
Chapter 15 - Suzie

I may have rushed through my shower and getting dressed. I know my mom, and honestly worried for Austin’s safety. She’s as sweet as sugar unless she feels her kids are threatened. Then you realize that sugar has sharp pieces of glass hidden inside. 

And I think I got downstairs just in time. From the sounds of things and the general vibe of the room, Austin’s asshole side was showing, and mom’s growly bitch side was coming out. 

Of course, dad wasn’t much use. I don’t blame him. He probably didn’t want to get in the middle and deal with mom later if he didn’t side with her. So I’ll do it. 

After I told them to get to their corners, mom glared at Austin, grabbed a glazed donut, and sat down with a huff. Austin didn’t look apologetic in the least. Hell, he simply shrugged and smiled at me. 

“So me spending a few minutes with your parents gets your ass moving, but giving you a ten-minute warning does nothing. Noted.” Austin chuckled. 

I rolled my eyes. What a dumbass.  

“Why are you here so early? You never told me. I have plenty of time before I need to leave for school. Or did you forget what time school starts?” I questioned, folding my arms. 

“Well, it has been years since I graduated.” Austin smirked, stepping closer. 

I had to struggle to keep Kayla in check. She wanted to take two steps forward so I’d be right in his personal space. Apparently, reminding her my parents are in the room has no effect. 

“Answer the question.” I sighed. 

“We didn’t get to finish talking last night. So I figured I pick you up before school, and we could pick up where we left off last night.” The double meaning of his words wasn’t lost on me. 

I felt myself blush, remembering exactly where we left off last night. He was about to kiss me, and I almost let him. 

“You said talking. That’s not really where we left off last night.” I commented. 

“We can do both.” He shrugged. 

“What were you doing last night?” Mom demanded. 

“They were doing nothing, Edith. At least they didn’t get to do much because I went outside.” Dad shrugged. 

“Yeah, thanks for that, Maxton. You can shut off your virgin alarm now.” Austin rolled his eyes. 

I groaned, running my hand over my face. “You talk a big game for someone who hasn’t even gotten to kiss me. So don’t go around thinking you’re getting laid anytime soon.”  

“We’ll see how long you and your wolf hold out. I’m not going anywhere. We’re mates. You’re stuck with me, honey.” Austin winked, picking up an apple cider donut. 

“Now take your donut, and let’s go. We have things to talk about, and I would rather they be in private.” Austin instructed, putting the donut in my hand. 

“Oh, Maxton and Edith, my dad wanted to invite you both over with Suzie for dinner. He’s pretty stoked about the whole thing.” Austin added with a nod to my parents as his hand pressed on my back to guide me away.

I was still stunned that he had given me the apple cider donut. Did he honestly remember they were my favorite? Did he not forget how I’d beg dad to get me one every time he took Stephen and Austin to school. 

I had been so stunned by it I barely noticed we were heading for the door. I blinked as I realized Austin was holding my coat for me to put on. 

“Oh… um, thanks.” I blushed as I slipped my jacket on. 

“Bye, mom! Bye, dad!” I called out before stuffing my donut in my mouth. 

Pearl’s makes the best around. Tasty as always. I’d have to ask Austin if he remembered I like them or randomly grabbed one. After I’ve finished eating, of course. 

“So what did you need to talk about that couldn’t wait till after school?” I asked once we were in his jeep. 

“Well, I will be at work when you get out of school. So I figured it best to talk now. And like I told your parents, my dad wants you guys to come over for dinner. So best to have it all said before dad could say something and dig my grave.” Austins shrugged. 

“You are not building confidence with that last part. What would your dad say that you think would get you killed?” I questioned. 

Austin let out a long heavy sigh pulling over into a rest area along the road. This can’t be good. He feels it shouldn’t be said while driving whatever he wants to discuss. 

“Okay… so I was not looking forward to talking about this. But I can’t really avoid it.” Austin sighed, running his hand over his face. 

“Austin? You’re starting to worry me. What is it?” I questioned a few thoughts crossing my mind, and I didn’t like them. 

“Okay, so last night you told me you haven’t dated or kissed anyone. And obviously, you know the same isn’t true for me. I’ve never seriously dated, keeping things casual.” He shrugged. 

“Uh-huh. Austin, get to your point before I just punch you on principle.” I warned him. 

I am a blunt person because I don’t see the point in beating around the bush. All it does is delay the inevitable and most often makes things worse.  

“You asked me about Denise, and I honestly said we aren’t together.” He began. 

“But there is more to it. We did have a thing going on. We weren’t serious. At least I didn’t think we were.” Austin said the one thing I didn’t want to hear. 

‘Keep it in check. Do not go off on Austin. The human skank was before he knew about being our mate.’ Kayla tried to keep me from getting upset. 

“What about her? What do you mean by you didn’t think you were serious? That implies she did.” I questioned. 

“The other night, I was with her on the full moon, and she started talking about living together and stuff like that. I told her I couldn’t do that.” He started to explain. 

Right, not serious? They were just talking about living together. And he was with her just the other night!? He was with her while I was going through my first shift! I feel like I want to throw up. 

“She got pissed that I wouldn’t commit to her. I hadn’t even told dad about her or brought her around the house.” Austin continued, not letting me get a word in. 

