Semua Bab My Querencia: Bab 1 - Bab 10
10 Bab
Who is HE?
It's again a beautiful morning with blissful coffee. I am eyeing how the mix of orange and yellow sun rays painted the Eiffel Tower golden. With deep breaths, as usual, my mind ran a series of questions like Where am I from? Who am I? What's my name? Still no answers. It's my daily routine to think about myself why? Cause I can't remember anything. Yep, Anterograde amnesia. I always wonder what kind of life I lived before. It's not like I am not happy with my current life, I have everything I want around me like a job, friends, a lover, and all but I always have this hole in my heart like it wanted to be filled. I don't know what am I searching for. I have many good people who love me here but what's the question is they love the real me or the person whom they see or we say the person I portray them to see me as? The truth is, even I don't know the real me. The moment I recovered from a coma four years ago, all I feel is blank, numb, and hollow in my soul. Later, I got to know I w
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I groaned a little and opened my heavy eyelids slowly. I felt a sharp pain in my head so I hissed and rubbed my eyes to adjust my vision which was still a little blur. My sight got a glimpse of David resting his head in bed near my torso and holding my hand.The one who gave me a second chance at everything in my life. My whole existence is because of him, if he didn't come to the cafe that day I don't know what I would be doing now. He is the man of all girl's dreams. He is simply hot, handsome, and most importantly my boyfriend. He asked me out even before my plastic surgery, I don't know why and what he sees in me. Whenever I asked him he said he didn't love me for my looks but for my heart. I still feel insecure, maybe inferiority would be the exact word to describe my mindset. Before my surgery, I thought of myself as too low even though I was good at my work. I never thought of being in a relationship or that's what I said to myself. I never showed my face to anyone before su
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It's been a week since the hospital incident. I got busy with my new project. As usual, I drown myself in work. David fly to Las Vegas for a new contract. His company has expanded widely within these three years. He won the Best Entrepreneur award last year, he deserves it cause he worked hard for it. John was so excited about his boyfriend's birthday party tonight. I know I promised him to tag along but I prefer home better. If I chicken out now John will tear me apart so no choice left. And what's the most irritating thing is the makeover. I hate that. Even my mind jumbling about the party tonight I was still preparing a report for this week. John sneaks into my cabin. Even when I noticed it, I acted clueless and glued my gaze to screen. He closed my eyes with his palm, I tsked my tongue and removed his hands. He scoffed and voiced in annoyed tone, "It's already late bitch. Come on let's leave. Don't you remember today's party?" I sighed lightly, turned towards him, and asked, "D
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I hate parties, I am not much of a social butterfly so I am left alone in the corner, holding a flute glass of champagne and sipping slowly. My mind raced back to the moment when Ian made me crazy a few minutes ago, even thinking of that my heart was pounding. If this continues I swear I gonna faint any minute. My thoughts got snapped when I felt a sharp pain in my anklet, it's getting hurt cause of these damn heels. My attention turned to the podium when the host voiced, "Welcome Ladies and gentlemen Let's begin this wonderful party with dance". With that, all lights were turned dim, a romantic melody playing in the background. Even so, no one got on the dance floor. My wandering eyes got blind when the spotlight fell on me. I raised my hand to block the bright light. Before I got used to its brightness, I heard Adam's voice "Can I have a dance Stef?". I don't know why Adam asked me for a dance instead of John but I didn't want to be rude so I gave in my hand to his extended hand.
