
Accidentally Heiress
Accidentally Heiress
Penulis: Nathian

Chapter 1 : Unlucky hour

"Athena! Open the door!"

"I'll be right there! Please, Just give me a moment. " Athena hurriedly responded, her hands moving double quick as she reached for a tissue from the side of the mirror. The voice of her mother-in-law momentarily disrupted her focus.

"No, no...Not this time, please. " she said to herself, casting a displeased glance at her reflection in the mirror. With the tissue in hand, she diligently tried to wipe away the coffee stain on her pristine white sleeveless top and perfectly tailored pencil skirt. The skirt hugged her curves in all the right places, accentuating her hourglass silhouette, but the stain was now a distracting blemish on her otherwise immaculate attire.

"Athena! I warned you, open the door!"

With shaking hands, she reached for the handkerchief in her pocket and gently wiped away the tears that had welled up in her right eye. Trying to compose herself, she then delved into her purse, searching for her foundation to quickly touch up her face and mask the signs of her emotional turmoil.

Feeling a sense of urgency, she grabbed her phone and attempted to call her friend, Elaine. "Please, Elaine, answer this," she pleaded, pacing back and forth anxiously. But to her dismay, there was no response. She dialed again, hoping for a different outcome, yet the phone remained silent.

"Oh, my goodness….Tell me what to do please

" she whispered to herself, the weight of her responsibilities pressing upon her. As the newly appointed head of the operation, her absence from the important medical conference created a sense of uncertainty and concern.

"I've told you time and again that I hate being kept waiting!" Mrs. Chrushvan exclaimed, gripping the doorknob, and trying to open the door.

"I'm coming, " Athena sighed.

"Why did you have to lock the door?" Mrs. Chrusvan felt irritated.

Athena stood by the door, her gaze fixed on the moving doorknob, filled with hesitation. She knew all too well that her disheveled appearance would only provoke the anger of her mother-in-law. Yet, despite her overwhelming reluctance, she summoned the strength within her and forced herself to open the door.

"I'm sorry. I truly apologize for making you wait, Mrs. Chrushvan." Athena sighed, her voice filled with a genuine sense of remorse and shame.

"Oh my gosh, what's that messy?" Mrs. Chrushvan exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Athena's stained and scruffy appearance.

"Forgive my appearance. Someone accidentally spilled coffee on me." Athena explained, her voice tinged with a mix of awkwardness and frustration. She hurriedly used her purse to cover the stain that had ruined her white formal attire.

"Ugh! Why do you always find a way to get on my nerves?! So why are you still standing there? Figure something out. They're waiting for you." Mrs. Chrushvan frowned, her impatience evident in her tone.

"I can't attend the conference, Mrs. Chrushvan. I don't have another dress to wear. " Athena confessed, her tone revealing her discomposure and her gaze lowered in a display of her vulnerability.

"Damn it! How could they appoint such a careless and messy woman as the head of the operation? You don't even know how to fix simple things. " Mrs. Chrushvan exclaimed in distress, her right hand reaching up to touch her own forehead.

Athena's phone began to ring, providing a brief moment of relief. "Oh, thank God," she whispered, swiftly retrieving her phone from her purse. "Excuse me, Mrs. Chrushvan, it's Elaine," Athena quickly interjected, glancing at the screen. In reality, it was just an alarm she had set to remind herself of the medical conference. Nevertheless, she had no choice but to pretend she was speaking with Elaine.

"Oh, really? You're coming here? Did you read my messages? Thank God, you're my savior," Athena acted, maintaining her composure.

She turned her attention back to Mrs. Chrushvan, a smile gracing her lips. "Elaine is coming. She'll send me a dress," she reassured, hoping to alleviate the tension.

"Seriously? You're calling a friend for such a simple problem? Athena, you're supposed to be mature enough not to waste anyone's time. Use your common sense. I'm so disappointed. You've made me question your capabilities. " Mrs. Chrushvan scolded her.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Chrushvan, " Athena apologized, her head lowered.

