
Chapter 8 ~ The club


I walk out of the bathroom to see Clara on the bed, operating her phone while she waits for me to finish up so we can eat.

It's been a week now, if not over a week since the horrible event with Collins happened. Staying in the hotel has been quite comfortable, well, to me but not for Clara. She barely leaves the hotel because she understands I need someone to be with. She even took a leave from work and I really hope she doesn't face problems with her work because of me. My work on the other hand, I don't know.

I quickly get dressed and grab the food tray from the trolley. I walk to sit opposite Clara on the bed and place the tray between us.

"What are you doing?" I ask, seeing that she's still very much engrossed in whatever she's doing with her phone.

"Oh, I'm searching for a good movie to d******d. Unfortunately staying here, doing nothing but occupying myself with movies, I feel I've watched all the good thriller movies and series N*****x has to offer."

"Well I could have suggested few movies but for unfortunate reasons, romance isn't just your taste."

"Unfortunate reasons like Collins."

I chuckle and stretch her plate out to her. "He's dead to me and now. It's gonna be hard but I won't let him affect my love life."

"Uh, uh. That's my girl."

"Damn. I still have alot of fictions to bring to reality. Things that would never have happened with him."

"Never." She said with a full mouth. "Listen." She wipes the side of her mouth and dresses closer to me. "So, I was thinking..." She smiles at my and wiggles her brows.

I know that look. I scoff and say, "No. No, Clara. We aren't going to the club."


"No, me. I. I am not going to the club."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not"

"Yes, you are."

I move my head to the side and twitch my lips. She can go on and on with this and I know better than to be a challenge.

"Count me out please." I move to step down from the bed but she stops me with her hand.

"It's really not a bad idea, you know."

"Of course it isn't. That's why I didn't stop you from going." I say with a blank expression. "But I'm not."

"How do you expect me to go with out you." She stays quiet for a while before speaking up again. "Is this because of Collins."

I shut my eyes close and wet my lips. "I don't think I'm safe yet Clara."

"You are. It's been a week now, they could have given up their search."

"Don't seem like it. Collins is desperate."

"For money, not for you." Ouch, that kinda hurts. "He's desperate enough to have found another source by now." I say nothing, still unconvinced. "And trust me, the club will be the last place for Collins to think you'll be after what he did to you. He excepts you to isolate yourself and cry everyday over him but no. No, Jane. He doesn't know your brave, strong and full of life. You are my best friend and I'm glad you are."

I smile warmly at her as tears run down my cheeks. "Thank you, Clara. Truly you're the best." I hold her hands while saying.

"Now if you know what's good for you, I'd advise you clean up those tears, get your shit together and act like my bestfriend that you are."

I laugh and clean my tears. "I don't know what to wear."

She smiles. "If that's your way of sweetly declining, then I'm sorry to inform you that, I've got you something new, short, hot, and sexy." She grabs her food to continue eating. "Well, you can give it whatever good compliment you which later."

"Thanks. I'll repay you."

"It's fine. I'll let it slide just this once."

I let out a short laugh and shake my head.

Of course she knew I'll eventually agree. Of course she got me a dress. She always has a backup. Never takes no for an answer and always certain.

I need to be more like her. Tough.

Then people like Collins will know who and who not, to mess with.


I've been standing before the mirror for over 5 minutes, doing nothing but staring at myself as I quarry with my mind about everything. The dress and the outing to be specific.

The dress is nice. Even before she gave it to me, I trust it would be, cause, duh, it's Clara.

The problem is I feel it, the dress and the outing and at the same time I don't. The eagerness isn't there and it's making me feel like it's not a bad idea to decline at the last minute.

Clara would feel bad for sure.

"You look mesmerizing." She interrupts my thoughts by saying.

"I do." I agree with her. The dress shows off my cleavage and my laps but it's beautiful and perfect for clubbing.

"The dress was whimsically screaming your name when I saw it." She smiles and walks to me. "Well, what's meant for you, will find you." She hugs me from behind. We stare at my dress and ourselves through the mirror with warming smiles.

"I'm really doing this."

"You are." She pulls away from me and turn me to look at her. "Having second thoughts?"

She made sense earlier though. I need to have fun. I need to stop isolating myself. I need to move on and face reality.

I smile lightly. "No, no I don't."

Maybe after this night, it will all change. My life will change for the better.

"Let's go then."

We grab our bags and walk out of the hotel. I stand beside Clara, quietly, as she called for a cab.

We get in and sit comfortably as the driver drives us to the club.

I look out the window, distracting myself with the people outside, as I try my best not to plan a way to decline and return back to the hotel.

I should go to the club and have fun. Maybe the club might not be the best first step to take but I'll give it a go.

Clara has done her best. It's up to me to do the rest.

The cab stops before the club. We get down and I do nothing but stand there and just stare at the building.

"I'm really doing this."

"You've said this before and I'm going to say this again. Yes you are." She starts walking.

The blasting music could very much be heard from where I stand. I watch drunk girls walk out of the building, alone or with someone. Girls and guys going in to party.

From what I've seen so far, I'm no different from them, well, except from the ones who exposed way too much of their skin.

"Damn." Is all I say before Clara realizes I'm not following her.

"Don't just stand there. Come on." She walks back to grab my hand and pull me to walk behind her into the club.

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