
Chapter 14

As their conversation delved into more personal topics, Blythe found herself drawn closer to Kai, both physically and emotionally. The once distant space between them seemed to shrink with each shared story and exchanged glance. With every sip of alcohol, inhibitions dissolved, and a sense of intimacy grew between them.

Blythe, feeling the effects of the alcohol, leaned into Kai's comforting presence, finding solace in his warmth. His arm around her felt like a protective shield against the world, and she found herself unconsciously seeking his closeness.

Kai, noticing Blythe's vulnerability, gently guided her with his words, sharing anecdotes from his past to distract her from the swirling thoughts in her mind. His touch on her arm was both comforting and electrifying, sending shivers down her spine as they walked together.

Lost in the haze of the alcohol and the intimacy of their conversation, Blythe allowed herself to be enveloped by the moment, relishing the feeling of connection she hadn't felt in a long time. And Kai, ever the attentive listener, continued to share pieces of himself, building a bridge between them with each word spoken.

“How would you say that your parents never loved you?” Kai asked upon hearing Blythe's story.

"Because I was born after they died," Blythe replied, toying with her drink.

"Why are you here if they don't love you? You would not have been born or lived your life up to this point if they didn't," Kai responded, taking a sip of his drink.

"No, they don't. And they had no idea I existed until they died," Blythe said flatly, staring off into space.

“I don’t get it,” Kai said, confused by what the girl was saying.

“You'll never know when you aren't in our shoes. You are not us; you are not me,” Blythe said meaningfully.

Kai became even more confused by what the girl was saying, causing him to pause and think.

“Our? Did I hear it right?” he asked himself.


The young man was about to ask another question when the girl suddenly cupped his face in her hands.

“You persisted in inquiring about my life. How about yours? Why don't you share a story about your life?” she changed the topic.

Kai looked up, gazing into the void, and his demeanor and emotions quickly shifted in that moment. “Everything about my life is messed up.”

"Are you sure? That does not seem to be the case,” Blythe said, raising an eyebrow.

“However, I wish it were so,” Kai said sadly, lowering his head.

“Let the cat out of the bag, Kai. You've heard mine, so let me hear yours,” Blythe insisted, wanting to hear Kai’s life story.

Kai took a deep breath.

“Oh, cut the crap! Let me ask you instead,” Blythe interrupted him, her eyes sparkling.

“Okay,” he replied, taking a sip of his drink for courage.

“Have you ever had a romantic relationship?” Blythe asked bluntly.

Kai smiled bitterly and nodded in response to the girl's question. She leaned in closer to his face, observing his reaction.

“What's that expression on your face?” Blythe asked. Kai remained silent, taking another sip of his drink.

“Does that sound like an unrequited love?” Blythe asked, reading the Kai’s actions.

“No, it's the other way around,” Kai replied tersely.

“If not, so why do you seem depressed?” Blythe probed.

“It’s just that…”

“What? Hey, please don't keep hanging me especially now that you pique my interest!” Blythe said eagerly.

Kai's voice softened as he continued, his gaze filled with fondness as he spoke of Blythe. "You see; she isn't like anyone else I've ever met. She has this wonderful mix of quirks and flaws that just make her who she is, and I wouldn't change a single thing about her. Every little quirk, every imperfection, they're all part of what makes her so special to me."

He paused, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he remembered the promise he made to her. "I promised her that one day, when we're older, I'll marry her. And I meant every word of it. I want to spend the rest of my life cherishing every moment with her, embracing every part of who she is, and building a future together that's as unique and beautiful as she is."

“So, where is she? Have you two been married yet?” Blythe asked, her full attention on Kai at that moment.

“No, we didn't,” Kai replied shortly.

Blythe furrowed her brow, looking somewhat bewildered by Kai's story.

“Are you willing to cut the chase short? It's really inconvenient,” she said, her tone indicating irritation.

"I fled at a crucial moment in her life. At the time, I was so timid," Kai admitted with a tinge of regret, his lips forming a bitter smile.

Blythe leaned in, her expression thoughtful yet assertive. "Why do you bear all the guilt yourself? It's not solely your responsibility if she's vulnerable and unable to defend herself. In this world, there are only two kinds: prey, consumed by their weaknesses, insecurities, and foolishness, and predators, willing to do whatever it takes to survive. It's a matter of dominance among the weak," she explained, her words carrying a weight of experience.

Kai pondered her words, his uncertainty evident in his expression. "Do you truly believe that?" he asked, searching for reassurance.

Blythe's gaze softened as she reached out to touch his face, her eyes filled with a captivating allure. "Absolutely," she affirmed with conviction.

"Be my man if you can't be a man for her." With a sudden boldness fueled by the alcohol coursing through their veins, Blythe closed the distance between them and pressed her lips to his. Kai, caught off guard yet unable to resist the pull of her charisma, found himself yielding to her advances, swept up in the intoxicating moment as their kiss deepened.

Their exchange of kisses grew heated and passionate, neither of them wanting to break away from the intoxicating embrace. Kai gently pulled Blythe closer, until she was standing between his legs. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him in even closer as their kiss deepened. They were oblivious to the world around them, lost in the fiery intensity of their connection.

Minutes passed, their kisses becoming more fervent until they were both breathless, their need for air finally breaking the spell. They gazed at each other, both silently acknowledging the desire to delve deeper into their feelings, but it was Blythe who first broke the heated moment with a smile on her lips.

“That was mind-blowing!” she exclaimed, clearly thrilled by what had just transpired.

Kai bit his lip, unsure of what to say next. He unbuttoned a cuff of his long sleeve and stood up, feeling the intense heat coursing through his body.

“Where are you going?” Blythe asked, her tone curious.

“Would you like to go for a walk? It's a little stuffy here,” he suggested, pulling at the collar of his shirt, feeling the warmth of the room.

Blythe smiled at his proposal, pleased that everything was falling into place according to her plan.

“Sure!” she eagerly agreed, linking her arm with Kai's and pressing herself against him. She felt his body respond to her proximity, which only delighted her further.

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