Lahat ng Kabanata ng SCAR OF SCANTHIN : Kabanata 41 - Kabanata 50
81 Kabanata
“So there’s nothing we can do?” She choked. Damon looked a little glum. “Maybe there isn’t. Maybe we’ll just have to accept that this feud is bigger than us and Scar you are not pregnant, are you? .” “Don’t say that! And I am not pregnant, I said that to ease them off you ” Scar sobbed. “I know it’s not easy. But we may have to get used to it. Your pack tried to lock us up; mine drove us away. What is there left for us to do for them? They don’t want our help.” She buried her face in his chest. She couldn’t think of anything else to say to him. So she just rested there, crying it out against him. “So I guess we’re left with what we wanted to do before,” he said. “We run away. We put this conflict as far behind us as we can, and we never look back. We start our own life together. No pack, no alphas, no war. We get a place all our own, and we have our own pups, who never hear the names ‘Scanthin ’ or ‘Lauchair's. ’ Whatever we want, with no one to say no.” She had to admit, t
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The pups were starting to play a little rough. It had been amusing at first, watching them jump and tumble around with that squeaky little rubber alien with the big googly eyes, but now two of them had the squeak toy in their jaws and were playing a little tug-o-war with it, threatening to tear it in two, while the third was eagerly coming up to snatch it away from both of them. It was at that point that she decided to step in and mediate the game. “Hey, now,” she said, getting up from her lawn chair and stepping over to them. “If you can’t play nice, I’m going to have to take your toys away. No more fighting,” she said as she knelt down and took hold of the little green thing in their jaws, which they calmly released and let her take, looking up at her with meek eyes. “What did I tell you all?” At that question, the three little furry, four-legged creatures before her rose up on their hind legs, which began extending into human legs. Their shoulders reconfigured to allow their fro
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Time moved at a snail’s pace in that basement. The only things she had to keep her company was that window, the occasional meals that her Dad brought her, and a bucket to do her business in. So long, long hours were spent just pacing around or sitting in the corner. She slept a lot while she was in there. With nothing else to do, she ended up nodding off pretty frequently, curled up against the wall. And honestly, she liked sleeping down there. Sleep was her only means of escape. For brief periods she could forget about where she was, and she could dream about still being with Damon . She dreamed they were still back in his room in the Lauchair's village, where they had all their best sex in the comfort of his bed, cradling each other in their arms, with four walls to separate the rest of the world from them. She dreamed they were back out in the forest, just the two of them, running about in his wolf form, hunting and eating raw meat and sleeping under the stars. She dreamed she w
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Scar couldn’t begin to guess how many more days she was down there. Her dad’s was the only face she saw for a long while; he would come down periodically, bring her some food and water, and ask if she was ready to “see reason” yet. Which of course meant he wanted her to say and do all the hateful propaganda Alan had told her to say and do . Well, she was lonely and miserable down there, but she wasn’t desperate to that point yet. So she would take the provisions he brought her, and either keep silent, give him a nasty look, or find some way or other of generally telling him to fuck off. She started to wonder why her mom hadn’t come down to see her again. She kept hoping she would come back down and tell her she’d come up with some way to help her that she hadn’t thought of before. But she never saw her. In fact, she didn’t even hear her above her. That realization worried her. Had Alexander done something to her? Had Alan? Had she paid the price for daring to try to help her? She s
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The next time the basement door Scar was locked opened, Scar was confused. The last thing she had heard before she passed out from sheer exhaustion and dehydration had been Stanley and his men capturing her . No footsteps thundering above her head had woken her as they usually did when she passed out because even exhausted and hallucinating, she was still on edge and prepared for whatever else would be thrown at her. What she wasn’t prepared for at all was Damon creeping down the basement steps toward her. She knew he was alive and she hope he didn't come looking for her . She believe she could survive without him. She smelled a witch scent almost as soon as the door opened , laced with blood and herbs, and she guessed that whatever had happened after she had been brought in front of Stanley , it had been quite painful. At least this time he had brought a torch with him with who he came with , and when he crouched before her, he laid it on the floor and threw the witch towards
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Scar froze. There stood the only one wolf she knew who would lead goblins. His golden fur rippled as the powerful muscles beneath worked to carry him closer to Scar. He stared at her with piercing blue eyes, emotionless glaciers that made her shiver inside and out. And in that moment, Scar knew who this man was. Those eyes had haunted her dreams since the first time she'd seen him. Stanley. His wolf body rippled and shifted, the pale blond fur of his pelt falling back into his skin. Moments later, once his bones were finished snapping into place, Stanley stood tall and regal above Scar, those cold, hard eyes of his staring down at her from an impossible height. "You thought you could run from me, did you?" he said, his voice flat. "You're a fool who knows nothing about goblin magic. Running was always going to be futile, and it always will be. You want to know why?" He crouched, his long, claw-like fingernails digging under her furry chin to tilt her head to look up at him.