Probably for the best. Austin knows if he lets me talk, I might lose my shit. 

“I didn’t consider what was going on as more than casual. Denise wasn’t my mate, and even if I doubted I’d have one or have one that wouldn’t reject me, I couldn’t commit to someone else. And so Denise went off on me and threw me up, ending things. Which was fine by me.” He sighed. 

“So the night of my shift, you were fucking that bitch?” I demanded. 

Austin sighed. “Yes. But keep in mind that was before we knew we were mates.” 

“But you also knew I liked you. Or are you going to really claim you are that dumb to not have realized it when I brought that pie to my last physical therapy session?” I demanded.  

“Suzanne…” Austin sighed. 

“That was not only months ago. It was also before you got your wolf. I didn’t think about you that way.” He shook his head. 

“Fuck I’m saying this wrong.” He groaned, hitting his steering wheel. 

“I mean, when you showed up for your first day of therapy, and I saw you, I thought you had grown up a lot and looked beautiful. But you were still young and a patient.” he tried to explain and maybe dig himself out of the hole. 

“Plus, I didn’t really think you’d look at me that way, given you are Stephen’s sister and know me from before. And like I said, you hadn’t gotten your wolf yet, so you could’ve been someone else’s mate.” He frowned. 

“Wait… what does that mean? What about the other girls you’ve been with? They were other people’s mates.” I questioned. 

“No, they weren’t. I didn’t fool around with she-wolves. I’d flirt, but I didn’t get physical with any she-wolves. I didn’t want to be the guy responsible for someone’s mate getting pissed at them later.” Austin was adamant. 

I guess, in a way, that’s admirable. Even if it does mean he fooled around with local human girls, at least I won’t run into any she-wolves, who will know how he kisses and is in bed. 

I took a deep breath, holding it before slowly letting it go. I can’t lose my temper with Austin about this. He was following his own form of a moral compass and not making a pass at me. 

“Okay… I’m going to let that go. Kayla doesn’t think I should hold your past against you, and she’s probably right. But okay, so you were involved with Denise. She wanted more, and you didn’t, so she dumped you.” I nodded. 

“Well, I appreciate that. Thank you, Kayla, for going to bat for me.” Austin winked. 

“Anything else I should know?” I arched an eyebrow. 

I am not letting him off the hook because he’s good-looking. If I let him off the hook now, I’m in for a lifetime of him using his looks against me. 

“After I dropped you off, I went home and had a big surprise waiting.” Austin frowned. 

“What kind of big surprise?” I cocked my head. 

“Denise was in my living room talking to dad like we’re an item, and she hadn’t dumped me because I wouldn’t commit.” He growled. 

I blinked, stunned. That bitch was at Austin’s house!? What the hell? He said he never took her home, so how did she know where he lived?  

“I can imagine what you’re thinking. And trust me, I plan to find out how Denise found my house.” He assured me. 

“I haven’t shown her my ID, so she’d have to get it from work. And if she did, she violated some serious HR policies about privacy. Grant is big on ensuring our privacy.” He sighed. 

“Do I need to beat some sense into her? I mean, I’m not above it.” I offered. 

Austins snickered, shaking his head.  

“Yeah, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Beyond that, Denise is human, and you could get in trouble. There is the fact a lot of my co-workers will think us being together is creepy since you’re sixteen.” He sighed. 

Crap, he’s right. Our relationship won’t be taken well because he works outside the pack among the humans. And for us to start a relationship so quickly after Denise dumped him will look shady. 

“True. Shit. Well, you better get things straightened out with Denise. And what do you plan to do? Hide me from your co-workers for the next two years?” I questioned. 

“I will make sure things are straightened out with her. I think I made myself clear last night.” He chuckled. 

“I went into my Clement mode, I suppose you could say. She stormed out when I told her she was just a casual fuck I didn’t love. I mean, it was true, but it pissed her off. Though going asshole Clement was better than letting Jax forward, he wanted to rip her throat out.” Austin sighed. 

“Oh, I can imagine that went really well.” I sighed. 

“But anyway, I did think about what I could say to work.” He smiled. 

“Oh, and what grand scheme did you come up with?” I folded my arms. 

“Arranged marriage. They are still a thing. I’m going to say that marriages are often arranged in our religion and that the engagement period begins when the girl turns sixteen. And now that you’re sixteen, our engagement period has begun.” He explained. 

He really thought about this. I mean, it’s a tad far-fetched, but claiming religious reasons is one people can’t exactly argue with.  

And not a total lie. We believe in the Goddess and that we all have a soulmate we are destined to be with. So all werewolf relationships that aren’t chosen, like Stephen and Amelia, are arranged by the Goddess. 

“Engagement period?” I arched an eyebrow.  

I may be a werewolf, but I obviously know how relationships on the human side work. Our Alpha and Beta both proposed to their mates and had traditional human weddings.


At least Austin is being honest and told her about the Denise issue. And look at that, he even has a plan to handle questions from his human colleagues about their relationship.

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Comments (6)
goodnovel comment avatar
He should have never hooked up with a co-worker. He could have avoided Denise or threaten her with harassment.
goodnovel comment avatar
Annette Barber
I love the fact that he thinking ahead but I think Denise is going to be trouble
goodnovel comment avatar
Karina Vazquez
I love that he came forward with everything about Denise

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