Lahat ng Kabanata ng Watch Me; SHINE : Kabanata 21 - Kabanata 30
35 Kabanata
Chapter 21
Amelia's point of view;"So how are we going to sleep?" I asked Lucie, who kept looking at me.since the wedding, he hasn't let me out of his sight, it's like his scared that if he did, I'd be off before he knows it."Together," he said before cracking up his throat making me chuckle."Is someone scared?" I asked with a smirk."What no way, just never had someone in my room before" He mumbled lowly, making my head snap up."Are you for real?" I asked with wide eyes.if anyone tells me Lucie has never slept with someone before, I'll probably laugh because there's no way that's's not like am calling him a man's just that he has looked Sexy, since Day it's gonna be hard to believe."What? why are you looking at me like that?" he asked softly making me blush before looking away."This house is beautiful, like really beautiful" I found myself saying while looking around the new mansion."Thank you, I decided to build a new one, just for the two of us, also can w
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Chapter 22
Amelia's point of View:The next morning, I woke up to someone knocking on my door.a groan left my lips as I rolled out of bed.This better not be Lucie.Letting out a breath, I opened the door."Lucie it's way too early for this," I said with a yawn while rubbing my eye."Good morning ma!" I said softly."Nani?" I asked while tilting my head to the side.There stood a Woman, maybe older than me.Her long brown hair was styled back, Blue eyes stared at me."My name is Tiana, am one of the new house clearer" she introduced."Oh, am so sorry, I had no idea" I whispered with a frown."He didn't tell me about any helpers" I explained.Tiana nodded her head;" I just wanted to introduce myself to You, because Sir isn't around, he had a meeting to attend, the cook and two other maids are downstairs, with some bodyguards" she said softly then bowed her head and walked away."Just a day of being married and his already going to work" I found myself saying before shaking my head.I head back t
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Chapter 23
Amelia's point of View:"First, Lucie is scared of animals," Austin said."Really?" I found myself asking, I do have a fear of animals but mostly the scary-looking ones."Yep especially dogs, that's why you don't see dogs around" He mumbled.I didn't even notice that, cause we just started living together."And what about cats?"I asked softly."Nah his mother loves them so not scared but dogs, he always screams when he sees one," Austin said with a laugh.shaking my head at the old man."Uhm another one, he is allergic to fish, hates the colour red 'cause he hates blood." Austin started."That means he hates periods then" I found myself saying."don't know, he just doesn't like blood or the smell of it " Austin said.nodding my head, I crossed my leg trying to get comfy on the ground."Why are you sitting on the ground again?" Austin asked with a confused look.he was sitting on one of the ground and I wanted to stay on the floor."I just like it," I said with a giggle.he reminds me
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Chapter 24
Amelia's point of View:After our little ice cream Hangout, Lucie told me his mother wanted to see me.At first, I didn't want to agree to go visit them, I wanted to be home today.but I told him no problem.Now am here, with his Mother and Two aunties who didn't want to stop talking."She's so skinny, why are you skinny Baby girl?" The first lady with brown hair asked me while grabbing my cheeks."Nancy that's not nice, let the girl be!" The other lady said with a head shake.The moment we walked into his parent's mansion, Lucie placed a kiss on my forehead and then ran out of the living room.I wanted to ask him why he ran so fast until I saw these two ladies.Verena has tried pulling me away from them, but they always come back."I lost some weight," I said quietly looking at them."Huh, really you had a body before?" Nancy asked with a raised eyebrow.I wanted to laugh at the way she said it.but the other lady, whose name I still don't know kept watching me.more like studying me
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Chapter 25
Amelia's point of view;Am I a bad person?Yesterday, I turned all of Lucie's clothes pink, I noticed he mostly has suits, so I coloured them pink.I honestly forgot I did was when he came into my room by 5 am, yelling."What's up?" I asked softly while rubbing my eyes, I am not a morning person."what's up, what up? look at my suits!" He yelled while throwing his hands up in the air."Oh!" I mumbled with a raised eyebrow before letting out a little laugh."who washed them for you?" I asked playfully."We both know you did this Baby " he Mumbled with a head eyes wide out with the way he said the Baby part.He stared at me for a while, then mumbled something before walking out."Hey, before leaving don't forget to give me a little fashion show!" I called out then giggled when he showed me his middle finger...........Now here we are, both sitting at the dinner table, He was wearing the Pink suit, but he didn't look happy."it doesn't look that bad" I mumbled while e
