
The Human

But it wasn't a ditch, it was a deep hole. She screamed, or maybe she screamed, she thought she screamed, but the scream only sounded in her head, her mouth was tied so no one could hear her, not like it mattered anyway, it was better she died in this hole than allow them to do those horrible things to her.

The hole seemed bottomless, she closed her eyes, even though they were already tied. She wondered how deep she had gone, but stopped thinking when her back hit the base of the hole, because the pain that followed suit was so unbearable, and she lost consciousness instantly.



He watched the deer as it stood motionless, ears pricked and head upright. She sniffed at the air, searching for a telltale scent that might drift downwind. She took a couple of steps skittishly, shifting her position and dancing nervously, ready to bound away at the slightest sign of trouble. Her fawn skipped about her feet, happily oblivious to the fact that they were being stalked. The open meadows were silent but for the distant cawing of the crow. Shadows raced over the tall, shifting grasses as clouds sped across the blue sky overhead. The deer looked up, briefly distracted by the cloud formations. it was at that moment he struck.

Bursting out of the long grass, He sprang onto the animals. The mother leaped away clear of danger, but that doesn't mean she had escaped, two wolves gave her a hot pursuit. But the fawn was not so lucky. After a brief struggle and swift snap, its neck was broken and evening meal was in his arms.

He watched his wolves run after the deer, but the deer seemed to have exercised for this particular event. He smiled at the thought as he drew out his arrow and gave it a shot.

It hit directly at the back of the deer's head and it fell to the floor, lifeless. He didn't feel proud that he didn't miss, it was a normal phenomenon, he never missed a shot, never. The wolves dragged the carcass along and followed their master who carried the lifeless fawn in his hands as they all headed on towards the mountain, towards home.

He met two horses and a wolf at the base of the mountain, just outside the cave. They looked up when they saw their master approaching, eyes lit up when they saw what he was carrying, dinner would be undoubtedly delicious.

The wolf stood by the fire, feeding branches and small logs into the flame with its mouth to keep it alive. It gave a happy sign when he saw his master and his brothers approach with food, and shuffled to one side to let his master take over.

Looking at a wolf and saying nothing, the wolf already understood what his master wanted, he headed inside, over to where he dropped his satchel, and brought out a knife, it came out and dropped it on his master's outstretched palm and watched his master crouch on his knees to prepare dinner.

With a sure cut, the belly of the deer was slit open and he set to work disemboweling and skinning the animal. The wolves drifted back, clear of the mess that inevitably began to pool.

Having finished preparing the deer he took a spit, fashioned from a branch, and passed the carcass along its length. Suspending it on upright branches near the fire, he turned over to the second dead animal while the first began to cook.

After, he sat and watched the two meat cook, his mind wandering far and near. All this wasn't new to him, it was his life. He stood up and headed inside the cave while the wolves stayed behind to look after the meal.

Some seconds later, a wolf came in with an arrow held between his teeth, his master collected it from him, and patted its head, it hurried out, happily, his master rarely did that.

The master sat down on his bed and studied his arrow. He loved hunting, and took great pleasure in it, especially in the fact that he could do it without having to rely on the beastial nature that lurked inside him. He has locked that part away. From a very young age, he'd been excellent in stalking animals. Wild and alone, he embraced his new life, and let it take over him, opening himself to the killer instinct in his heart. His senses were keener than ever, and he felt fitter, stronger, and faster than he ever had in his life.

As he cleaned the blood of the deer off his arrow, its shiny form returned. He returned it to where the rest were and lay on his bed, closing his eyes tight. He lay still like that till the food was ready.

He stood up and headed outside and brought down the food, then he cut them into parts and gave them to all members of his family. They were his family, he cut the remaining meat and took them inside. There was always next time. After eating, he brought his mat outside and spread it on the floor. then he sat on it, legs crossed, hands together, in a meditative manner. They all understood what time it was and left him alone. They all went to one corner and lay low, watching him.

He stayed there for about an hour and more, not even flinching, trying to regulate his internal strength. Getting to two hours, a loud thud interrupted him. He opened his eyes, slowly, what he had never done before. Even if there was a war going on where he was and he was in a meditative state, he hardly opened his eyes. But this particular noise sounded different, the scent was different.

The wolves were already at it, ready to go and deal with whatever had disturbed their master. He stood up and followed them, but he was in no hurry.

There, not too far away, in the bushes, lay a girl.

'How is that even possible that someone was here?' he thought as he moved closer, no one was supposed to be here, absolutely no one. That didn't seem right, there wasn't supposed to be anyone around.

