Semua Bab Fall in love with my ex's dad : Bab 21 - Bab 30
102 Bab
Chapter 21
" What did I do wrong? " Bryan's mind raced through every interaction they had shared, searching for a clue, a hint of misunderstanding that could have led to Ava's refusal.He remembered their conversations, the occasional glances exchanged, and the shared moments of understanding. The connection he felt with Ava was undeniable, making her refusal all the more baffling.Tossing aside the tangled thoughts, Bryan sat up in bed, frustration etched on his face. He reached for his phone, contemplating reaching out to Ava, but uncertainty held him back. Would it be too forward? Would it come across as too insistent?He grappled with the idea of texting her, seeking an explanation or even suggesting another opportunity to connect. But hesitation lingered, a fear of crossing boundaries he wasn't sure existed.With a sigh, Bryan lay back down, the weight of confusion pressing upon him. The unanswered questions swirled around his mind, leaving him restless in the quiet solitude of his room.Th
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Chapter 22
The setting sun painted the skyline in hues of orange as Bryan and Lily stepped out of the conference room, their expressions weary but triumphant. They had spent hours hunched over papers, debating terms, and sipping tepid coffee to finalize the contract agreement with their business partner.Lily sighed, rubbing her temples. " I think I might develop a permanent squint from all those clauses. "Bryan chuckled, feeling the fatigue settling into his bones. " Tell me about it. If I read another legal jargon-filled paragraph, I might just start speaking in contracts. "As they exited the building, Bryan loosened his tie, feeling the stress of the day slowly melting away. " Thanks, Lily. Your insight on those last-minute adjustments was invaluable. "Lily smiled, a faint blush touching her cheeks. " I'm just doing my job, Bryan. But I appreciate your acknowledgment. "They made their way to a nearby restaurant, both craving a good meal after the mentally draining day. Inside, the ambianc
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Chapter 23
Bryan nodded appreciatively. " Great job, Lily. Let's iron out these details, and hopefully, we'll wrap this up smoothly. "Over breakfast, they discussed the amendments, refining clauses, and making necessary adjustments to the contract. With each tick of the clock, they inched closer to finalizing the deal.By mid-morning, Bryan and Lily stood up from the table, satisfied with their progress. They shook hands, a sense of accomplishment radiating from both of them." We did it, " Bryan said with a smile. " Thank you, Lily. Your dedication and sharp eye made a significant difference. "Lily beamed. " It's been a pleasure working with you, Bryan. We make a good team. "As they parted ways, Bryan's mind veered to thoughts of home. He couldn't shake off the growing sense of longing for Ava, someone he hadn't known for long but whose presence seemed to have a profound effect on him.Upon arriving at his villa, Bryan felt an inexplicable emptiness settling in. The quietness of the place se
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Chapter 24
Bryan finally reached her office, a hint of hesitation in his voice. " Hey, Ava. I'm sorry for the unexpected appearance. I was just passing by and thought I'd say hello. "Ava managed a polite smile, trying to suppress the fluttering nerves. " Hi, Bryan. No need to apologize. I... I was just caught off guard, that's all. "Before he could say anything else, he heard a chatty voice behind him " Hello Mr Hayes " It was Bella. He turned, realizing she was the colleague Ava had been talking to before he appeared. He smiled " Good day, Miss.... " His voice trailed off deliberately as he waited for her to provide her name. " Bella " She finished cheerfully, smiling at him warmly. He nodded " Miss Bella "Bella moved a few distance away to give them privacy but she could hear them clearly if she strained her ears. Bryan turned his attention back to Ava, hungry for her beautiful face. He could sense her slight unease. " I was out of town for a couple of days, handling some urgent busine
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Chapter 25
As Bryan drove, he glanced over at Ava, a friendly curiosity in his eyes. " So, Ava, tell me more about yourself. I realized we've only discussed work-related stuff. "Ava hesitated for a moment, contemplating how much she wanted to reveal about herself to her boss. She admired Bryan's openness but knew that sharing her personal life, especially with someone in a position of authority, wasn't something she was comfortable with. Despite the undeniable attraction she felt towards him, she was wary of getting too close to her boss." Um, there's not much to tell, really, " Ava replied with a polite smile, hoping to steer the conversation away from personal topics.Bryan glanced at her, sensing her hesitation. " Fair enough. We don't have to dive into personal details if you're not comfortable. I respect that. "Ava felt a rush of relief at Bryan's understanding response. " Thank you, Bryan. I appreciate that. "Their conversation shifted back to lighter topics, discussing hobbies, favori
