
Chapter 6: Birthday Party

Two months after…..

Athena reveled in the picturesque scenery and the sight of sailing yachts gliding along the river, relishing the freedom she had never experienced during her marriage to Orion. Her red spaghetti strap dress hugged her body perfectly, accentuating her newfound confidence.

"Looks like you're all set. " a voice came from behind. Athena turned around and saw Mr. Weltons approaching her with a wheelchair.

"Yeah, of course! Who wouldn't be excited to celebrate my dad's birthday?" Athena replied, planting a loving kiss on his cheek.

Mr. Weltons had lived a solitary life without a spouse or children, but everything changed when Athena came into his life. He experienced his first birthday celebration, something that had never happened before. Mr. Weltons treated her as a real daughter, especially after learning about Athena's traumatic past and her background growing up in an orphanage.

"So, shall we?" Athena asked, beaming at him with a genuine smile.

They proceeded to the venue where a grand party was arranged to celebrate Mr. Weltons's birthday.

"Hey, Mr. Weltons, It's so wonderful to see you healthy. Happy birthday. " a woman in fancy diamond white attire greeted them, accompanied by her husband. She appeared to be in her forties or fifties.

Mr. Weltons responded with a warm smile.

"And who are you?" The woman noticed Athena standing beside him.

Athena hesitated, unsure how to respond, but Mr. Weltons spoke up to answer for her.

"She's Athena, she's my long-lost only daughter, and I'm overjoyed to have found her," he said, placing his hand on Athena's hand as it rested on his right shoulder.

"Hi," she said, offering a radiant smile and extending her hand for a handshake, but the woman swiftly leaned in to kiss her instead.

"Hi, I'm Elvisha Wilborgd."

"Hey, Mr. Weltons. Why you never told me that you have a supermodel daughter? " the woman added with genuine admiration that made Mr.Weltons giggle.

"Thank you, Mrs. Wilborgd. And you look absolutely stunning yourself. You appear as if you're in your twenties. " Athena replied graciously.

"Oh, Darling…Thank you... " "I like your daughter already, Mr. Weltons. She's Beauteous and Charming. She's good. "


In the middle of the conversation between Mr. Weltons's friends and business partners, Athena excused herself and went to the restroom. She retrieved her phone from her purse and tried to dial Elaine's number.

"Oh my gosh!! Athena!!! Am I not talking to a ghost right now? Why didn't you tell me you're alive? You've driven me crazy! I've been waiting every night and day for you to contact me! Tell me, what happened? Are you alright? Did Orion kidnap you or lock you up somewhere? I'll call the police right now, just tell me!" Elaine's voice echoed loudly from the phone, causing Athena to move the phone away from her ear.

"Can I get a word in, please? Are you finished? Let me speak. " Athena replied, observing herself in the restroom mirror.

"Okay, okay. Sorry, I'm just so relieved to hear from you. Tell me the truth now, did Orion hurt you again?" Elaine asked with concern.

"No, I'm totally fine. I'm here in D.C. celebrating my Dad's birthday. Can you come here?" Athena said.

"Dad's birthday? Your father? Wait, what? I'm coming, but you have a lot of explaining to do. See you soon. Bye..." Elaine said.

After the call, Athena returned to Mr. Weltons, but he was no longer there. As she searched for him, she encountered another coincidence.

"I smell something... Looks like someone has gone astray," a voice called out from the side of Athena, capturing her attention.

"Oh, Wow. it's been a while, Athena. " Necky said, intertwining her arm with Orion's as they approached her.

Orion asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Does she really need to explain? It's quite obvious, isn't it? Just look at her. She's here for a fishing trip, always on the hunt for a big fish. Am I right, Athena?" Necky retorted, looking Athena up and down.

"Necky, please. Until now? Let's just enjoy the day and put our past behind us. I have more important things to do than to deal with this. And you don't have to tell me; I understand now about your secret affair with my ex-husband from the beginning. I saw both of you together in a house when I returned the car to Orion. But thank you for saving me from that evil man and finally, my eyes have been opened. Now, may I go on with my day?" Athena calmly stated, asserting her independence and readiness to move on.

"Well, thanks, actually, I really don't feel like wasting my time to explain it to you. And I just don't want to ruin my beauty you know. I hope you catch a big fish that will feed your hunger tonight. Don't you worry I understand you. " Necky said sarcastically.

"Excuse me. " Athena responded with a polite smile before walking away.

Necky's eyes followed Athena's movements, and when they were next to each other, Necky deliberately placed her left foot on Athena's, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. The sudden commotion caught the attention of everyone nearby.

"Oh. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Necky feigned concern, masking her true intentions.

Athena's face displayed anger as she picked herself up from the ground, assisted by some security personnel who had rushed to help her.

Athena turned towards them and said with a smile, "Yes, I'm fine. It was my fault. Thank you. " She then left the scene.

"My pleasure. " Necky smirks.

Orion whispered to Necky, "Why did you do that?"

"She doesn't belong here. Wait...Are you actually concerned about her?" Necky taunted.

"Damn it, no." Orion replied dismissively.