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Know me better
I drove back to our apartment alone. I knew John would stay back with Adam since it was his birthday. I also didn't mind to inform them of my goodbye. My body and mind both were so exhausted by the thoughts of Ian. It's been only a few hours since I got engaged still I cheated on my fiancee, what cheap character have I evolved? I still can't believe what I did with Ian. But why? I knew him barely and I did something intimate with him. I have known David for years, he has been nothing but a gentleman and the perfect boyfriend to me but I can't even kiss him properly on the day we got engaged. With these thoughts, I reached my apartment and opened the door using code. Once I walked in I removed my shoes, and my mind injected his words 'It returned to its place' I wondered what he meant. I dusted the shoes, stuffed them into a box put them on the top shelf.I strolled to the living room and plopped on the couch. After a while, I dragged my lazy self to my room, discarded the clothes we
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I opened my heavy eyelids deliberately to adjust the brightness of the room. I let my wandering eyes in search of the faces I knew. Not really, I searched for the particular person who occupied my mind a lot lately, Ian. I can't find him, not only him but anyone. Who am I kidding, a guy who met me just thrice will wait beside my bed for me to wake up. I let out a soft scoff. Suddenly the door opened wide and walked in David. Once his gaze met mine. He smiled warmly. I returned his gesture. He rushed to me, grabbed my hand, and said "I was scared, chérie. What happened? You were out for three days." My eyes went wide with a gasp when I heard David's words. I wonder why I would be out for three days. David shook my shoulders gently. I snap back to reality. He creased my cheeck gently and said, "I will notify Dr.Ben. Hmm?" I nodded my head and he left the room. I was thinking about the possibilities like why is this happening so often and intense nowadays. After a minute John strolle
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Find a way
It's been a month since I found out the savior of my life, whom I trusted the most just used me as a money-making machine. I felt betrayed. All I do for the last four weeks is just get drunk and knock out. My heart hurt not because I broke up with him but the feeling that I was fooled by him and allowed him to use me. I hate myself for being this dumb. As usual, I take my favorite tequila shots in broad daylight. My thoughts were snapped by the sound of my door slamming. I chin up, my hazy eyes meet my bestie who is always right about David. He sat next to me and stared at me skeptically. I scoffed, "What?" John sighed, "That's what I am asking, WHAT?". I sharply took a deep breath, "You know John". He shook his head in disbelief and asked "Can I ask you something?" I just hummed so he continued "But.. You should be honest with your answer" I just nodded my head. He shooted, "Do you love David?"I made a pause, and after two minutes of deep silence I replied, "NO but I trusted him b
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New Beginning
At the airport, I am waiting for the announcement of my flight. There came my bestie, John and Adam. They both hugged me, I was engulfed in two giant men. Then David came with my colleagues. All gave warm hugs and wishes. Still, John can't digest I forgave David. I waved bye to them and entered the departure lounge. After a long tiring flight travel, I arrived at the Airport. I walked to the exit. I just wore blue faded jeans, a white v-neck sleeve top a leather jacket with sunglasses in my white leather golden chained cluster. I was too exhausted so I walked towards the exit expecting someone to collect me. As expected there was a cute girl, just 5 feet, and chubby compared to me not fat though, holding my nameplate and checking her wristwatch.She was wearing a white button-up shirt unearned in a black blazer with a black pencil skirt and her hair in a low bun. I walked toward her, and once she realized I walked towards her, she smiled warmly making my heart ease. I tried to smile
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Avoiding Me
We reached the group of three hot men. Once they saw me they stood straight from their seats and smiled warmly. Cindy pointed to a young man who was looking with a little attitude as well as charm and introduced "Stef this is Mr. Bryan Vachirawit". He extended his hand and said "Nice to meet you, Miss. Joshua" I shook his hand gently and said, "Me too Mr. Vachirawit". Then Cindy pointed to the guy next to him who was also tall, and fairer, with a bright smile that his small eyes disappeared into his cheekbones and introduced "This is Mr. Wade Metawin".He too extended his hand, shook gently, and said "It's good to meet you, Miss Joshua". I smiled and said, "It's very wonderful to know you Mr. Metawin". Then Cindy pointed to the last person who was tallest and bulky with definite jawlines and said "This is Mr. Joss Wayar". He extended his hand and shook my hands firmly. I like his confidence. He said, " Nice to meet you, Miss. Joshua". I smiled and said, "Pleasure is mine Mr. Wayar".
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I was so happy that I came here, all the employees stuck with me well. I was enjoying these new settings in my life. I befriended all. I even became close with four male models when I went to confirm the dates for the photoshoot with them. Glen texted me daily as he has known me for ages, I like that. I thought I got another John here. By the way, it's hard to explain Mr. Alexis's case he generally ignored me. When I called him for date confirmation his manager answered the call and said he was busy, and he was also the one who confirmed the date for him. I brushed off the thought of him and continued my work with the public relations(PR) department. When I returned to my office Cindy was waiting for me.Once I saw her, I smiled warmly, she smiled and asked "Shall we go for lunch Stef?" I went closer to her ear and asked "Are you asking me for a date Chubby?" By wiggling my brows. She stepped back in a second her face flushed, she smiled awkwardly and said "No". I smiled at her red
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