
Chapter five: DO I KNOW YOU?

Chapter five

Monday morning......

J & D group.....

A taxi stopped right in front of the J & D group building. Ava paid the taxi man and came down from the taxi.

Ava looked at the building in front of her and was marvelled by its architecture. The building is really huge.

She looked at the building and said to herself, "fighting!" She held her two hands up, encouraging herself before she walked in.

When she walked into the building, she saw the receptionist at the front desk and she walked up to her. Ava studied the receptionist and noticed that the receptionist was dressed quite expensively. Although the clothes and accessories she was putting on appeared normal looking, but on a closer look, one could tell that it was expensive.

"This company must be paying their employees very well that even the receptionist wears expensive clothes and accessories," Ava thought.

"What can I help you with miss?" The female receptionist asked Ava. She noticed Ava looking at her and was not comfortable.

"Oh, sorry," Ava said when she noticed that the receptionist found out that she was checking her out. "Sorry for looking at you like that, it's just that you are really looking beautiful," Ava said to remove the awkward atmosphere between them.

"Thank you," the receptionist said as she was blushing.

"You welcome" Ava said, smiling.

"You are not looking bad either," the receptionist also complemented Ava.

"Thank you," Ava said. Now it was Ava's turn to blush.

"How may I help you?" The receptionist asked again.

"I am here to resume work as the personal assistant to the CEO," Ava said.

"Oh, you are the new personal assistant to the boss?" The receptionist asked while typing something into the computer.

"Yes, I am," Ava answered.

"Okay, you can wait over there and I will inform them that you are here," the receptionist said, pointing at the line of chairs by the side.

"Okay, thanks" Ava thanked the receptionist and went to sit down on one of the chairs.

The receptionist called the president floor and Adam told her that he would be down in a minute. When the call ended, the receptionist was wondering why the most trusted and important person for the boss would personally come to pick this lady.

Adam is like the boss when Derrick is not around. He even has more power compared to the executives in the company.

Few minutes later, the special elevator used by the CEO and the his secretary opened and Adam walked out. He looked around and saw Ava waiting and he rushed up to her.

"Hello Miss Ava. My name is Adam and I am Mr Derrick's secretary and he sent me to bring you to his office, sorry for keeping you waiting," Adam said politely.

"Oh, it's okay, I haven't waited for that long, I just got here not quite long, so you don't have to worry," Ava said showing her beautiful smile.

Adam was taken away by her beauty.

'This lady is really beautiful when she smiles' Adam thought. Adam was just kept staring at Ava until he was brought back out of his reverie by a sweet voice.

“Hello…hello…can you hear me?“ Ava called repeatedly. The man in front of her just spaced out all of a sudden and she had been calling him for almost a minute and he wasn't responding. After numerous tries, he finally responded.

“Oh sorry, pardon my rudeness” Adam said.

“It's okay” Ava said smiling. She knew the reason for why he acted the way he did.

Ava has been always beautiful from when she was little. When she was had reached her teenage years, she had many suitors asking to marry her but she refused and there was a time her step-mom and step-sister tried to sell her off to an old man who was old enough to be her grandfather but she was able to escape.

After seeing that their plan to sell Ava to that old man did not work out, they came up with another plan which is to make her look as if she tried to kill Clara (as you all know that they succeeded and Ava was disowned and sent out of the house).

"This way please," Adam said gesturing her to follow him.

Ava noticed the way Adam was speaking to her politely, but she just concluded that maybe it is the way he speaks to new employees. She stood up and followed Adam into the elevator.

"She gets to ride the elevator for the CEO?!" the other female receptionist said.

"Only the CEO and assistant Adam that uses that elevator," first employee said.

"Maybe she is related to the CEO," the second employee said.

"Maybe," the first employee said.

The employees continued to gossip for some time before they went back to doing their work before they were caught and lose their jobs.


CEO's floor....

Immediately Adam and Ava stepped out of the elevator, all eyes were on Ava. They were wondering who is this mysterious woman that is allowed to ride the special elevator for the CEO.

Ava noticed the stares the people there were giving her, but she pretended as if she did not notice and walked fast.

Adam brought her to a huge wooden door. He knocked and informed the other person in the office.

