Lahat ng Kabanata ng Cluster Desires: Kabanata 41 - Kabanata 50
179 Kabanata
Chapter 41 : Anthonio is revealed
The night was long and almost seemed endless. That night, the rain poured heavily on every roof in Atlanta Georgia drenching everything that was exposed.It was 12 am Shawn was In the living room finishing a job from the office on his laptop. He Wore his earphones and increased the volume of the song till it filled his ears as he typed on his laptop. The rain kept pouring heavily with thunderstorms and light lighting sticking powerfullyWorking in Voss Group was not that stressful compared to his formal place of work where he worked but was paid less.At about thirty minutes, Shawn finished the pile of work and delved into something else on the laptop. Reminiscing about the name of Anthonio’s company, Shawn momentarily typed the name on Google and it brought the name of the company out Everything information about the company was displayed before Shawn including the owner of the company.Shawn’s eyes widen when he discovers the founder of the company is Anthonio Fabiola. “ Damn!
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Chapter 42 : The kiss
The rain kept pouring. Joana laid on Shawn’s body, shielding herself from the ravishing cold.She had her hands fondling the hairs on Shawn’s chest. The feeling of running her hands gently on that crazy bushy hair on Shawn’s chest could be best explained to her. All Shawn could see her do was smile sheepishly to herself and giggle when nothing seemed amusing. “ Hey!” Shawn tapped her on her back seeing she was not paying attention. “ What did you say? I was a bit lost. Can you repeat?” Joana asked Shawn. She hoisted her head up from Shawn’s chest and then rested her head back.“Your attention is not here so just forget about it. I forgot you have a boyfriend that you constantly think about. Poor me! I have one to think about” Shawn frowned. Since Shawn had been speaking with Joana, she could hardly grab a word for his lips. She alone was lost in her fantasy as she kept caressing the hair on Shawn’s chest.“ I'm so exhausted and hungry at the same time. Some bad mood too” Shawn mut
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Chapter 43 : Derrick’s Den
Since Sophia left, Matthew has been keeping to late nights with his newfound friends who were passionate about destroying the great drug lord, Derrick.Today was another appointment day with Derrick. One of the cartel members was celebrating his tenth anniversary of being a cartel member. He was the oldest after Derrick.At the company that morning, Lewis, Mark, Sampson and Drill had come visit Matthew in his office. It was more convenient since Sophia was not at work that day in the company. By dusk, Matthew would be going to Derrick’s mansion with Mark and Sampson while Lewis and Drill stayed back.“Mark, Sampson, how are you boys preparing for tonight’s meeting?” Matthew asked, curiously. Mark took his eyes off his laptop and sniffed. “ Well, I think I am very prepared to face any challenge for tonight’s mission. I doubt if Derrick would more smarter than the five of us” Mark responded smartly and everyone cheered him.“ All the same vibe for me, Matty” Sampson supported..Matt
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Chapter 44 : Another lost?
The chandelier light blinked and glittered in the large living room of Derrick’s mansion.Matthew, Mark and Sampson arrived at Derrick's mansion at 9 pm. Everywhere was crowded with cars and a great number of people.Matthew had planned their mission out before arriving at Derrick's mansion. Everyone greeted Matthew and glared at the two men who came in with him.As Matthew entered, Elon approached him.“ Matty “ Elon called, Narrowing his eyes everywhere to see if anyone was listening to their conversation.“ Elon, what is it? Why are you acting strange? Is someone after your life?” Matthew asked as he sipped his drink. “ Where is Harrold? For weeks or a month now, I have never set my eyes on him. What is happening to your friend?” Elon said, worried.Matthew glanced at Elon carefully, scanning him with the eyes of his mind. Elon may just be a spy sent by Derrick. The only person he had ever trusted was Harrold. They watched out for each other till he went missing in the mansion “
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Chapter 45 : The woman on the beach
The sum had to go down after Sophia had said yes to Matthew’s proposals.Matthew decided to take Sophia and Joana with him to somewhere very nice in the city. Before now, Simon had told Matthew that he was tired of living in such a quack place that he needed a better apartment. Matthew was excited about the complaints and frowned at Sophia for not having told him all alone.Fine, he was rich and this was the best time to demonstrate his generosity to Simon. That day, with just a phone call, Simon got a well-furnished mansion in Virginia Hills. That stunned Simon and Joana. That day, Matthew had taken the girls all over Alantan Georgia, visiting nice and fascinating places.“ Everything is amazing here, my gosh” Joana muttered to herself as she tossed herself around the beach area.Sophia and Matthew were far off having a nice time, as couples.“ Have fun sister” Sophia shouted waving at Joana who was carried away by how beautiful nature was.Joana smiled and waved back as she conti