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The metronome ticked back and forth, a consistent rhythm to attempt to bring some order to the disarray in Stanley's head. He sat on the mat of soft woven fabric on the floor in the middle of the largest tree in the goblin compound, which had been reserved for the king's purposes. Now his. Stanley tried not to think of his father when he was in the royal chambers, and what his father must have done to his mother within its confines. Sometimes his thoughts managed to drift off to more pleasant ideas, but today was not one of those days, for he foresaw himself doing much the same to Scar in that bed as Damon's father had done to his mother. He had brought Scar to the goblin tree fortress, and had staved off disaster for the time being, but she was not a willing bride. She was not a gift from the wolves to the goblins, an offering of peace. Her hesitation and fear had turned her into a prisoner, and Stanley had no one to blame but himself. Scar would never give herself to him willin
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She pressed on. "So what's it going to be for me? Are you going to alter my memories to make me believe I want to be here with you? Turn me into a willing slave? And altering my powers without my permission " The other goblins had urged him to consider that idea; then, at least, there would be no threat of her rebelling against him or coordinating with the wolves to eradicate the goblins. Magic would make her loyalty undying, and the goblins would have to accept her, sooner or later. But Stanley did not want a slave, and he knew that should Scar interact with him in such a state, they would know that something was off with her. In the long run, forcing her to do anything wouldn't help him. "I'm not going to do anything to you. We will marry, and our kinds will be united, and that is all. Should you come around to me at some point, that would be to both of our benefit ... but I expect nothing of you." The tension in Scar's rolled-up shoulders relaxed somewhat, as did her death g
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With her head held high, Scar allowed the goblins to lead her out of the room, down the wooden steps that wrapped around the trees, and down to the forest floor. Early morning light filtered through the thick branches overhead, dappling the ground with patches of hazy light. If it wasn't for what was about to happen to her, Scar might find the forest at dawn beautiful. The goblins ushered her past the tall trees, along a worn path, and deeper into the forest. She could hear the murmurs of many voices up ahead, but she couldn't see them. However, when the trees parted, Stanley was the first thing she saw. He waited for her by a tree at the edge of what looked like a clearing up ahead.He was resplendent in his clothing, a handsome prince dressed in a tailored suit with a white shirt and black tie. A gold chain hung around his neck, disappearing into the collar of his shirt. His dark blond hair was slicked back, and his blue eyes were cold and bright as he watched her approach, undressi
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Damon arrived in the old mining tunnel just before midnight, alone, and with no weapons. Unlike the goblins, however, he didn't need any. As a wolf shifter, his body was a weapon, and he had every intention of using it to rip Stanley to shreds for doing this to Scar and for tormenting them both. He walked toward the compound with his head held high. There were three goblins on the roof with crossbows aimed at him—goblins didn't use guns below ground because they were more dangerous in the tunnels—and four more on the ground that stood alert when they noticed him. There were likely more that Damon couldn't see, too. Goblins on their own weren't much of a threat to a wolf shifter. But half a dozen or more, all equipped with deadly weapons? That halved Damon's chances of making it out of there alive. And having to rescue Scar at the same time? He gave them maybe a twenty-five percent chance. He swallowed hard when the goblins approached to check him for weapons. They patted him do
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