

I opened my heavy eyelids deliberately to adjust the brightness of the room. I let my wandering eyes in search of the faces I knew. Not really, I searched for the particular person who occupied my mind a lot lately, Ian.

I can't find him, not only him but anyone. Who am I kidding, a guy who met me just thrice will wait beside my bed for me to wake up. I let out a soft scoff. Suddenly the door opened wide and walked in David. Once his gaze met mine. He smiled warmly.

I returned his gesture. He rushed to me, grabbed my hand, and said "I was scared, chérie. What happened? You were out for three days."

My eyes went wide with a gasp when I heard David's words. I wonder why I would be out for three days. David shook my shoulders gently. I snap back to reality. He creased my cheeck gently and said, "I will notify Dr.Ben. Hmm?" I nodded my head and he left the room.

I was thinking about the possibilities like why is this happening so often and intense nowadays. After a minute John strolled in with an annoyed face to pull me out of my thought train. He sat next to me, hugged me tight, and said "Thank God you are safe." Then he parted from me and said with a deep frown, "But you know what, I hate you. Cockblocker bitch".

I chuckled at his words. I know what he means. The day I fainted is when John is supposed to be with Adam in his mansion. I leaned to John's ear and asked " Where is Ian?". He was about to answer me but David returned with Dr. Ben.

He checked my pulse, vitals, BP, and other necessary checkups. He is the doctor who attending to me since I was admitted for the first time I fainted three years ago, he knows every single medical history of mine in and out. He was also there when I got plastic surgery and skin whitening in case something went wrong. Caisy my psychiatrist followed in.

Ben asked, "How do you feel now Stef?" I just hummed and answered "Fine". Then Caisy voiced "Stef I.." Before she continued I said, "I don't want to Caisy". She sighed and said, " I know. Then don't appear in front of us for a while". I chuckled and said, "ok".

Once my doctors left, David walked down to the office to settle the payments while John was with me packing all things to deport. The nurse helped me to get rid of the IV unit. When we are about to wrap up. John voiced "Ian flew back to New York. He is the one who called me and admitted you to the hospital".

By hearing John I don't know what to think or say. He narrowed his brows and asked, "May I know why he was in our apartment in that late hours and how the fuck he knows your phone password?" I gasped and turned to him and asked, "He what?"

John nodded his head and said, "He called me from your phone" I was taken aback by this new info before we persisted this talk,  David returned to get back to us. He took care of me for a few days with care. I felt so bad about what I was about to do to him so I decided to drop out all thoughts of that stranger Ian.

Soon everything went to its place. I drowned myself in our new project to distract myself from Ian. Even when I decided to forget him, he was the one who always occupied my mind no matter what. I do feel guilty thinking about another man while I am engaged to another. David was busy with business extensions in foreign countries.

After Three Months.

I almost forgot the guy who messed up with my mind and heart. My new project was a huge success, that made an uproar in the technology world. David was so happy. His shares went high, which means to peak. He became the top ten billionaires in our country.

It's been almost two months since we both met, we two were so busy with our work. He was returning from Switzerland tomorrow. I want to surprise him, cause so far I never initiated anything with him like gifts, open talk, kiss even physical touch but now he is my fiance and soon going to be my husband so I feel like I should try.

We didn't even go on a proper date after we got engaged. I felt so guilty for getting attracted to another guy. I want to do something special for David and I decided to arrange a candle night dinner with an open theater in the garden of David's mansion.

I was mentally prepared to give myself to him. It's not the first time we had sex, we had a handful of times but I never engaged myself deeply, this time I gonna initiate it and enjoy the feeling of love I deserve to feel with my fiance and I know he waited patiently for me so long too.

I was so excited about my date with David tomorrow. I needed help to make myself good for the surprise so here I was in the spa with my bestie. We both were lying on the spa bed, two wonder female staff massaging our backs. John moaned and voiced, "So, you forgot that hottie?"

I groaned and replied, "Will you ever drop that bitch. It's just a phase nothing else" he huffed and said, "If you say so" Then we continue it with the sauna, manicure, pedicure, haircut, face treatment, etc.

We had lunch and went shopping. John dragged me first to Victoria's Secret, he insisted me get some sexy lingerie to spice things up. Then we went to get some new dresses, I picked a red, knee-length, frill, sleeveless dress for the date. John picked me a black crop top and a white plaid skirt with black thigh stockings for my special night with David.