Athena stepped outside and began searching for Miss Mylda, —Mr. Weltons's secretary of fifteen years. She asked Miss Mylda to pick up her friend Elaine from the airport as Elaine's arrival was imminent. Miss Mylda happily agreed to help.

After a moment, as Athena was about to go back inside, she unexpectedly encountered Mr. and Mrs. Chrushvan entering the venue together.

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Chrushvan. It's nice to see you here. " Athena greeted them with genuine happiness.

"Hm-mmm, I certainly didn't expect to see my ex-daughter-in-law still alive here, especially in this grand celebration. Nevertheless, I'm glad you're no longer married to my son. I admit it was a wise choice. I mean Orion made a good decision in removing a pest from our family. " Mrs. Chrushvan said, her right arm interlocked with her husband's left arm.

"It's been seven months, Athena, and you've made a good recovery. It seems like you have a good life now. I'm saddened by what happened between you and Orion." Mr. Chrushvan expressed.

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Chrushvan. Please go ahead." Athena gestured, giving them a way.

Mrs. Chrushvan sighed, "Oh come on. Stop being so hard on yourself, Athena. Perhaps you appear presentable now, but after this, you're nothing but a filthy beggar. Are you here to find new victims? Is that why you've come?"

"That's enough. Let's go inside. She might be here to do her work. Excuse us. Athena, Good luck to you." Mr. Chrushvan interjected, attempting to defuse the tension.

"Wait... just a lovely reminder. There are many cameras around, so be careful and don't let your hand out of sight, or someone might accuse you of stealing. Take care. Bye." Mrs. Chrushvan said with a slight smirk.

Athena smiled warmly in response and replied, " I appreciate your reminder, Mrs.Chrushvan. I assure you, nothing of that sort will happen. Enjoy the party. "


After an hour, Athena watched from the side of the stage as the woman host led a fundraising program for the foundation dedicated to helping the homeless people, just as Mr. Weltons had requested. He wanted the fundraising program to be a part of the main event of his birthday celebration. The crowd was filled with awe when Mrs. Wilborgd generously donated fifty million dollars to kickstart the initiative, inspiring other wealthy individuals to follow suit. The room erupted in applause for each donor. Suddenly, Athena's phone rang, and she glanced at the screen to see it was Elaine calling.

"Why didn't you mention that it was such a grand celebration? I should have prepared a fancy dress for myself. Because of that, you owe me a warm welcome. " Elaine exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I already informed Miss Mylda. I'm on my way. "

At the entrance, Athena warmly embraced Elaine, who was stunned by the transformation she witnessed. Athena appeared like a completely different person in Elaine's eyes, radiating with newfound joy that filled her heart with happiness. Tears of joy flowed in her eyes as she expressed how much she had missed Athena. They made their way up to Athena's luxurious condo, and Elaine was even more astonished by the opulence she found inside. Miss Mylda assisted them in selecting a dress for Elaine, ensuring she looked her best in her outfit. Once everything was ready, they made their way back to the venue, ready to continue the celebration.

"Do I seem more beautiful tonight? " Elaine asked Athena as she compared her stunning blue spaghetti strap dress to Athena.

"No.." Athena chuckled.

Elaine responded, "I better go back to New York then." Turning to leave. However, Athena quickly caught hold of her hand.

"Just kidding! You're looking like an absolute beauty queen of America tonight, and I guarantee someone will be asking you out on a date after this. Just relax. " Athena said with a bright smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a warm welcome to Mr. Seymour Weltons. Give him a round of applause, Please." the host announced.

As Mr. Weltons took the stage, the host continued, "Let's sing him a birthday song to celebrate his seventy-fifth birthday!"

The room filled with voices singing the birthday song, led by the energetic host.

Mr. Weltons took the microphone from the host, wiping away tears before speaking, "Thank you, thank you all so much. Tonight, I am filled with gratitude as I experience this incredible celebration. Throughout my entire life, I have never celebrated my birthday, but tonight, I have found the happiness that I have been searching for all these years. It is because of my one and only beautiful daughter, Athena. She is a wonderful gift that God has bestowed upon me." Tears flowed freely down his cheeks.

Necky and Orion were taken aback when the host invited Athena to the front. Disbelief was clearly written on their faces as they exchanged surprised glances from their table.

"Oh my gosh... Am I delusional? But…How…Why..." Necky whispered and shook her head.

"Hey Orion, is it just me, or does this champagne seem to have a stronger alcohol content?"

They are both unable to tear away their eyes from Athena.

Orion cautiously took a sip of his champagne, his face contorting slightly as he struggled to swallow, accompanied by a cough.

At another table, Mrs. Chrushvan said, "It's impossible... She's Mr. Weltons's only daughter?"

Her eyes widened in shock as Mr. Chrushvan smirked and took a sip of his champagne. "It seems we're going to lose a significant amount of money."

"No, what are you saying? That can't happen. " Mrs. Chrushvan protested.

"I hope not," Mr. Chrushvan replied coldly.

Necky turned to Orion, her face covered with anxiousness as she shook his arm.

"Orion, please tell me... It's not real, right?"

"I wish... but it's real."

"What are we going to do? I need Mr. Weltons to save my company."

Orion sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. "Please, stop. I know—I know. I'm thinking…. I can't believe this."

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