
Win Over

I am shocked, confused, and full of anger--- mixed emotions to be exact. I don’t know what to say, I don’t know what to feel. I don’t know how to react. I really don’t know. The only thing that comes into my head is to run toward them and pull my mate away from Marionette, then rip her face off. I can feel the territorial character of my wolf kick in. I want to kill her, that’s for sure. I want to rip her apart. I want to see her cold corpse but I can’t move. 

“Mine! What are you doing? Get her! Let’s snap her neck and kill her!” My wolf shouted.

No, I have to stay calm. I have to control my emotions. I must not let my anger get on top of me. I stared at the two people kissing each other like there is no other people around them. A kiss that is full of lust and love. 

That should be me! That kiss should be mine!

“I told you to chase after our mate, now he is kissing another girl instead of us! What have you done? That should be us!”

I really can’t talk to my wolf right now. I understand how frustrated she is, so I was. My heart and mind are occupied with the things I want to do for this girl but I can’t. I really can’t do anything about it. He is the son of our pack’s alpha. What power does an omega have for this future alpha?

“Claim him! Tell him that he is our mate, that he belongs to us and no other!”

If only I could do that, I definitely have done that. However, I am frozen in my place. I can barely move and I am not even breathing properly, it was like, I am out of breath.

“Mine,” I murmured.

Marionette’s two friends turn their backs and look at me with questioning looks. They slowly walk towards me. 

“What did you just say?” The girl with a ponytail said.

“That man is mine,” I said again.

They looked at each other and laugh so hard. It was more like an “are-you-kidding” laugh. I furrowed my eyebrows and fixed my posture. 

No. I must not coward in fear. Ave was right. We have waited for almost 6 years for our mate to come, and now what? Now that we found him, I will stay silent and let the other she-wolf take him? No.

“What’s this commotion all about?” Marionette asked and pushed the other two girls aside, “And why are you still here, you loser?”

Her boyfriend—my mate, stood beside her while looking at me. I feel like I was about to faint from his stares. I feel like I am a whole now that he is near me. I feel like claiming him as my own. I slowly walked towards my mate and was about to reach his face when a hand land on my face, a loud slap could be heard from the corridor, and my head tilted a little bit.

“What are you trying to do? Seriously? In front of my face, you want to seduce my boyfriend?!” Marionette shouted.

I touched my cheeks and look at her, “And why did you kiss my mate in front of my face?” 

She was shocked by what she had heard. Her eyes widened and took a step back. Slowly, her hand covers her mouth and looked at her boyfriend.

“F-finally,” She murmured.

“Finally?” I asked.

She excitedly jumped in front of her boyfriend and kissed him. I can also feel my mate was overjoyed about what happened. What is going on?

“I am asking the same question.” My wolf said.

“Babe, she is here,” Marionette said and looked at me with a grin while wrapping her arms around my mate’s neck.

“You guys are so mean,” The ponytail girl said, “I think Miss loser here has been waiting for her prince charming.”

“Sadly, she will be rejected by him and now she will live the not-so-happily but painful never after!” It was said by the other girl who has grey hair and grey eyes.

What does she mean by rejected by my mate? 

I looked at my mate to ask for help but instead, he gave me a look that is full of disgust and judgment. As if he hated my existence.

“So, you are my mate, huh?” My mate said.

His voice sends shivers down my spine. It was as if a feather is tickling me. 

“Y-yes, p-ple---” I haven’t gotten to finish my words when the next thing he said shatters me.

“Oh, please. I don’t think you deserve someone like me. A mere commoner and omega like you are not suitable for the future alpha of this pack. Do you really think I will help you and embrace you with open arms?” He said then harshly held my chin while looking into my eyes, “You are not the mate that I want and the girlfriend that I have right now will be the Luna of this pack, so let me tell you this, I rejected you as my mate. You got that?”

My wolf groaned in pain because of what he said. While me on the other hand, my mind went black which causes me to sit down on the floor.

“Let’s go, babe,” Marionette said while laughing evilly as they walk away.

What am I going to do now? What should I do now?

“This can’t be. He rejected us. He rejected me. He rejected you. What will happen to us now?”

I can’t answer my own wolf with her questions for I am also asking myself where did I go wrong. After all, those waiting, I was rejected instantly.

Again, my heart is being crushed into tiny little pieces, however, it is still too early to give up. It is too early to let Marionette win.

I will win his heart for sure and there I lost consciousness. 

 I woke up with a heavy heart and a painful headache. I slowly opened my eyes only to see my house’s ceiling and smelled the scent of my room, lavender. I was about to get up when my head hurts really bad which causes me to lie down back on my bed while massaging my temple. Why did this ever happen to me? 

Suddenly, a flash of memory entered my brain which causes my heart to ache.

 Yeah, I almost forgot. My mate rejected me and still, until now, I couldn’t believe that he is the next alpha of our pack. However, I am not after his position. I am after a partner, a partner who will stay with me through thick and thin. I don’t care if he is an omega like me, as long as he will accept me wholeheartedly but it didn’t well as planned, my mate has the highest status in this pack and of course, he will never accept a lowest rank wolf like me. I sighed before I reached for my pillow and covered my eyes. How I wish I could do something different. 

 If I was not an omega, will he accept me for what I am? Will he not reject me if that was the case? I moved my body and slowly rolled to the side. My headache is still here the questions in my head won’t disappear. 

 I wonder what would have happened if I also have the highest rank in this pack, will my mate look at me the same way he looked at Marionette?

 I sighed deeply before I decided to get up. I looked around and as always, it was pure silence. How did I reach home? As far as I can remember, I was laying on the floor after I lose consciousness due to my mate’s rejection.

 “When your mate rejects you, you will suffer from divine punishment for 3 months and within those months, in most cases, almost all of the wolf that was rejected became insane rouge.”

 Divine punishment? I wonder what kind of punishment will I ever suffer, but it still has other ways right?

 “However, if your mate decided to take you on or changed his or her mind. The Divine punishment will never happen, if and only if, a week after he rejected you, you are already marked by him or her.”

 A week? So, I still have a week before my divine punishment will start and during those times, I must claim my mate but, how?

 I stood up and walked towards the door. I went directly to my kitchen to cook for my dinner. While I was cooking, I tried to contact my wolf but she is nowhere to be found, maybe, she doesn’t want to talk because of what happened to us. I know how hurt she is but, of course, we are one. If she is hurt, then so am I. 

 “We will work on this, Ave. We will make sure that we will own him in a week. We will do everything that we can possibly do.” I said while washing the rice


 My wolf didn’t respond so I continued my chores.

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