He got something for him too then when we were about to depart, he dragged me to the corner shop. I walked in without seeing the name of the shop but I gasped when I eyed sex toys. I felt my cheeck blare, John chuckled and said, "Chill dude, we came just to get you a chocker"

I gave a curt nod so he walked in, I waited for a minute but he didn't return so I strolled in and eyed different types of dildos, vibrates, massagers, and all.

I crossed that aisle and turned, my heart stopped when my gaze fell on a mannequin with a black leather corset and a see-through lace bra, it had black fishnet stockings and see-through black lace panties. A black blinder, furry handcuffs, a chocker with a ring in center.

My stomach did some flips, not because I was aroused but feeling of nostalgia. I am sure I didn't even know a thing about BDSM but how could I have such a feeling? Wait a damn minute! Did I have a BDSM relationship before my accident? The back of my head felt a sharp pain. I hissed before I fainted John yelled, "Stef" so I turned to see him running towards me.

Once he reached me he asked, "Where have you gone?" I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Just eyeing" he smirked and asked, "Why? Wanna get something" I scoffed and said, "You bet" With that, we paid for that choker and walked out. Later that night we had take-out food and closed our day.

Next morning before I got up John left for his cruise date with Adam. I did my morning routines, put on the red dress, and a little makeup, and went to the office. I know he will visit the office first whenever he returns from a foreign country.

Today is Sunday so there is no one here, I have keys and know every password for this building so entering David's office is never been a big deal for me. Once I walked in, I hid behind the curtain. I heard the door opening sound. I was about to reveal myself but stopped when I heard a girl's voice.

"So baby where are we flying next time?" I heard David's reply, "Shall we explore Asian countries?". The girl giggled and answered, "Of course baby". She continued "Baby how long that bitch gonna stick around?". David sighed, and I slightly peeked out. I saw David pulling a tan-skinned, blonde, curvy, long legs, sexy girl onto his lap. She perfectly fixed herself on his crochet like a missed puzzle.

David voiced "Baby, we live this luxury because of her. If we let her slip, we will be the ones suffering. So endure it. She is just a money-making machine". The girl pecked a kiss on his lips and said "I know baby but that costs me to live in shadows and that sucks cause I miss you so much. I don't want to be away from you even for a minute."

David kissed her passionately and then said, "Don't worry baby she might be a public show off but you are the one I love and you know that."

That girl sighed softly and said, "I know baby but. I am worried about you." David frowned and asked, "Why is that?" she pout and said, "About how you bearing with that basic bitch. That ugly shit doesn't look better even after the surgery."

David laughed at the girl's words like she said some brilliant stuff and said, "Don't underestimate her baby. You know Akin the fashion world monster. He asked her to join with him in his modeling team". That girl's eyes bulged out, and she gasped and yelled "WHAT!!?? I can't believe Akin asked her to join his team. I tried twenty auditions for joining his team. What did he see in that bitch? I am sure she tried to open her legs for him"

David hugged her tight and said, "It's okay baby I will do anything in my power to help you. By the way, It's getting late so I gonna meet Stef. You better go and take a rest. Next week we gonna explore Asian countries. Hmm?". That girl squealed, "Ok baby." She kissed David got up from his lap, and was about to leave.

I felt so suffocating that I couldn't breathe, my world almost stopped, and I froze up there. I don't know what to think. I felt numb. My body doesn't react to anything. I forgot everything around me. I walked forward, I felt something stopping me from moving forward. I heard faint voices, and my vision got blurry. I can't take another step. I heard a loud beep in my ear.

Finally, I heard David's voice, STEFANA!! I snapped back and turned around, my heart was pounding fast and ached like it was torn up from me. I felt betrayed but that's not the problem, the whole situation looked so familiar to me.

I took a deep breath and pulled my arm from his grip. He was taken aback by my action. I stood straight wiped my tears roughly and said in a stern cold tone, "Mr.David Carter, I resigned from your company, and Dav I broke up with you. It's all over so don't you ever show up in my life anymore. Goodbye". With that, I removed my engagement ring and threw it at his face.

He was speechless by me. Even I didn't expect I would talk to him like this. I walked out of his company where I worked my ass out for the last three years. I didn't know where I was going, I let my legs take me to wander along the busy street of Paris. And I felt this was not the first I was like this.

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