
Chapter 18

Days turned into weeks, and young Kai's clandestine meetings with the young girl became a routine. Each encounter filled him with a joy he had never known before, a joy that eluded him in the presence of his distant parents. In the young girl, he found solace, companionship, and a promise of love that he held onto dearly.

As they spent more time together, Kai became increasingly convinced that his future was intertwined with hers. He cherished their moments together, dreaming of a life where they would never be apart. He promised himself that he would marry no one but her, believing with all his heart that she was his destined partner.

But even the most blissful moments have an end, and Kai's happiness was shattered when his parents discovered his secret rendezvous. Their anger was palpable, and in their fury, they decided to uproot the family and relocate to another country, severing Kai's ties with the young girl he had grown to love.

"No! I won't go anywhere! I won't leave her!" young Kai's voice echoed through the room, filled with defiance and determination.

"Who taught you to speak to us like that? Was it that disrespectful girl who taught you?" his mother's tone was laced with anger and disbelief.

"Why do you suddenly care? You've never cared about me before. She's the only one who has shown me any care!" Kai's words were a mix of frustration and desperation.

"How can you say that? We've done nothing wrong. We work tirelessly to provide for all your needs," his mother countered, her voice tinged with hurt.

"I don't need that! What I need is you! I need my mom! I need my dad! But where were you? I found someone who actually cares for me, and now you want to tear us apart? I won't let you do that!" Kai's resolve hardened as he spoke, his gaze unwavering.

"Stop this, Kaisler! You're going too far! You will come with us whether you like it or not! This is for your own good," his father's tone was firm and authoritative.

"No! I won't come with you! I will not leave her!" Kai's voice rose with each word, filled with defiance and defiance.

"I won't leave her," he whispered to himself as he stormed out of their house. Determination fueled his every step as he sprinted towards the park, his heart racing with fear and determination.

However, before he could even reach the village gate, he was intercepted by the guards and swiftly apprehended by one of the family's bodyguards, his dreams of freedom dashed in an instant.

"Blessie!" he cried out desperately, but the guard held onto him firmly, carrying him back towards their house.

"I won't leave her!" he yelled, sinking his teeth into the bodyguard's arm, but his actions went unnoticed by the guard.

Struggling to break free from the bodyguard's grip, Kai's small frame lacked the strength to overpower him. Summoning the last of his energy, he delivered a powerful kick to the bodyguard's midsection, causing him to momentarily loosen his grip. Seizing the opportunity, Kai broke free and dashed away, but it was in vain. His father swiftly caught up to him.

"I said, I won't leave her!"

A stinging slap landed on young Kai's tender cheek, leaving a red mark.

"Enough, Kaisler! You won't go to her! You will come with us! Even if I have to drag you onto the plane, I will!" his father's voice thundered with anger.

The child fell silent, tears flowing down his face uncontrollably.

"I hate you! All of you!"

Kai's heart was consumed with rage that day. He felt utterly powerless to be with the girl he yearned for, and his heart shattered even further when he glimpsed Blessie waiting for him at the park, their usual meeting spot.

"Blessie..." he sobbed, his voice choked with emotion.

As their car drove away, Kai watched helplessly as the girl who had been his only source of understanding and comfort slowly vanished from his view, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill.

"You'll get through this, baby. You'll forget about her and find someone who's better for you. She's not worth it, baby. You deserve better," his mother said, trying to stroke his head, but he quickly brushed her hand away.

"How can you say that when you don't know anything about me?" young Kai chuckled bitterly. "Oh, that's right! You'll never know what's good for me because neither of you has ever been good to me. So how would you know what I deserve?"

After saying that, tears welled up in his eyes once more. He was deeply hurt by the truth of his words and the situation at hand. He couldn't accept the bitter reality of what was happening between him and Blessie.

"Kaisler!" his father exclaimed.

Kai bit his lip, but he couldn't stop the tears from streaming down his face. He averted his gaze from them and looked back at the park, which had now completely disappeared from his view.

"I swear, I will be back and get you, my love," he whispered softly to himself, his voice filled with determination and longing. Deep down, he knew that no matter what obstacles stood in his way, his love for Blessie would never waver, and he would find a way to reunite with her.

That was the solemn promise he made to himself as he strained to catch a final glimpse of the vanishing park. Despite his tender age, his mind had transcended naivety. From the earliest of recollections, books had been his steadfast companions in a world marred by upheaval—ever since the mysterious disappearance of his parents. While his intellect had expanded, his emotions remained imbued with youthful fervor. Though he often concealed it, during moments of vulnerability, he wore his heart on his sleeve. He comprehended the events unfolding around him and understood the weight of his words spoken to Blessie. Yet, his determination remained unyielding. He vowed to marry her, steadfast in the belief that no obstacle could deter him from that destiny.

“We will see each other again. I will find you, I promise.”

Heartbroken and filled with longing, Kai bid a tearful farewell to his beloved, unsure if they would ever meet again. As he embarked on this new chapter of his life in a foreign land, he carried with him the bittersweet memories of his time with the young girl, hoping against hope that someday their paths would cross once more.

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