"Come in" Derrick said. When Ava heard the

Inside Derrick's office....

Adam opened the door and both of them walked in. The office is very wide and beautiful. Ava looked around the office as she could not hold herself back from admiring the office.

Derrick was sitting on his leather chair and is facing the wide French windows. Ava saw his back and could not help but think that he looks familiar.

"Good morning sir" Ava said, greeting Derrick.

"Good morning," Derrick said while turning his chair.

Ava was shocked when she saw the person sitting in the chair.

" are my boss?!" Ava asked.

"Yes, I told you that you are already paying back," Derrick said, smiling.

"You said so, but I did not know that it would be like this!" Ava said.

"Well, that is how it is," Derrick said. He turned to Adam and instructed him.

"Show Ava around and brief her on what her duties are," Derrick ordered.

"Okay sir," Adam said and left with Ava. Ava was shocked but followed Adam quietly.


F city hospital....

Clara's room....

Clara was lying on the bed pretending as usual because her mother already informed her that her father was coming with her, so she put on her fake acting.

Thirty minutes later, Caspar and Sharon walked in. Casper ran close to Clara's bed. He looked at Clara, whose face looked pale and sickly.

"Dear, are you okay? How are you feeling?" Casper asked.

"I... I still feel pains in my head, but I am okay," Clara said pitifully.

Casper took pity on Clara.

"Look at what your so-called other daughter did to Clara! And you are not doing anything about it!" Sharon said.

"Mom, do not say that. It was not Ava's fault. It was actually mine because I was not careful so I was hit," Clara said pitifully with a hoarse voice.

Casper became more angry and hateful towards Ava. His anger grew to the extent that he might even kill her if he eventually sees her.

Sharon saw this and brought up the time when she saw Ava coming out of the VVIP section of the hospital.

"Honey, I saw Ava coming out of the VVIP section yesterday. At first I was not sure if it was her. I went to ask the nurse at the front desk about it and found out that Matthew is a patient and is staying in the VVIP section," Sharon said. She was looking at Casper to see his reaction.

"What? What could she be doing there?" Casper asked angrily.

"I do not know," Sharon said.

"Looks like I need to talk some sense into that girl! Where is the VVIP section?" Casper asked angrily.

"I will take you there," Sharon said. She stood up from the chair and said to Clara, "we will be back soon"

"Hm," Clara said while nodding her head. When her parents left the room, an evil smile appeared on her face.


Front of VVIP section....

"Which room is Matthew Addams staying in?" Casper asked the female nurse he saw.

"What is your relationship with the patient, sir?" The female nurse asked. She was not even scared of Casper. She has seen people worse than him.

"I am his father," Casper said angrily.

"I am sorry sir, but in the form that is filled here, it says that the patient is an orphan," the female nurse said.

"What! An orphan?" Casper said. He turned to look at Sharon. "now they are denying their parents now" Caspar said.

"Casper, calm down," Sharon said.

Casper turned to the female nurse. "I am the father to Matthew Addams and I demand to see him now!" Casper ordered.

"I am sorry sir, but I can not allow you to go through unless the guardian of the patient agrees," the female nurse said without any emotions.

"What! You..." Casper was about to say something before the door to the VVIP section opened and Ava walked out.

Ava and Matt was busy chatting with each other in the room when they heard a commotion outside and Ava decided to go check out what was going on but only for her to come outside and find out the people behind all the shouting was her ex father.

"Mr. Addams, you need to be quiet. This is a hospital and there are patients who do not need to be disturbed," the female nurse told Casper.

"I will not stop until you allow me to see my son!" Casper shouted.

The way Casper acted was as if he loved his son and the nurse was preventing him from seeing his son.

Ava just stood on one side of the door and was watching the husband and wife display their madness to their satisfaction.

"Sir, if you do not stop causing disturbance here, we would be forced to throw you out of this hospital," the female nurse warned.

Sharon turned her head and noticed Ava standing and looking at them with a mocking smile on her face.

"Honey, Ava is there" Sharon called the attention of Casper and pointed at Ava. Casper looked in the direction of Sharon's hand and saw Ava standing with her hands folded and he did not miss the smirk on her face.