"You've already ruined my day! Get outta this building before my temper explodes. " Mrs. Chrushvan demanded, her frustration reaching its peak.

"But... Mrs. Chrushvan, I'm gonna fix this, " Athena attempted to touch her left hand.

"Don't you dare to touch me! Don't give me any nonsense! I saw your phone—it was your alarm clock. Don't treat me like a fool, Athena! You're such a crazy woman. " Mrs. Chrushvan snapped and sighed.

"Gosh! you made me more stressed thinking why would Orion pick up such a pest instead of a neat, competent, and professional woman! I wish you will disappear and never come back! "

"Get outta here. Now!" she added, her words pierced Athena's heart which sent psychic tears to her eyes.

"I'm sorry.." Athena said, lowering herself as she approached the elevator.

Athena Mckinward had been married to Orion Chrushvan, the only son of Mr. Chrushvan, for two years. At the start of their marriage, Athena was twenty-three-year-old, while Orion had an age gap of fifteen years with his wife. Today, at twenty-five years old, Athena was appointed as the new Head of Operations Officer because the previous incumbent of the position was involved in a tragic vehicular accident that resulted in his death. The board believes in Athena's capabilities and chose her for the role. This decision received support from Orion, who held the position of the Medical Chief Officer, and Mr. Chrushvan, the owner of The Anthon Chrushvan's Hospital, a well-known medical facility in New York. The hospital was named in honor of Mr. Chrushvan's late grandfather.

As Athena walked rushing towards the exit, a heavy sense of shame weighed on her heart. She kept her head lowered, feeling the weight of the bad circumstances that lay ahead. However, her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice calling out her name. It was Necky Koshiba, the owner and CEO of Koshiba Beauty Inc. Dressed in fancy clothes and holding a pink handbag, Necky's fashion sense clearly displayed her fondness for the color pink.

Athena mumbled to herself, "Sh*t," and continued walking, hoping to avoid any confrontation.

"Hey, Athena, are you avoiding me?" Necky persisted, grabbing Athena's shoulder. She spoke with higher a high-rising terminal that many people describe as Valley Girl Accent.

Every time Athena saw Necky's face, it reminded her of all Necky had done to her from the beginning of her marriage with Orion. Athena knew she had to avoid Necky as quickly as possible, as Necky always found a way to embarrass her in front of everyone. Whenever their paths crossed, Athena had to think wisely and She had to prepare herself both Physically and Emotionally ready to help herself out on the coming disaster.

"Necky, please, enough. I don't want to fight. Don't ruin my day," Athena pleaded.

"Excuse me? Nah nah…" Necky shook her head.

Necky chuckled. "I'm not the one ruining your day, Athena. It's all on you. If you hadn't accepted the position, maybe none of this would have happened to you, Anyway, what's with the new style? I like it. It suits you perfectly, the style of a gold digger. " Necky taunted, dripping with sarcasm...

"Necky, please. Is that the only reason you called me? It's nonsense. " Athena said, trying to maintain her composure.

"Yeah, what's wrong? I just wanna give you a warm greeting and really wanna see your new style very closely. Maybe my stylist did a great job. Isn't it? " Necky smirked.

Athena's blood began to boil as she realized that it was Necky's idea to pour coffee on her. Her right palm clenched, but her left hand was ready to engage with Necky's face.

"Go ahead, slap me. Let everyone see who you truly are. Try it. Do you want that?" Necky stepping closer to Athena.

"Damn it, " Athena muttered under her breath, deciding it was best to withdraw and leave the building.

"Rag! Please remind yourself where you belong!" Necky called out after her, hurling an insult as Athena walked away.

Athena sat in her car, overwhelmed by a rage emotion coursing through her body. Gripping the wheel tightly, she let out a deep sigh, "Stupid, crazy, freaking wretched woman... Ahhhhh!"

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