

_Author’s POV_

When Ruelle got home, Killian was sitting in the living room. Another woman was sitting in front of him and she seemed to laughing at what was being said.

Killian's face was blank as he waited for her to stop laughing.

Ruelle took a step forward and his head instantly snapped in her direction when she got closer.

“What took you so long to get home?” He asked her, seeming irritated.

“I– Uh..” Ruelle stuttered, feeling lost for what to say as she looked between them both.

She wondered who the woman was but she said nothing about it.

Erika looked at Ruelle with a scowl on her face. She heard that Killian was about to get married and she came here as fast as she could.

“So this is your fiance?” She asked, giving Ruelle a once over.

Her eyes skimmed over Ruelle who felt awkward under her stare.

She knew she wasn't ugly, but she couldn't say the same about her clothes.

She has been using the same set of clothes for a while now because her father didn't care about her.

Facing such a look from Erika made her feel self-conscious for the first time in a while.

While Eileen got everything, she got nothing. She used to work at coffee shops to get money to get whatever she needed.

But once her father heard about that, he instantly forbade her from doing that. Saying it was a shame for his daughter to work in such a place.

“The Athanas are not in any way poor, so why are you dressed that way?” Erika asked Ruelle, and she instantly felt embarrassed.

Her clothes were faded from the amount of times that they had been washed and used.

“How is she dressed?” Killian asked, turning his head towards her.

Erika looked at Ruelle in distaste before faking a smile.

“It's nothing, Killian,”

“Are you just going to stand there? Come here,” Killian ordered and Ruelle instantly complied.

Erika was shocked that Killian had called Ruelle to his side. He did not like people close to him and that was why she came across him.

Erika watched with envy as Ruelle sat beside Killian, her hands placed between her thighs.

She had always liked Killian but because he was blind and crippled as well. It didn't go that he survived on the little money that he got from his family she was afraid to make a move.

Erika clenched her fist by her sides, her nails digging into her palm.

Even though she didn't want Killian now, it didn't mean that someone else could have him.

Soon Killian asked Ruelle to take him to his room, he was tired of sitting there not doing anything.

“Oh, all right,” Ruelle said, looking at Erika.

She helped Killian into his wheelchair, pushing him towards the elevator.

Erika tried to stop them but it was already too late. But she thought it was all right since she would be staying here for a while.

There was plenty of time to sabotage their wedding.

Ruelle pushed Killian into their room, she paused when she saw the food tray on the table and it remained untouched.

“You haven't eaten?” She asked Killian. It was evening already and if his breakfast was still here, doesn't that mean he hadn't eaten all day?

“It tastes terrible,” Killian replied, pushing his wheelchair to the bed.

“Can I cook for you?”, Ruelle asked and Killian paused for a bit before he continued moving.

His pause was so subtle that if you weren't paying attention you wouldn't have noticed.

“Okay,” He answered after a while.

A smile spread on Ruelle's face and she turned around running out.

She had no idea where the kitchen was, but she was going to find it.

Ruelle successfully found the kitchen after searching. Washing her hands, she immediately set to work.

She didn't know what exactly she wanted to cook, but she wouldn't make whatever she could from the kitchen.

Erika was walking by when she saw Ruelle cooking, she took a step by peeping into the room.

“What is she doing? And who is she cooking for?” Erika asked herself.

She sees a maid walking out of the kitchen and immediately pulls her.

“Who is she cooking for?” Erika asked the maid who then replied that Ruelle was cooking for Killian.

The food was already having a nice aroma and Erika gritted her teeth in anger.

She had to do something.

An idea immediately came to mind and she smiled, walking a few meters away to make a call.

After her call Erika stood around the kitchen, waiting for when Ruelle would step out so she could do the first part of her plan.

Her wait was not in vain because soon Ruelle closed the pot, letting the food simmer as she rushed to ask Killian a question.

She didn't exactly know his preferences, and she needed to ask if he was allergic to anything.

She was just so happy about cooking for him and she rushed out without asking.

Taking this opportunity, Erika slipped into the kitchen. She opened the pot with the sauce in it and the aroma wafted into her nose making her mouth water.

It would be a shame to ruin such a delicious food, she thought to herself. But it just had to be done.

Opening the jar of salt on the table, Erika poured in two spoonfuls before stirring the pot.

She heard someone coming and she immediately closed the pot, rushing to the freezer to get a bottle of water.

When Ruelle walked into the kitchen she stopped midstep when she saw Erika drinking water.

She didn't trust Erika because of the looks that she had been getting from her, but since Erika hadn't done anything to her yet, she couldn't find a reason to be on guard.

She immediately rushed to the pot, turning the stove off.

She had tasted the food before she left and it was good, she just wanted it be simmer a bit while she was gone. She had never tasted the food she cooked because she didn't like to, and everything she cooked ended up fine. She just felt the need to taste this because Killian was the one eating.

Erika closed the bottle of water, taking it with her. She had just taken a sip off it because she wasn't really thirsty.

“Smells good,” Erika said as she walked past leaving Ruelle stunned.

Dishing the food out, Ruelle carried it up in a tray. Being careful not to spill.

She pushed the door open with her hip, holding the tray tightly.

“It's done,” Ruelle said to him, placing it carefully on a table.

The moment Erika had seen that Ruelle had left the kitchen.

She immediately rushed in with the food she bought, pouring it into a plate.

Dressing the food up nicely so it would look like she cooked it, Erika carried it up, following behind Ruelle.

Of course, she couldn't cook and had to order, but since they had tons of kitchens here, who would notice?

Ruelle was startled when the food was pushed away, Killian spitting out in disgust.

“If you can't cook, I suggest you never cook for me again,” He said harshly.

He picked up a bottle of water from the tray, but before he drank it he paused.

“Who knows if you put salt here too,” His tone was sarcastic and it hurt Ruelle.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she wondered what had happened.

She cooked for someone for the first time and then this happened, but she was certain she didn't put in much salt in it.

Ruelle was still pondering on what could have gone wrong when Erika knocked on the door.

“Killian? I made some food for you,”

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Precious Edmund
I apologize for the delay in doing that. Chapter updates would resume for 'The Devil's obsession' very soon.
goodnovel comment avatar
Ayesha Ilyas
are you not going to complete your other book

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