He walked towards Ava in anger.

"What do you think you are doing by writing that you and your brother are orphans?" Casper asked angrily. He was fuming with anger.

Ava raised one of her eyebrows and said, "did I make a mistake?.... I do not think I did because as far as I remember you disowned us and removed our names from the family register as your children and since we are not in the family register, it explains and concludes that we are orphans, so I do not know why I was wrong," Ava said coldly.

"What! You unfilial child! How can you say that to someone who brought you up and put you through school?" Casper shouted and raised his hand to strike Ava but a voice stopped him.

"Lay your filthy fingers on her and face the consequences," Derrick said.

Ava looked behind Casper to see who said that and saw Derrick standing with his hands in his pockets.

"What is he doing here? Isn't he supposed to be at home resting?" Ava thought as Derrick walked towards her and stood beside Ava. Ava moved closer and whispered something that only the both of them could hear.

"What are you doing here? I thought you went home already?" Ava asked.

"I went home to change my clothes to a more comfortable one and then come and visit your brother to see how he is doing," Derrick said.

"Oh" Ava said, nodding her head.

"Who are they, and why are they causing a scene here?" Derrick asked Ava.

"I do not know them at all. " Ava had no intention of acknowledging them as her parents since they already disowned her.

"You do not know them?" Derrick asked.

"Yes," Ava replied.

"Okay, let us go back inside," Derrick said.

"Okay," Ava said, and they proceeded to go inside when Casper spoke up.

"Hello, Mr Anders" Casper spoke up. He knew who this young man was. He is Derrick Anders, the heir and CEO of the J & D group. The Anders family happen to be the richest family in the whole F city and judging by the way he talked with Ava now, they seem to be close.

"Do I know you?" Derrick asked. Casper was annoyed with the way Derrick spoke to him but he just let it pass for the sake of currying favour from him.

"No, you do not know me but I am actually the father of Ava and her brother Matthew," Casper said.

"Is that so?" Derrick asked.

"Yes" Casper said hopefully.

"But from what I heard now, is that you already disowned them and even removed their names from the family registry. Is that false?" Derrick asked. Casper froze.

"Haha.... that was just a joke I made. I did not actually disown them. I was just playing with them, right Ava?" Casper said with an unnatural smile on his face, looking at Ava hopefully.

Ava was not surprised about Casper's behaviour. He only liked money, and by any means he could use to get money, he would definitely hold unto it. That is why he treats Clara well more than her. Clara was able to steal Martin away from her. When she and Martin were still dating, he treated her well, but that does not mean he treated Clara bad. He still treated her well, if not more than her.

And when Clara was able to seduce and win over the favour and attention of Martin, Casper finally abandoned her and her brother and faced Clara only. The conclusion is that Casper loves money and would do anything to get it even if it is to use his children.

Ava already knew what Casper was trying to do. Now that he knows that she knows someone as prominent as Derrick, he would want her back, but she would never have anything to do with him or the so called Addams family.

"Looks like I need to change I and my brother's surnames," Ava thought.

"I do not know this man," Ava repeated and Casper's face fell.

"You unfilial daughter! How can you deny your father?" Casper shouted.

"Ava, he is your father. How can you treat him like this?" Sharon asked, acting pitifully.

"Do I know you?" Ava looked at Sharon innocently.


Sharon's face fell, and she was embarrassed by what Ava said.

"I do not know any of you," Ava said and went inside the VVIP section.

When Ava was out of sight, Derrick's face became cold and expressionless.

"Ava said she did not know any of you so I advice that you both don't come here and make a scene. If not, you would not be let off easily like, this," Derrick said coldly. It could be seen that he was not happy, but angry. After he warned them, he left them and went inside.

Casper and Sharon stood rooted to the ground, shocked and speechless, until the female nurse reminded them to leave.

"Sir.... Ma'am, you have to leave now before I call the security," the female nurse said at the same time wondering what type of parents does this young lady has. She looked at Ava with pity.

Casper and Sharon left the VVIP section embarrassed.


Hope you all my wonderful and precious readers are enjoying the story? Do not forget to rate, vote, like and leave a nice comment. Thanks ☺️

Have a nice weekend ahead!!!

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