
Author: Splendid


As the moon rose over the forest, a lone wolf howled in the distance. It was a call to arms, a summons to the pack. In response, a chorus of howls echoed through the night.

The pack gathered in a clearing, their eyes glowing in the moonlight. At their head stood the Alpha, a massive werewolf with fur as black as night and eyes that burned like embers. He was the strongest and most fearsome of them all, feared by humans and werewolves alike.

"Tonight, we hunt," the Alpha growled, his voice deep and menacing. "We will show the humans that we are the true masters of the forest. Follow me!"

The pack surged forward, their claws digging into the soft earth as they raced through the woods. They moved like shadows, silent and deadly. The scent of prey filled their nostrils, driving them to frenzy.

In the heart of the forest, they found their target - a group of hunters who had strayed too far from their camp. The humans stood no chance against the ferocity of the werewolves. One by one, they fell to the pack's razor-sharp claws and savage teeth.

The Alpha watched from a distance, his eyes glowing with a fierce pride. He had led his pack to victory once again, proving that they were the true rulers of the forest. But even as he basked in the glory of his triumph, something nagged at him - a feeling of restlessness, a hunger that could not be sated.

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