Semua Bab The Return of General Williams : Bab 11 - Bab 20
128 Bab
11. Stress 1
He ignored the call and concentrated on his video. Now, George and the General Manager walked out of the department and headed to the Accounts Department. He was able to visit seven departments and ended up in the Production Department. He looked at the guns and the other products and requested, “Can I have your latest product for the President's perusal?”“Oh, that is interesting! You can have this,” the Production Manager, Capt. Andy Miles agreed and handed a handgun to him. He appreciated him and left. Likewise, he faced the General Manager and appreciated him, “Thank you, Capt. Bolton for having me. It's been nice working with you.”The captain was elated and responded at once, “I'm delighted to be of help, Sgt. Young. My regards to the President.”“I will do that,” he answered and walked on without looking at the fatigued Laura.“Goodbye, Sgt. Young,” she said tiredly and George turned as though he was seeing her for the first time.“Goodbye, Secretary,” he responded and walked
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12. Dilemma
At the Gate.After the call, the officers advised, “Young men. I will advise you to go home and continue your search elsewhere. There is nothing like that here.”Before the officer ended his speech, Samuel had started crying. He was certain that Tim was killed unjustly and they wished to cover their acts up. Apart from not getting across to him, the anguish of his brutal killing and death overwhelmed them and they wept profusely.The befuddled officers were in a dilemma. Any passerby would assume that they were flogged by them.“He is not a bad man. We only need his corpse for a proper burial,” Samuel pleaded.“Go back to school. We don't know what you are talking about,” an officer blurted out and he regretted it.“We will not leave without his body. This is injustice. How can we condone this in the military? To kill a civilian without trial,” Gerald sobbed and the three officers were incapacitated by their utterances which were indicting. To compound their problem, the accusations
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13. Dilemma 1
At the GateWithout minding who would lose his job or be reproved because of their presence, the two boys never relented in their quest.“Good afternoon, Cadets,” the Major greeted them happily when he arrived. “Good afternoon, Major,” Gerald panted and Samuel focused on the Major. “I think there is a misconception here. We don't have any record of such a thing here,” the Major pointed out but they insisted. Their big sister and mother could not be lying when they said that he was killed by the soldiers and taken away in a helicopter.“Major, we are certain that he was killed by the military and taken away with a helicopter,” Gerald stated.“We are not asking for justice for him, Major but give us his body for a proper burial,” Samuel requested.The confused Major looked at their puffed eyes and told himself that he had a serious problem. He was aware that the military did not do that but played down his knowledge and asked, “When did it happen?”At that point, David was happy that
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14. Dilemma 2
“They are looking for you and crying because they believe that you are dead?”“My goodness! I can't meet them. Let them remain with the notion that I am dead.”“It is all right.” Meanwhile, Tim who had not come to terms with why they were at the gate added, “When they are tired of searching for me, they would leave.” “That is it.”“Thank you for informing me, Your Excellency.”“You are welcome.”After the call, he looked at them again and asked himself, “Is that why they had been calling me?”Without delay, he joined George. To his chagrin, George could not even drive a screw into a hole. He laughed softly and asked, “Is it difficult for you?”Unhesitatingly, he answered, “Yes, Boss.”“That is a good one to own up. It is good for you to know how to do it because you may need it someday. If you run out of weapons on the battlefield, the ability to improvise will help you a lot.”“I got it, Boss.”“Take a break. We will continue later.”“Okay, Boss,” he said, carefully gathered the p
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15. Dilemma 3
At Laura's HouseUnfortunately, the family was never prepared for the trauma of the missing children that day. They had their dinner quite well but were distressed afterward.“Where could they be at this moment?” Madeline asked bitterly.“It baffles me, too,” Laura stated and looked at her worried father's face.“Have you called their numbers?” He asked.“Let me do that, now,” she promised and dialed Gerald's number. They waited anxiously while it rang. Afterward, it timed out. “What is the meaning of this? Why are they not picking up their calls?” Madeline asked.“Could they have gone to Rakaia?” Her father asked and they focused on him.“What will take them there, Dad? When they were looking for Tim's corpse”“Maybe to see their old friends.”Rakaia was their native town and it was seated close to the southern banks of the Rakaia River on the Canterbury Plains. That was the river Tim fell into after Gen. McDonald shot him. “It is possible. What do we do?” Madeline asked.“Tim wou
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16. Dilemma 4
At The President's Office.Now, George was through with Capt. Bruce and was in his office. He thought that the Secretary had arrived and was attending to other things when he did not meet her at her desk. Besides, he did not need her. For reasons best known to himself, he avoided the President's desk and worked from the Conference Table. He looked at the security camera and saw the gate. Before he could think of the right punishment for the latecomers, he got a call from Tim. He had been monitoring the activities in the complex and trying to contact him but did not because he was with Capt. Bruce. Instantly, he picked up the call and greeted him, “Hello, Boss. Is there anything you want me to do for you?”“Hello, George. I think a minute's punishment is okay for the latecomers. You can ask them to go in.”“Okay, Boss,” he accepted and walked to the intercom. He called the gate and Cpl. Simpson picked up the call and greeted him, “Good morning, General. How may I be of help to you?”