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Chapter 26
Amelia's point of view;Anywhere I turned my head, Gray stared at me.Remember when I said everyone is here?He is too, even Frank and Tony and the other two boys.Guess they are not in the Mafia too.Lucie my overprotective husband has seen Gary staring at me.and the hiss that left his lips, making everyone look at him."Why are you FUCKING STARING AT MY QUEEN?"He said loudly, making my eyes wide out.Gray quickly looked away, I could see him smiling slightly, Idiot."Baby, don't do that!" I scold Lucie.I didn't want drama, especially from both of them.Lucie looked at me for a moment, then grabbed my hand from my lap.He made sure to look at Gray and then lift my hand that had our ring on it."Mine, you see that?" He asked Gray. I rolled my eyes while everyone shook their heads.But Dad and uncle stared at Gray.I knew this would get him in trouble later, and I know His not going to be in this country anymore.That was what my uncle said.well, I overheard them saying it."I thin
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Chapter 27
Amelia's point of View:"Hurry up Amelia" I heard Lucie say making me wake up.only to see him standing by my bedside."Don't you know how to knock" I mumbled with a sigh."I did you sleepy head, and get up, it's your brother's wedding today " He mumbled with a shake of his head."Oh shit!" I said before running towards my bathroom but stopped."What are we going to wear?" I asked Lucie.because I don't think him wearing a pink suit to my brother's wedding is going to be a good idea."I bought a red dress for you, I wanted to wear red too but not today" He mumbled.titling my head, I looked at him before noddingwith a nod from him, he walked out of my something wrong?he doesn't look happy today or sound like his happy self.Or did I do a prank on him again? wait no, I didn't set anything.Letting out a breath, I walked toward my bathroom and then pulled off my nightwear.I wonder how my brother would dress today, especially Angel.she must wear a Gold dress and everything o
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Chapter 28
Amelia's point of View:Just as I said, Angel wore a really, beautiful and sexy dress which was made of Gold it looked like she couldn't even walk in it."Why would someone wear something they can't walk in with?" I heard an elderly lady ask more like a whisper to the woman next to her."Maybe you should mind your freaking business and not talk about my brother's wife that way!" I said rudely making their eyes wide out before looking away.I hate people who don't mind their business, I mean it's not your dress or body so why talk about the person?Angel made her way towards my brother, I could see he was about to cry like a baby, while Dad stood by his side.Angel's father had a proud smile on his face, whatever my brother did to make this man like him this much to accept his Daughter to marry my idiot of a brother is crazy.I mean during mission times my uncle had tried to work together with this man, but he didn't how?Angel didn't have a veil on like me, her Gold dress e
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Chapter 29
Amelia's point of View:"So you have no idea who those men were?" My Dad asked me for the second time.rolling my eyes, I picked up the chicken, the wedding was finally over, but some people still stayed having meetings.Even Lucie and his father had to leave, which Lucie didn't want to do."I know their Gang, not them, The white Cross ain't good people Dad and you asking this, you have no idea who they are," I mumbled."I need to know what Ace did or said to Angel's father to let him allow them to get married this way," I felt too easy to me like this marriage was just a simple one.I know how Angel's father behaves like, so it felt like a the white Cross gang isn't a New York gang, their leader stays in Mexico, which means they were sent here."Ace told me it was Angel's doing, maybe she cried to her Dad about it, you have noticed she doesn't even talk to anyone except him" Dad mumbled with a sigh."You think little spoiled princess talked her Dad into this?" I
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Chapter 30
Amelia point of View:A breath left my lips when I was done with my little decoration with the first man.his lifeless eyes looked at mine, no movement."YOU ARE CRAZY!" The other Guy yelled at me from across the room."Me?" I asked with a titled head.I did tell them, just answer and I'll let them go, but they didn't want to."I told you, just tell me all I need to know and I'll let you go with your friend's Body." I said softly, giving him a smile."I don't know anything, someone just told us to come kill Ace and his wife Angel, we really don't know" He said before letting out a sob.shaking my head, I looked at Han.who stared at me with wide eyes, guess he didn't expect me to kill him.I do hate killing but if I get pissed I lose control."So no one sent you? or you don't know the person that sent you?" I asked him."Please, I have told you all I know!" he begged to which I shook my head at."I just need to know a name, of the person or maybe a description of what they look like,
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