
Bed deal
Bed deal
Author: Kajal


Theodore Wright:- 32-year-old businessman and a known chef in the whole world. He has his restaurant and cafe branches around the whole wide world. A perfect gentleman and a very mature and kind-hearted person. He's been nationally and internationally awarded for being the best chef. In search of treatment to cure his illness, about which no one knows besides his doctor and best friend Vishv Roy.

Ahana & Mark Wright's:- Parents of Theodore.

Grayson, Hudson, and Maverick Wright:- brothers of Theodore. Grayson is the eldest brother while the rest two and including Theodore are triplets in which Theodore is the eldest while Maverick is the youngest.

Ira Kapoor:- 28-year-old beautiful businesswoman. She's a CEO of an advertising firm. Ira and Theodore both are childhood friends because of their family business and their parents' friendship. Theodore is so much in love with her since his childhood but there's a huge reason which is stopping him from confessing his love to her.

Rajeev and Vanya Kapoor:- parents of Ira Kapoor.

Jeevika Varma:- 21-year-old guard in the bar plus brothel. She's disguising herself as a man for the past ten years all because she can't take risks in her life. In her family, she only has her father who is in very poor condition and needs treatment as soon as possible. However, they don't have money for that currently but she's working hard day and night to provide her father with good treatment. Since she has no one to get support from, she's forced to disguise herself as a man or else anyone could take advantage of her being alone and especially being a girl. Hardships in life have made her a very mature woman at a very delicate age.

Ram Varma:- Jeevika's father. On complete bed rest because of his bad habit of drinking endlessly. Now the result is coming before him for his carelessness towards his body.








Love. Four letters word. Yet enough power to turn a normal life upside down. It never differentiates between poor-rich, ugly-beautiful, cast-religion, male-female, or so on. It gives the same amount of joy, suffering, emotions, tingles, pain, hopes, tears, smiles, and meaning to their life whoever becomes its prey. What we can do to save ourselves from this, it happens without any warning, without any notice, and hit you at your weak spot.

Never knew that one day a person like me will also get trapped in this game of love. I was also a strong girl who never broke like this I'm breaking now. In the beginning, this love filled my heart with lots of joyful emotions, hopes, and dreams, however, slowly-slowly when realization hit and I realized love's another side that wasn't beautiful but full of hell. My feelings were one-sided that's why they weren't reciprocated and sooner without knowledge, all those beautiful emotions, hopes, and joys that made a deep hole in my heart.

It hurts watching him being unaware of my feelings towards him but I see my miserable death watching him giving the love, care, joy, and all those things which I dreamt to have from him.

The hole in my heart is getting bigger with every passing day. I can't blame anyone here besides myself. Everything is my fault! I shouldn't have lowered my guard for him. I shouldn't have let him enter my life.

Only if I never get into this contract with him. Only if we didn't meet each other. Only if I never agreed to his terms. Only if I mind my own business. Only if my heart wasn't stupid. Only if I was strong enough to walk out from it. Only if I could make my heart understand, then I guess I would have been able to win against the love.

The love term has become my life's biggest enemy. Why do you love the wrong person always? Why love made you have feelings for a person who is never meant to be yours? Why love hates people because it always makes people fall for someone who is out of your reach? I've fallen for the man who is my boss! Why? Just because he was a nice gentleman to me.

Confess my feelings to him is easy to say but just step in my shoes, where you're a mistress and your master is a billionaire. Will you confess to him? No matter how good and nice he was to me all this time. Once I confess to him I'll be ruled by him and others without any justification. Moreover, I cloud has taken that risk if there wasn't a third person. Yup, there's a third person in my story and she's his TRUE LOVE!

How can I confess to him my feelings when all he sees was her? It bleeds my heart miserably. If someone asks me who I hate the most then I'll say, LOVE! Besides that, she's a very powerful woman she'll wipe me out of this earth in a snap if she gets any idea about it. She had already made my life hell after getting doubt about him to me. I'm already messed up doesn't need more trouble in my life anymore.

Now I'm standing at a crossover where I don't know where should I go to gather my lost self back. He's getting engaged soon and it's the end of my all hopes. How I'll witness him naming someone else his woman when all these months I dreamed of that.




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