When he got to her, it all seemed awkward. She was tied up, eyes, mouth, hands, and legs, then how did she get here? Who brought her here? Has this place been discovered by anyone? He bent down near her and inhaled her scent. Then he froze at the spot. Can this be true?

He pulled her hair away from her face.

A human?

It really couldn't be, how was that even possible? he touched her skin. She was really human!!.


He wasn't sure how long he sat, watching the unconscious girl. He tried to guess how many years she might be, but quit trying immediately, maybe they calculated theirs differently. He couldn't still believe he was looking at a human. This was history, even his dad didn't see one his whole life. He wondered how she came in. Was there a problem somewhere?

Suddenly, there was hope, he suddenly had hope by just looking at her. After so many years, there was a way out.

He sprinkled water on her again, but she still didn't move. what was wrong? was she dead? The wounds on her body looked fresh, and he wondered if humans heal up fast, just like Lycans do. He had learnt so many things about humans from his father, he wanted to know more. He can only hope she's not dead. He hoped she would be able to relate with him. He had millions of questions to ask.

He was curious to know the difference between her, and the ladies here in his realm. He got close to her and studied her face intently, she was very beautiful, no doubt, and there was no difference, just that she was human. What was he saying? She doesn't belong here at all.

Her clothes, though soiled, looked a little different from theirs, just little, not much. He left her lying on his bed after covering her up and returned to his mat to continue where he stopped.

Slowly, she opened her eyes. Finally, she was dead. But don't dead people go to heaven? Why does heaven look dark, or did she go to hell instead?

She tried to sit up, but her back won't let her, she felt the bed, soft. Wait.. a bed? She pinched herself and suddenly realized, she wasn't dead.

Where was she? She could remember the last incident that took place before her blackout vividly. She was supposed to be in a deep hole, wasn't she? If no then it means that those kidnappers must have found her. Do they want to rape her first? If yes, then do they rape girls on a very soft and comfortable bed?. She really needed to stop thinking and find a way out of there before it was too late.

She ignored the pain in her back and tried to stand up, succeeding. She staggered towards the place she saw little light coming from, that must be the door.

The first thing she saw immediately after she opened the door made her scream. Just there, looking at her, was a wolf, now she was going to die, surely. Then she stopped shouting because the animal did nothing, it just stood there, looking at her. Now was her time to act, there must be something to kill it inside this godforsaken room.

"It won't hurt you," she heard a voice say. Someone was here? She looked outside, to where the sound came from. That was when she noticed the surroundings. They were still in the bush. This must be where the kidnappers brought her. He must be one of them. He sat on a mat, in a meditating posture, not moving an inch, not even turning to look at her.

"Let me go, I beg of you," She said in a pleading manner. But he didn't respond, he just pretended like he didn't hear her, or maybe that was what she thought he did.

She looked around the surroundings, still not moving from where she stood, even though the wolf had walked away and joined two more. That was when she sighted two horses. What were horses doing here? Her mind couldn't answer the questions in her head.

She had planned to escape but had changed her mind, he had said the wolf wouldn't harm her, but who on earth would believe him? She did what she initially didn't add to her escape plan, she returned to the bed she initially stood up from and sat down, and after some minutes, she lay on it, her back was aching badly.

She had an awkward feeling, was this the place the kidnappers brought her to? She had a feeling it was not, but the only person she could talk to wasn't helping matters.

He took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes, he needed to know how she came here, he has been waiting for four hours now for her to wake up. He felt it when she woke up but didn't want to disrupt what he was doing, he had already done it once which was so unusual on his part, twice would be abnormal. But he still couldn't help himself but say

"It won't hurt you" when he felt her fear.

He stood up, rolled his mat, and headed inside, the wolves and the horses following close behind.

Lila sat up on the bed when they entered. She moved to the end of the bed, far away from them.

'This is ridiculous, why on earth would he bring wild animals into his room?' she thought.

He lighted lamps all around the room, they were about fifteen in number, and the place lit up. She looked around and inspected the place she was, it was big inside, and looked nothing like a built house, who on earth would build a house, like this? This was a cave, she was inside a forest.

The horses headed towards a corner deep in the cave and lay, while the wolves lay around, near their master

He sat down and brought out a knife, cut the meat he prepared that evening, and passed it to her. She shook her head, rejecting it. She wanted nothing, just her freedom. Life out there on the streets was pretty though and harsh on her, but she prefers to live like that a hundred lifetimes than to be here.

"Eat" he urged her.

She shook her head, this was the second time he has spoken to her.

"Please let me go".

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