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Chapter 26
Ava hesitated, feeling the internal struggle between the polite acceptance of his offer and her reservations about getting too close to her boss. The undeniable attraction she felt towards Bryan made it difficult to decline, but she knew setting boundaries was important." I...I'm not sure, " Ava stammered, her gaze shifting away momentarily before meeting Bryan's eyes again.Bryan observed her with an intense gaze, as if trying to read her thoughts through every inch of her face. His expression softened, a hint of understanding in his eyes. " It's alright, Ava. No pressure. I just want to make sure you're safe. "Ava finally relented, giving in to the genuine concern in Bryan's voice. " Okay, thank you, Bryan. I appreciate it. "Bryan smiled warmly, bidding her goodbye with a promise to visit her department later after working hours. Ava thanked him, feeling a mix of gratitude and apprehension about the closeness that seemed to be developing between them.As Bryan left, Ava returned
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Chapter 27
Ava returned home, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over her. She entered her apartment, shedding her coat and bag, and slumped onto the bed without bothering to change out of her work clothes. The events of the day played over and over in her mind, and she realized she should call Bella to share everything that had happened.With a sigh, Ava glanced at her phone, considering reaching out to Bella. However, her fatigue seemed to overpower her will to make the call at that moment. "Bella's probably waiting for my call," she mumbled with a faint smile, promising herself to narrate the day's events to her colleague at work the next day.Resigned to catching up on Bella's life updates in person, Ava finally mustered the energy to start undressing. She had almost finished changing when her phone suddenly rang, displaying Bella's name on the screen." Talk of the devil, " Ava muttered playfully, answering the call." You b*tch! Did you ever plan to call me at all?! " Bella shouted immediat
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Chapter 28
Their conversation shifted between work-related matters and subtle discussions about Ava's encounter with Bryan, all within the boundaries of their professional setting. They both sensed the limitations of delving too deeply into personal matters while at work, but the lunch provided a momentary escape from the judgmental atmosphere in the office.As they finished their meal and headed back to work, Ava felt grateful for the support and understanding Bella offered. Despite the lingering stares and unspoken tensions in the workplace, she found solace in having a friend who was willing to listen and provide a safe space for discussion, even amidst the constraints of their professional environment. ******************As Ava and Bella concluded their lunch and started heading back towards the office, engaged in a light-hearted conversation, Bella's phone suddenly rang, interrupting their discussion. Bella glanced at the caller ID and grimaced apologetically." Sorry, Ava. I
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Chapter 29
Minutes passed, stretching like an eternity, until the door finally swung open. Ava emerged, her eyes locking onto Bryan's in an instant. Relief flooded her face, and without a word, she dashed towards him." Bryan! " Her voice carried a mixture of relief and joy as she wrapped her arms tightly around him. His surprise melted into a smile, and instinctively, he embraced her, enveloping her in a comforting hold." Are you alright? " Bryan's voice was gentle, filled with concern as he held her close.Ava sniffed and nodded against his chest, her voice muffled, " Yeah, I'm okay now. Thank you for waiting. "" Always. I was worried, " he murmured softly, his fingers gently caressing her back." I'm sorry for the way I acted back there " She said quietly as she withdrew from the hug. Her eyes were red and it looked like she had been crying. Bryan shook his head " You handled it pretty well, baby " He said softly, placing a comforting hand on her arm. Her eyes went huge in an instant " B
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Chapter 30
The soft glow of the apartment's lighting cascaded over Jayden's face as he sat on the edge of his couch, a smartphone clutched in his hand. His father's images with the mysterious woman lingered on the screen, evoking a mixture of detachment and vague intrigue." Finally, " he muttered once more, the words slipping out with a blend of resignation and indifference. Bryan, his father, had been elusive about his personal life since Jayden's mother's passing. It seemed a positive shift that Bryan was seeking companionship, but Jayden's emotions remained in a state of equilibrium." It's about time he moved on, " he mused, a flicker of ambivalence dancing in his eyes. His father deserved happiness after years of solitude, yet Jayden's own sentiments toward the matter were muted.As Jayden gazed at the photos, an itch of familiarity pricked at him. The woman's obscured visage left him restless, a puzzle he couldn't quite solve. He leaned in closer to the screen, squinting as if a sharper f
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