Semua Bab Too Fat for Love: Bab 51 - Bab 60
146 Bab
Chapter 0051
And it was good legit shit. He cleared his throat shifting, "Depends on how much you had," he said and I internally groaned, well I ate one litre. Or more 700 mls of it. Shit, I was going to be sick. Why Violet why? Was my period due? Was that why I was eating so much damn sugar? I closed the lid
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Chapter 0052
It wasn't till the pounding at the door I sat up jerking the water spraying me in the face making me sneeze. "What?" I called out rubbing my eyes then swearing when I got soap in it. You baboon, you put body wash in this. I grunted grabbing a towel to wipe my face. "You have a phone call," a grogg
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Chapter 0053
Movies liked to describe kisses as this magical perfect thing that happened, fireworks in your stomach, knees weak, and solitary bliss. It was nothing like that. There were no flashing lights behind my eyelids, nor were there soft flowing music around us or fireworks in the distance. What there w
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Chapter 0054
"Oh I was just talking t-," Reed...but he was gone, the bathroom door shut and I bit my lip, well that saved one awkward conversation. Jenny roamed her eyes over me sighing loudly. "Seriously? You're not ready yet? You do realise we have the activities starting in ten minutes and you're just sleepi
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Chapter 0055
"The stallions are mighty fine creatures. You have Argo here, our favourite, he used to be a race horse," Well that just makes things better. "Hey Hamish, can you give this lovely lady a hand out over here, wait, what was your name sorry I have too many to remember," "That's okay, it's Violet,"
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Chapter 0056
People say that your life flashes in front of you when you're about to die.Not for me.Shit, I left my underwear on the computer chair, I hope who ever is cleaning up after my stuff doesn't go through my third draw on the desk, or read my text messages, or open my F******k conversations. Damn it I
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Chapter 0057
"Let's get you in the car,""I got this," I said trying to stand up, the last thing I needed was him to fail lifting me up and think shit she's heavy. That was not -whoa."Hey, I like my feet on the ground," I said as he carried me to the car, we all know what happens when my feet go off the ground,
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Chapter 0058
His green eyes focused on me, "So I'm not going crazy?" "Huh?" I asked not following his trail of thought. He didn't move and my hand didn't drop from its position, and my brain was telling me he was awfully close, but who cares. "I thought you looked familiar too, the first day I saw you. But I t
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Chapter 0059
I transferred schools. I was in a small suburban school for one year since my dads job was haywire. And the more I stared at Reed, the more it hit me and my jaw dropped. I looked to the bedside cabinet spotting a vase. That will do. I leaned over, "What are you doing, you have to stay in bed, doc-
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Chapter 0060
"Promise," "What are you five?" I asked crossing my hands. He didn't move, "Fine," I said and he walked up to me, pillow still out and a guarded look on his face, "Okay -OUCH fuck!," He bent down limping and dropped to the floor, "You promise me you w-," "You said slap, not kick, do you remembe
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