Все главы Mark Of Fury : Глава 41 - Глава 50
*EMBER POV*When I open my eyes I'm not surprised to find myself tied to a chair against my will. My hands are bound behind my back so that I can't use my powers on them.The people who kidnapped me this time around are smart. I'll give them a standing ovation for that.The room is filled with darkness and on top of that it smells horrible, almost making me gag.The door opens and a figure walks in and I can't make out their face due to the lack of light in this room."Ah you're finally awake" a woman's voice mutters and I immediately recognize the voice. It belongs to the woman who tricked me into coming here in the first place.I let out a growl glaring at her."You think these chains will keep me forever? Then you're more naive than I thought lady."She chuckled wickedly."Oh no did I forget to introduce myself? Well many people here call me the mistress of darkness since it's kind of my thing but don't worry my dear I believe that we'll get along very nicely" she taunts.She takes
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*FREYA*When I finally slip back into my body Ember is exhausted and weak and it's because these people are at it extracting my blood like some experimental guinea pig.The mistress of darkness walks in with a huge injection and when our eyes locked she smirks at me."Time for your medicine little one" she murmurs, stabbing the injection into my neck making me wince in pain.I want to cuss at her so badly and today I don't have the strength to rain all types of insults on her."Please..." I whispered tiredly.She looked up meeting my gaze."Please what?" She asked curiously, faking it."You already got gallons of my blood. My body won't be able to take it if you continue...I don't want anything bad to happen to my baby."She looked unconcerned."Don't worry your little bastard will survive. Besides I was once a child so I'm not that evil just trust me baby girl." She took out the injection and transferred the blood to herself.As soon as the blood hit her veins her entire body glowed
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Getting her back
*LAIN*I was running out of options at this time and I felt like Freya was slipping through my fingers like sand. The more I felt like I was getting close to her finding her the more she went further away from me and I kept finding myself in a dead end.I don't think the dark tide were the only people involved in this kidnapping. There has to be a third party playing the game and calling the shots.I'm sure that while I was gone they hired someone to keep an eye on Freya Allan and I know one person who has betrayed me in the past and I'm sure that she'll be capable of doing it again just to get rid of my mate.A leopard never changes its spots and I'm certain that this has Velvet written all over it.Drex cocked a brow at me."What are you thinking?" He asked curiously and I shrugged carelessly.I looked up, meeting his gaze."I should have thought about this earlier and now I feel like I've wasted a lot of time by going in circles."He gave me a puzzled look."I can't really be usefu
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The sacrifice
*TATE*This was it.The moment I've been waiting for was finally here yet I didn't feel happy or satisfied that everything was going according to my plan.I wanted to get revenge on Lain by using Freya to make him suffer. I know it's wrong but I didn't have much of any option and Freya was an easy target to manipulate.It wasn't difficult to mold her into a killing machine without hesitation because she was heartbroken.But now all of that doesn't feel worth looking back on.My happiness seems to be in black and white and Freya Allan was the only thing that added color to my life.Was it too late to go back?I told them not to hurt Freya and each day they keep extracting more blood from her.I didn't want her to pay for his mistakes, in fact she wasn't supposed to be here in the first place but the kidnapping had to happen to push Lain to the limit.Without Freya by his side he would be reckless and make mistakes and that's what we wanted.The mistress of the dark tide handed me a dri
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*FREYA*Tears rolled down my cheeks and I couldn't believe that Tate was gone forever. Axel soon arrived at the Edevane pack territory and he relaxed a bit, slowing down his pace.My mind was reeling elsewhere and the ringing in my ears wouldn't stop.His memories.His scent.His smile.His touch.His voice.Everything about him seemed to be going in a circle around my head and I felt sick to my stomach.We shouldn't have abandoned him.What if he had survived the explosion? He's probably hurt and he needs my help.A gasp escaped my lips when the pack house came into view and Lain used the back entrance and shifted back into his human form.The door opened and Drex handed him a pair of shorts.He looked more relieved to see Lain alive."I'm glad that you showed up. I was getting worried and the elders of the pack were about to skin me alive while I tried to keep them distracted."Lain got dressed and after he was done he gave Drex a pat on the shoulder."Thanks for everything man and
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Mark me
