
Chapter seven

Hermione looked happier than Ruke had seen her.

She had woken up the morning after the council meeting beaming in a sort of bemused, looking around the room as though it were her first time in it.

She had walked Ruke to the kitchen, telling him the importance of breakfast on the way.

Hermione was surprised to see that Lang lang was already there, cooking breakfast.

If there was anything she needed from across the room, she would wave her hands towards it and it would zoom across the room into her hands.

“Good morning Lang lang” Hermione sang, looking awestruck at her raw power.

Lang lang nodded at her reply, threw Ruke a knowing look, and continued her onslaught on the eggs before her.

“I’ll go get the guys,“ Ruke offered and left.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Hermione asked, looking round the kitchen.

“Nope,” Lang Lang replied promptly “I’m almost done anyway."

She walked to the fridge and reached out a hand to open the door, then she paused, and turned towards
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