All Chapters of Uncontrollable Temptation: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
54 Chapters
chapter 31
Adam Wilson"Flowers, chocolates, teddy bears... there's nothing that I haven't given her! Yet she still doesn't approve of me.""Why do you need her approval?" The shrink asked. I wonder how he is a shrink if he does nothing else but asks stupid questions."Because she is the woman I love!!! Wouldn't you want the approval of someone you love?!" I snapped angrily at him.The only reason why I was here in the first place was because of Mason. He ensured that I seek therapy because of my smoking and relationship problems with Sophia but I'm not sure this is working."Calm down Adam, I can see you're frustrated because of Sophia's rejection and your lack of nicotine for the past few hours.""Then don't ask foolish questions.""I asked for a reason. Just take a deep breath and try to answer the question, why do you seek the approval of Sophia?"Ugh! I would have beat up this guy right on the spot. But I'm trying to change... for Sophia."Because it hurts that she doesn't like me and wants
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chapter 32
Adam WilsonToday's workout was intense.It was chest day and I could feel my ripped muscles.Apart from the smoking habit I picked up in Michigan, everything else with my body is fine. I have been eating well and trying to get as much sleep as I can. The shrink suggested at least 5 hours of sleep at night which has not been working out so well.But I'm a working progress.When I arrived at work, it was already 1pm. I'm late but I made it just in time to prepare for the meeting today at 2pm. I had also bought a box of white chocolates on my way for Sophia, her favorite.She is presenting and I can't wait to watch her. This is the first time she'll do so and I could tell that she's nervous about it. I remember the look of terror on her face when I told her to do it. She had begged mercilessly but I had none of it. If she was going to leave in a few months I had to make good use of her to her maximum potential. I'm sure she can do this.I got to my office and rang Sophia immediately but
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chapter 33
Sophia ParkerI knocked firmly on the huge brown doors leading to 'his' office."I can do this." I whispered to myself as I took deep breaths.Yes, I am ashamed of what happened yesterday but I wouldn't let it affect me OR repeat itself in any way today. I'm just going to pretend like it didn't happen. And if he tries to do anything, I'll run out!After no response, I decided to just walk in.I opened the door with one hand, his coffee and dairy in my other hand. I didn't even bother to look at him or say hello but I knew he was there. My body was completely aware of his presence.I carefully walked to the edge of his large brown desk, maintaining as much distance as possible, then I placed the cup as close to him as I could... which was still very far from him."Alice informed me that you scheduled a meeting with someone from AIRTEX today at 10am. It's currently 9:45. Apart from that, your diary is empty. Is there anything you would like me to do for you today?"After reading from hi
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chapter 34
Adam WilsonAfter taking a few breaths to cool down, I heard the doorbell ring.This is it.I opened the door...and there she stood.Looking effortlessly beautiful.Whatever dusky feelings I had before died out instantly because she seemed to light up my entire world easily.She looked up at me and I felt a blast of warmth pour over me.I was so glad that she was here. I don't know what it was, but there was a certain magic in her presence. All I wanted to do was be near her, hold her till the very end and never let her go.She was dressed very casually in an oversized knitwear, blue jeans, and boots. But still she looked amazing. Heck! Everything about her was amazing."Come in." I finally said after my long mental appraisal of her.I moved to the side for her to walk in and when she did, I caught a whiff of her scent. It was probably her hair conditioner because she smelt like a delicious apple...Ripe, plump, and ready for plucking."What brings you here?" I said, getting my thoug
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chapter 35
Adam WilsonI woke up expecting Sophia beside me but I was met with emptiness instead."Sophia?" I called out her name.She was probably in the bathroom or somewhere else. I checked the time to see that it was 11am already.Thankfully, it was a Saturday and I didn't have any engagements so it was okay for me to sleep in late.Besides... Sophia was a knockout.Last night was ruthless. Every single moment with her was pure bliss. I am still surprised by the depth of passion she ignited within me. I couldn't wait to share another moment like that with her again.I needed to find her and say good morning. What is she up to?I took a deep breath, threw the covers off and went to the bathroom."Sophia? My love, are you in there?" I knocked and entered after no response. Unfortunately, it was empty.That meant she was in the kitchen. She was probably hungry, I am too.I went into the kitchen and she wasn't there too... Strange.I checked the whole apartment and there was no sign of Sophia.
