
President Clive

The Asherway airport was buzzing with activity, national and international journalists were there to capture the moment two very different Presidents with completely different ideologies meet. Everyone was curious to know how President Clive, a known racist would be received in Asherway, a country known to be very intolerant to racists with a President calling for a non racial world. At exactly 11 o’clock, President Clive’s presidential plane arrived at Asherway. He disembarked with his expected all white staff, something journalists did not forget to point out. Steve and Aziza were captured approaching the group.

“President Clive, welcome to Asherway” Steve said shaking Clive’s hand before moving to shake his wife. Aziza followed behind Steve and offered her hand but it remained in the air, none of them willing to shake her hand. The journalists went crazy capturing the moment. Steve shook his hea

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