
Chapter 15

Hudson POV

Hudson was standing outside the Imperial Hotel waiting for Jayden to come out.

After the dinner, Hudson called up Jayden and asked him to meet him. Thankfully he was still awake and agreed to meet him, when Hudson insisted that it was urgent.

Hudson was sitting in the back seat and was eyeing Liam with interest as he saw that Liam who was usually a talkative guy had gone mum. He wanted to ask but decided to talk to Jayden first.

Just then Jayden arrived and got inside the car.

After settling down he asked. “ What’s so urgent Hudson that you couldn’t wait till the morning?”

Hudson looked at him with concern and then explained everything he had learned from his aunt.

“Jayden can we stop the project for some time till the killer's caught?” Hudson asked him when Jayden failed to express himself after hearing the information Hudson had given him.

Hudson held his hand.

“Callie won’t stop Hudson, she is very stubborn,” Jayden said shaking his head.

Hudson kept quiet for s
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