*LAIN*Drex sighed deeply and sat on one of the chairs in my office. It looked like something was bothering him."What is it?" I asked curiously because the Drex I know was very talkative and for him to remain silent it means that it was very serious."It's about your mate."This quickly caught my attention and I cocked a brow at him in question.He raised his hands in defense."Don't give me that look, it's nothing sinister but I just think that she still doesn't like me. Did you see the way she looked at me?"I nodded quietly.There was definitely some unresolved tension between Freya And Drex. They really mean a lot to me and it would be wonderful if they could just get along or at least be friends."Yeah I noticed that she gave you the cold shoulder... she's going through a lot right now but I'll talk to her."He smiled at me."Losing Tate really hit her hard and I finally accept that they were really mates now that he's gone and I guess the pregnancy is a contributing factor to m
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The baby shower
*FREYA* It's safe to say that I'm not just marked but heavily pregnant too and I feel like I'm on the verge of exploding at this point because the baby is very heavy and constantly kicking.Lain placed his hand over my stomach. It's only been six months and my stomach looks very big like I'm about to give birth.He filled me in and told me that werewolf babies tend to be born early because they are very eager creatures and that meant that I was going to have the baby very soon."I think it's going to be a girl," he muttered quietly, staring into my eyes.I smiled at him."I think you're wrong. I strongly believe that we are having a boy who is going to be a splitting image of you."He snorted in response."Why don't we have a baby shower? The pack doctor mentioned that you might be due in a couple of weeks."I've definitely thought about having a baby shower. It would be a good experience but I do like the element of surprise.But again I'm dying to know the gender of our baby so
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Get out
*LAIN*It was finally time to take that bold step and do the right thing. I decided to ask Drex to come and see me in my office.A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.That must be him."Come in."He pushed the door open and closed it once he entered the room.Once he sat down he cocked a brow at me."You sounded so serious on the phone. I hope that I'm not in trouble or something" he muttered quietly.I shook my head negatively and smiled at him."Don't worry it's quite the opposite."There was a silent pause."You've been doing a great job around the pack and I was wondering if you'd be willing to become my beta what do you say?" His eyes widened in shock."Woah are you serious? But isn't that position supposed to be for a werewolf? I'm just a human." I nodded quietly."I know that you're a human but regardless of that you are still very skilled Drex and I need you to help me and pack if I'm going to be a good alpha."He seemed lost in thought taking in my words."Lain
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Gone rogue
*FREYA*I sniffled softly when Lain turned his back on me and walked away. And my gaze lingered on the baby in my arms.They had the same jet-black hair but he was right she had all the genetic traits of Tate and they had the same eyes.This only made me cry harder as the betrayal registered in my mind. I had no idea how to explain myself and I didn't have a proper answer to give Lain.He was going to come back in a few minutes and this time he wanted to know the whole truth and for some reason I didn't even know myself."Ember?" She hummed in response.I can't be feeling this pain alone and Ember is always present; she must know something."Who is my daughter's father?" I whispered softly.She didn't respond at first and after a few minutes I heard her sigh deeply."I don't know Freya but I think that this mess started the day I went to heat and I swear on the moon goddess I couldn't control our body Freya it's like it acted on it's own and maybe during that moment it needed to mat
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*FREYA*I held on to my baby tightly as people began surrounding me and the man I came with stepped in front of me to protect me from them.What is this place?"Hold fire this woman and her baby were banished from their pack and she needs our help."A lone tear rolled down my cheek and the people that had formed a circle around me looked more friendly.I was soon shown to a room where I would be staying and let's just say that many people weren't on board with the idea when they learnt that I wasn't a werewolf.I could hear them talking about me and it was precisely one woman who was trying to get on my nerves.She probably had a thing for the owner.A few minutes later I put my daughter to sleep and there was a knock on the door. "It's open, come in."The man who brought me here walked in and I realized that he never gave me his name.He offered me his hand."I'm sorry we didn't have a proper introduction, my name is Dax," he muttered while offering me his hand.I grasped his hand a
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