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Chapter 46 : Transformed, Joana
The New mansion Matthew bought for Simon was quite a sight to behold. The house was extremely large and well-furnished. Virginia Hills was more serene, beautiful, and clean compared to where she was coming from.Uncle Simon has been told by Matthew to resign from the company and give himself more rest and Sophia's Wedding is on the 12th of April, two weeks from now. Seeing that the Mansion was extremely large, Joana decided to secure two large rooms for herself. Sophia tried taking a room for herself but Joana stopped her claiming Matthew had enough rooms in his mansion. She could secure even more to herself, after all, she was going to officially become Mrs. Callagham soon.Since moving to Virginia Hills two weeks ago, Joana has not visited Shawn and Shawn has been frowning at her.Joana explained to Shawn that Sophia’s Wedding, the fact that she became a Nanny to Uncle Simon, and her new job were the things stealing her time but Shawn bluntly disagreed with her saying it was th
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Chapter 47 : Complicated love story
Shawn was lost when he saw Joana. For minutes, he gazed at Joana from afar not knowing what to say to her. Intentionally, Joana allowed Shawn to have a good view of her without interrupting him. Expressively, her mind has been whispering to her that she’s no longer Shawn’s little kiddie again, and now, she's beginning to see things that way but has not wholesomely accepted it. In reality, Shawn was more handsome than every other male she had come across. His body downwards was bewitching, his eyes, the hair on his face and body all those had been fascinating and charming her for a while now, and she had waited longer, bearing the pain and hiding under the deceitful umbrella of being a little sister to him. If she would date any man, it would be Shawn. It was this same crazy experience that made her kiss his lips that night without realizing it. Discerning Shawn, she could read how ambivalent he has become towards her. She knows that Shawn is crazily in love with her. Both of
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Chapter 48 : Complicated love story 2
After the interruption caused by Uncle Simon, Shawn could no longer look Joan in the face. He strode to her wardrobe side and buried his head on the wall. He could not fathom what just happened yet, he wanted more but didn't know how to approach the lady he had vowed never to disrespect and take advantage of. Even though he enjoyed the moment and had a different feeling about Joana, he was not willing to take advantage of her In such a manner. If not Uncle Simon interrupted him, he knew he would have made love to Joana. He was hard and ready to penetrate. To him, he was nothing but a monster lunging on prey. He knew Joana would be mad at him and never feel comfortable around him again. He was a fool for admiring her in the first place. Glancing at Joana, she was sitting on the bed with her head buried on the floor. This made Shawn hit the wall hard and hurried out of the room without saying a word to her. “Shawn “ Joana called but Shawn did not respond. Getting downstairs,
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Chapter 49 : Life in the den
Life in the Den was quite horrible. Harrold had managed to regain a little strength after the strange lady came to his aid.Since the day the light shone and he saw the strange lady by his side, the lights have not appeared again. Right now, he can only feel the lady’s bare skin. He wondered why the lady was naked and lost too like himself. Harrold has never heard her speak a word. He has been asking her who she is but she has not responded to him.10:21 am that morning, darkness covered the den as usual. Harrold lay lifeless with his strange woman by his side. He could feel her bare skin as say by his side.Just then, the lights miraculously shone after many days. The lady lazily tried standing up but she couldn't so she turned her face to HarroldHarrold lazily glanced at her. She was naked and not ashamed of her nude.“ Who are you? “ Harrold asked in a whisper. One could barely hear him speak out because of how weak he had become. The last meal the lady gave him is the only one
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Chapter 50 : Harrold and Kendra’s death
Hurrying down, Derrick thrust the den open. The first thing he did was to deactivate the device that was responsible for the lost memory in the den.Harrold was still laying without the strength to blink his eyes when Derrick walked closer to him.Harrlod was weak but he could recognize Derrick. Derrick glared at Harrold discovering how lean he had already become and he grinned.It was hard recognizing Harrold because of how horrible he had become. “Harrold, “ Derrick called murderously but Harrold was too weak to respond even when he heard his name.“ You wanted to pull me down but you ended up killing yourself. You choose to envy my throne and rebel against me, playing the part of the son of the morning, Lucifer,” Derrick scoffed.Vexed, he kicked Harrold's dirty body that stank of urine off the way and Harrold virtually landed a mile away. Derrick glanced at Kendra who was almost dead. He kicked her hard on her legs yet she did not move. Just then, Derrick wrapped her in Blac
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