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17. Dilemma 5
Now, George faced the General Manager and informed him, “To serve as a deterrent to the other staff members, …”“Yes, what do I do?” He interrupted him and asked anxiously. “Just paste the names on the notice board. I think it is lighter than a query. What do you think?”“You are right. Thank you for your understanding,” he appreciated him, stood up, and stated, “I will take my leave at once.”“It is all right. Kindly ask the Secretary to see me.”“Consider it done, Sergeant,” he consented and walked away while George brought out the handgun. The General Manager walked to the Secretary's office and informed her, “He needs your attention, Secretary.”“It is okay, Capt. Bolton,” she answered with extreme enthusiasm, and he walked away. At Capt. Bolton's OfficeHe was happy with the turnout of events and was ready to give it all his best. Instantly, he asked his secretary, Stephanie Benjamin, a twenty-five-year-old lady who had been in the organization before the war, to prepare a mem
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18. Dilemma 6
At The Auxiliary Armory PLCLaura walked back to her desk like one in a trance and took her seat. Now, she was breathing heavily and trying to put herself together. After a while, she said, “The Corporal confused me. Why did he address him as General?”She looked worriedly for some time before she asked, “Why is he putting on the wristwatch I gifted the President?”At Tim's ApartmentHe was happy when George returned and continued his work by reporting all the abnormalities in the office. “Welcome back once again. You look worried,” Tim asked. He took a deep breath and pointed out, “I wonder how military staff members would come to work late. What is the difference between us and the civilians.”Tim laughed inwardly at his bogus expectations from humans and declared, “That is human beings for you. How do you think we can curtail it?”“By continuing to punish them. I asked the General Manager to display their names on the notice board to serve as a deterrent to others?”“I like that.
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19. Dilemma 7
At Tim's HouseAfter the chat, he continued to watch the television. Before dinner, he sent for George and when he arrived, he prepared him for the next day's work and he showed fear. He could not imagine how he would receive a Brigadier without his support. Howbeit, he gave him an encouraging smile and asked, “Are you scared?” He vacillated before he answered, “No Boss,” even though it was obvious from his expression that he was.“That's good to hear. You won't be alone with him. The General Manager and the Sales Manager will be there with you. Are you okay with that?”“Yes. I got it, Boss.”They had their dinner peacefully and went to sleep. Unaware of what the next day will bring.The Next DayAt The Headquarters' GateSamuel was weak and rested his head on Gerald's shoulder all through the night. Cpl. Kenneth and the other soldiers were helplessly watching and praying for them. At that point, their lips were dried and the mark of tears distorted their lean faces. It was obvious t
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20. The Battle
At The Canterbury Defense AcademyThe Commandant held his breath while waiting for the call to connect. Above all, he was unaware of how to begin his complaint. After a few seconds, the call connected and his heart sank. “Hello, Commandant. How are you?” His Excellency greeted him happily when he picked up the call.Nevertheless, the cheerful greeting did not have much effect on his downcast spirit.“Good morning, Your Excellency. I'm fine,” he responded with a fallen voice.“What is the matter? You sound cold.”“Yes, Your Excellency. I wish to inform you that two of our students are missing. They left the school three days ago but have not returned as they promised.”“That is serious. What was their reason for leaving the school?”“They said their brother-in-law was killed and wished to attend his funeral. …”“Hold on. How many did you say they are?”“They are two, Your Excellency.” Now, His Excellency was abreast of the story and played along.“The two of them? Have you contacted
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