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chapter 36
Adam Wilson"These were not the documents that I asked you for!" I screamed at the replacement.Thank God he was only temporary. This guy was so dumb, one could argue he was paralyzed from the neck up.He never seemed to get anything right which was amusing. How did he even manage to snag a degree?"But sir, you said you needed the files for Alfred Lewis." He argued, never once accepting correction."Do these look like Alfred Lewis documents??" I was about to loose my patience with this dimwit."Yes that are-""Shut the fuck up! They're not! These are for Alfred Levakis!" He mixed it up because the name 'Lewis' also appeared on the documents. That just shows he wasn't paying attention to details.He looked at me with bared teeth, anger flashing in his eyes."But sir-""If you're not going to take correction and keep on arguing with me then get the fuck out of my office. I don't need stubborn twats like you who think they know everything."The idiot eyed me for a few seconds before he l
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chapter 37
Sophia ParkerWe're having a huge dinner later today at the house and I don't know why. I've been bothering my mum to tell me who the special guest is but she said it's a surprise.I don't like surprises."Mum, just say who the person is! Does dad know already?" I pestered her. We were both in the kitchen making some food."Yes, he does.""Then how come I don't get to know?!""Because the surprise is for you!" She smiled and I only rolled my eyes.I tried to think of who it could possibly be but not many people came to my mind.It wasn't any of my friends from college because we wouldn't need to prepare a huge dinner and even bake a choc chip pecan pie... which my mum was currently doing. This person must be really special.Who was special to me?I thought about it and also, not many made the list.Well... there was Mr Wilson of course. But there was no way he is the surprise guest. From what I know, my mum isn't really a fan of him anymore. And my dad doesn't even know him. Besides h
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chapter 38
Adam WilsonI woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door."Who is it?" I managed to get out under my raspy morning voice."It's me." I heard Sophia say meekly from the other side and I quickly straightened up.I was awake and fully alert at the sound of her voice."Come in." I said. I quickly ran my hand across my face and in my hair, trying to look normal.The door opened slightly and Sophia peeked inside the room."Uhm, good morning." She said."Good morning Sophia." I smiled at her.She looked at me for a long time before she cleared her throat. Her cheeks turned rose, it was the cutest thing ever."We're having breakfast in a few minutes and we don't want you to miss out." She said.I only then became aware of the smell of bacon and sausages. My stomach growled in response."Thank you, I'll be right there.""Okay." She said and closed the door immediately.Wow.We've only interacted a little since I've been in her house. All the time in the presence of her parents. This w
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chapter 39
Adam Wilson"He's going to kill us! I'm telling you, Adam! He will!" She paced up and down."No he won't." I held her in one place, trying to calm her down."You don't understand!" She cried and wiped the tears from her eyes.I grabbed her shoulders."Look at me Sophia." She did. "Yes, your dad may be mad at us but he's not going to kill us. Trust me."It was the simple truth. This whole thing might be scandalous but Bruce was not going to kill his own daughter because she had sex!"I'll be in so much trouble when you leave." She held onto me like her life depended on it."Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you. I'll take you with me if I have to." I soothed her.She only continued wailing on my chest. My shirt was completely soaked with tears. I felt bad for not feeling as guilty as she was."We have to go out there now." I said."No! I don't think I can face him. Not yet.""Sophia, he wants to speak to us and he's out there waiting.""Adam you don't understand!" She sniffed
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chapter 40
"That's not too bad."She was right. My job with Mr Wilson definitely payed more but at this point, I don't care about how much I'm making. As long as it's enough to pay my bills and survive."Okay, they contacted me by phone so I'll give you the details of the interview.""Thank you so much Lily! You're a life saver. I owe you a lot for this.""It's no problem. I wish I could have gotten you something within the law firm I work for but unfortunately, we don't have anything that you're qualified for.""Don't beat yourself up Lily, you did well finding me this job.""Okay Sophia, I guess I'll see you soon then!""Yeah, um... do you mind picking me up from the airport?" She had a car and I couldn't afford a taxi. I wasn't in a good financial position at the moment."Not at all!""Thank you so much! I'll send you my itinerary.""Okay, see ya!" She laughed.***I was so happy, this plane had so much movies to choose from.Which one do I watch first?I browsed through the list with the rem
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