’t need an actual whistle or a dog whistle. He can just hit that pitch on his own. I hate it. 

“I SAID PAIR OFF!” Scott shouted.  

The group hurried to find partners. I shot daggers at Stan with my eyes when I saw his head look at Suzie. He must have felt my glare because he ducked his head and went to find one of the males to train with. 

What is he even doing here? He shifted over a year ago. I turned my attention back to the rest of the group, relieved that Suzie was paired with one of the she-wolves.  

I took the boy who had been in the accident with Suzie, who hadn’t shifted. He lucked out to not getting injured as severely as Suzie had.  

“Um… should I… should you…” The boy seemed unsure of himself as everyone spread out to start. 

I arched my eyebrow. “Should you what? Should I what?” 

He gulped, nervously glancing down at my leg. I sighed, rolling my eyes.  

“Trust me, kid, with or without the prosthetic, I can and will kick your ass.” I assured.  

The kid looked skeptical. This little shit thinks he has a chance in hell. This made it more amusing, given I can already tell he has an Omega wolf. 

“Just attack me, pup.” I sighed, gesturing to him to make a move.  

He hesitated, glancing over at Suzie, who easily beat her partner. I didn’t particularly appreciate that he looked at my mate. I don’t like that he’s hesitating. 

“Which is it, kid? Do you think you can take me, or are you going to bitch out?” I questioned, folding my arms. 

“Ain’t no reason for you to be looking at my mate. She ain’t gonna save your ass, and I don’t need her to save mine. So either attack, or I will.” My eyes narrowed as I cracked my neck.

This caught his attention because he took a swing. “A male like you doesn’t deserve someone like Suzie.” He exclaimed as he threw his punch. 

I didn’t flinch. I didn’t dodge. I took the hit, scoring it in my mind as I shook my head, not even needing to rub my jaw.  

“A little critique. My sixty-nine-year-old grandfather can hit harder than that. Shit, I’d bet money Princess Roselyn could hit harder.” I sighed. 

The boy growled. He doesn’t like being told a sixty-nine-year-old man can hit harder, let alone a five-year-old girl. 

He went to tackle me, at least trying to be smart about it, aiming for my waist, emphasizing on my leg where my prosthetic is. Too bad that means he underestimated my balance without my leg.


Austin can change his name and mannerisms, but sometimes that asshole mode slips out.

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Comments (5)
goodnovel comment avatar
Sometimes one has to f**k people up. Don’t start it but, if necessary, finish it.
goodnovel comment avatar
Natasha Bridgman
I think he has to be like that sometimes. He grew up woth his grandfather being like it so he thought it was right. Now he's having to work hadrd to make his own way after loosing his leg and being an idiot in battle. I blame hsi grandfather. For the way he was but at least he's trying to be better.
goodnovel comment avatar
So.etimes that a$$h*le mode is necessary. ...

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