
Chapter 17


    I don't know what to tell Onyx. He's as stubborn as an ox and would listen to no one. I guess only time would make him listen and as I sat beside his Luna, one of the most beautiful women I have come across, I decided that I would do something drastic. 

    But for now, I need to listen to Hazel.  

    "You're worth more than this. Can't you leave him?"

    Hazel whips her head to look at me. There's fire in her eyes. 

    "Do you think I don't want to? If I leave him, he'll find me. He'd scour the corners of the earth in search of me. I can't run away from him. That's what's most depressing!" Hazel cried out and bent her head. "He doesn't know how much he has hurt me. I have never been treated this bad my whole life as it is new to me. I hate it, I want to run away from it but I know I can't. I only have to endure and hope that someday, something changes or maybe I can get used to it,"

    While she speaks, I listen to her and my heart goes out to her. I can feel my hands trembling in anger as the thought of my only friend maltreating and abusing his wife annoys me greatly. What has she done to deserve all these?

    "Onyx has the audacity to have an affair with his girlfriend and he doesn't even hide it. What would people think of me? He's always about what people say but he doesn't even care about what I say. He makes me feel insecure, like I am not even worth his attention or respect. He doesn't respect the fact that I am his Luna. All he does is control me and I am honestly tired!"

    Tears are starting to pour from her eyes. Slipping my hands into my pocket, I produce a handkerchief that she uses to wipe her tears. I don't know what to say to make her feel better so I just keep quiet. 

    She blows her nose on the kerchief and folds it. "I'm sorry, Earl. I shouldn't be venting to you all the time. I feel like a burden right now,"

    I take her hand, not minding what she'll think. "You have never and will never be a burden to me. Know that. I care about you a lot and whatever Onyx is doing right now is terrible. As his best friend, I do not support whatever he's pushing. It is absolutely annoying and I hate it,"

    Hazel's eyes begin to water again but this time, she's smiling. She throws her arms around me in a hug. "Thank you, Earl. You're always here to listen to me. You don't even judge me and you always try to make me feel better. You're an amazing friend."

    My senses are clouded by her rose scent. I love how she smells different everyday. "It's nothing, Hazel. I'm only being a good person."


    Hazel immediately pulls away from me and flushes red in guilt. Turning to see who just cleared their throat, I see that it's Nykon. 

    He's looking at Hazel. "Hazel, one of your friends is looking for you. Her name's Kiera or whatever it is."

    "It's Kiara," Hazel corrects him but he doesn't even acknowledge the correction. 

    As soon as she leaves, Nykon turns to me. "Are you fucking crazy, dude?!"

    Frowning, I wonder what he's talking about. "What is it?"

    "You're here sitting with Hazel and hugging her? That's crazy. You remember that she's Onyx's Luna?"

    I burst into laughter. A laughter of mockery. "So, we're going to act like we don't know that she's being maltreated by Onyx? Like everything is alright and she's just she's just some whore? You're going to ignore the fact that that beautiful woman is going through a lot?!"

    Nykon sighs. There's a bit of remorse in his eyes but when he opens his mouth to speak, I know something is wrong with him. "I know what you're talking about but it's none of our business."

    "None of our business?" I fire. 

    Nykon shrugs. "Of course. Onyx gets to do whatever he wants with her. After all, he's the Alpha of the Blue moon pack. And he has warned you to stay out of his business,"

    I shake my head in utter disgust and disappointment. "I can't believe this is coming from you, Nykon. But it's fine. We're all terrible people in one aspect of our life so I'd do my best to ignore you."

    With those words, I brush past him, leaving the garden.




    As soon as Nykon informs me of Kiara wanting to see me, I am filled with so much joy. 

    Ever since I got married to Onyx, they have only visited once and that was on my wedding day. We were all sad and once Onyx left my room, I had bursted into tears while they watched me with sorrow in their hearts. 

    I know Kiara would be the only person to visit as she is afraid of no one. Once I see her standing between two columns, I hurry to her. 

    She's hiding and I know it's because a restraining order was placed on my three friends and my brother by Onyx. I don't know why he did that. He must hate everyone related to me so much. 

    "Kiara!" I whisper, scream and we both engulf each other in a tight hug. "I have missed you!"

    "I have missed you, too," Kiara cries. 

    "What are you doing here?! I'm so happy to see you but at the same time, I am afraid of Onyx finding you out. He might do something terrible."

    Kiara wrinkles her nose in disdain. "Damn him. I don't care if he sees me. I'm here to see my friend and that's all that matters."

    I touch her skin and her blond hair that has always been an object of admiration to the younger folks. She had gotten leaner. I frown. "Are you overworking yourself again, Kiara?"

    "Of course not," She laughs and waves the conversation off. "Olive and Ren have been wanting to see you but each time they come to the gates, the guard never allows them. He always sends them back with words from the King not wanting them here. It's that serious,"

    "How were you able to come in, then?"

    Kiara smiles. "I got lucky. The guard at the gate fancied me. I used my charms to come in here,"

    We both burst into laughter. "You're a case!"

    "The only setback is that I have to meet with him at the cavern for a couple of drinks to pay him back for allowing me entrance."

    "It's not a bad thing, is it?" I ask. 

    "Of course, it isn't!"

    Taking her hand, I led her towards the back of the building. "We have to be somewhere discreet. Where no one can see us."

    Kiara nods and we find a spot under one of the oak trees. This one doesn't have a stone seat beneath it but it's hidden from anyone who might want to come to the garden as they rarely get to this place. 

    "I'm sorry I didn't come with any blanket. I wasn't expecting you. You're going to ruin your dress."

    "Ugh, I don't really care! Let's sit that way."

    Smiling, we both take a seat on the floor. 

    "I'm so happy to see you," I begin. "It's been a while since I talked to any of my friends."

    "This place must be lonely for you," Kiara points out. 

    "It's worse," I mutter, then my eyes light up with a smile. "But you're here and somehow, everything has gotten better!"

    Kiara smiles. "I don't like how pale you look. Also, you've lost so much weight. You look so thin. And why are you dressed like a maid?"

    Those words come out so quickly. I never really expected it. Now, I'm even finding it hard to tell her that I am physically abused by Onyx. She'd go berserk and probably threaten Onyx. If she does that, she'd be in real danger. 

    For her protection, I have to hide some things from her. "It's complicated, Kiara."

    "I don't care how complicated it is, Hazel. You're not happy. You look like you're suffering. Few days ago, I heard that Selah, that bitch. I heard that she still comes to the palace to visit the King. That's absolutely scandalous and taboo!"

    I gently place my trembling hands on hers. "If you yell too much, someone would hear it and come to see what's happening and they'd see you and you'd probably be locked up or embarrassed publicly."

    Kiara immediately calms down. She looks down at my hand and a tear slips down her cheek. 

    "Zion is so lonely. Every morning, I see him return to the woods with his shoulders sunken and head low. He's depressed. He misses you and he thinks you're being treated like trash here. I feel so hurt each time I see him because he reminds me of you."

    I'm sobbing uncontrollably. I can't hold it back. Mentioning my brother's condition makes my heart tear apart. He's just sixteen and alone in that miserable cottage. How does he even sleep at night?

    "Can't you leave that bastard and abusive man? Come back to us. You'll be happy once again. We don't care if everyone laughs at you and calls you a loser. Your happiness matters."

    "I wish I could, Kiara. I really wish I could."

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