Semua Bab Spade: Bab 41 - Bab 50
173 Bab
Chapter 41
Spade sat still in his car trying to process what he'd just heard and what had just happened a few seconds ago, he is supposed to be angry at Nate's outburst and somewhat disrespected but he was more turned on than he was angry.He was actually angry but the feeling of heat rushing towards his groin was more prominent than the anger.He could still the anger on Nate's face as he talked to him, letting him know exactly what he thought of him.Was he self absorbed? Yes, was he selfish? Yes But what he did today, going out of his way and taking Nate to the casino, and even letting him play freely, that wasn't an act of selfishness, he didn't do that for himself, he did for Nate and that was a first.He'd never gone out of his way to do something nice for someone else, not even Matteo, okay maybe once for Matteo, but that was it.He sighed out and ran his hands down his face, he felt like his mind was in so many places at once, he was thinking of what happened between Nate and him a few
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Chapter 42
Nate let out a deep breath as he rubbed his temple trying to ease the impounding headache he could already feel coming fast, he looked at the table and the stacks of paper only seemed to increase the more, making him almost groan out in frustration.He looked at his time and it wasn't even lunch break yet, but it felt like he'd been here the whole day, when he'd only been here a few hours and he still had a few more hours before the day would be over.And yet he couldn't even concentrate and do one thing right, his mind was already a mess, thinking about a lot of things, some those things being his encounter with Spade the previous.All the things he said during his little outburst, it had been a while since he let his feelings show that much but yesterday just had to happen.Even though deep down he knew he had doomed his sister to this stupid union between her and Spade, something he was suddenly regretting now.He was lucky he had left Spade's car last night in one piece, he went t
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Chapter 43
It's been almost an hour since his father called to inform him about Spade's new policy, and since then he hasn't even done a single work.He's been lost in thoughts, his mind running around in circles as he tried to come to a conclusion at the kind of person Spade was.Maybe he went too far with his outburst last night, but he could'nt just pretend that everything was okay, simply because Spade took him to the casino and has been strangely nice to him the past few days.The same Spade had threatened to kill him on more than one occasion, and he'd been dreaming about the same Spade, and not in a nice way.There were so many red flags on Spade that he could see, so yesterday was just something that was bound to happen.But now he had doomed his sister to suffer, because even if Spade didn't have any intention of hurting her before, he would now, after all the things he said to him yesterday.But one thing kept tugging at his mind, why didn't he say anything last night, he'd expected Sp
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Chapter 44
Spade shoved his hands into his pocket as he narrowed his eyes on the man in front of him, he'd never personally met him but being the kind of person he was, he'd heard about him, after all he was one the person that wanted him in cuffs and locked away"To what do I owe this surprise visit"? He asked looking at all three of them, Matteo was already at alert as he watched them too, he could tell Spade just looked relaxed, nothing about this confrontation was relaxing or even okay."A surprise indeed" the police chief muttered before taking two steps closer to Spade, he watched his every move, waiting to see if he would react to anything done or said, he'd heard a lot about Spade, he'd never met him before but he was one of his greatest challenge since becoming the police chief, he was patiently waiting for the day where he'd have Spade at his mercy and that day was fast approaching, with the amount of information he was gathering on him, it wouldn't take long before he would pin him an
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Chapter 45
He was running as hard and as fast as his legs could take him but it felt like he was on a thread mill, he wasn't even moving, he was stuck on the same spot, panting hard he turned and looked back, big mistake, because he almost lost it when he realized the person chasing him was almost upon him, they were just right behind himHe increased his pace but the thread mill only increased speed too, he pushed himself, feeling his chest tighten and his lungs running out of air, but the more he pushed the weaker he got and the slower his steps became.Any minute now and whoever was chasing him would catch up with him.He shut his eyes tight and prayed to whoever was listening up there to please help him out.The person chasing him can not catch up with him.The road was dark and deserted, the only thing that could be heard were the short gasps he took and the thumping of his legs on the ground as he ran tooth and nail, he looked ahead and the road was empty, endless and dark, even if he scre
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Chapter 46
He looked himself over in the huge, full length mirror standing in front of his closet, he looked sharp, expensive and dangerously handsome, but his eyes, they lacked the enthusiasm, the excitement.Matteo's smiling face appeared beside him as he dusted off an imaginary speck of dust off the suit"You look sharp Spade, if she didn't like you before, I bet she'd be head over heels in love with you if she sees you today" he muttered checking Spade out.He just looked at Matteo from the mirror with a bored expression, all that didn't matter to him, if she liked him or not, he didn't care.Yes, but why did he take extra time to look good, it wasn't as if this marriage/contract thing was exclusive or born out of feelings.But he took his time to look good, he didn't care if Su admired him or found him attractive, but yet he still cared enough to look good.All because of one person, he wasn't even sure he was gonna be there today, not after what happened yesterday.He sighed out and fixed
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Chapter 47
Nate could feel his senses leave him, his whole attention was on Laura, the old lady that had been with them from when they lost their mother, he could see her mouth moving as she explained to his father what had happened, but all he could think of was the words he'd heard her say and the words he'd read in the white piece of paper in his hands.He could almost hear how fast and loud his heart was beating, the thumping sounds reaching his ears and blood rushed to his head as he could already see black spots cloud his vision.His sister had left, she ran away from home.He saw her that morning, they even talked and she acted as if everything was fine, she didn't even act weird or show any sign that she was running away, and now this.He looked up at Laura and she gave him a sad look, but that didn't help him at all, it only made him feel worse.Why didn't she tell him?And why wait until now before leaving?His eyes moved to his father and he could see the anger and rage in his face, t
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Chapter 48
Watching both men walk out his father's study, Nate could suddenly feel the situation of things dawn on him.The level of what had just gone down in the study finally dawned on him.He could feel his father's hard gaze on him, it scared the living day light out of him, like it always did.The only reason he hadn't felt the fear creep through his skin was because of Spade, in a way, Spade made him feel safe around his father, distracted him from the situation of reality, compared to his father's stare, Spade's was far more intimidating but he preferred it to his father's hard stare."What did he mean by you knowing where your sister is"? His father's hard, strong and angry voice resonated through the study, catching his attention as he slowly looked at the man, his lips parted slightly as he looked at the raged filled look in his father's eyes.He didn't know what to say, all words had suddenly eluded him as he looked at his father."Are you gonna answer me or you're just gonna stand t
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Chapter 49
He sighed out as he tried to focus on the conference call meeting he was having, all the words they kept saying, kept coming back as mumbles and mutters of gibberish to him.His head was pounding with a hard headache and he could barely even concentrate on what was happening around him.It's been a day and half since he left Greg's house and he still hadn't heard anything from him.He rubbed his temple, trying to ease the crazy headache he was already having."Boss" the voice of the man on the screen made him almost growl out "everything about the auction is already in place, all except for one important thing" the man continued making Spade lose his shit, can he just stop talking already, all this voices mixing with the nagging one in his head was driving him crazy"The girls sir, we have a few at hand but we still need more" the man finished looking at him with uncertainty, he gave him a bored look before letting out a deep breath.Everytime he had one problem or another to deal wit
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Chapter 50
He'd been laying the way he woke up for the past 30 minutes, feeling the ache coursing through all his body, every nerve in him was on fire.The pain he was feeling was enough to kill him but he was not dying just yet, not until he finds out where his sister is, but first he needed to get out of here.He didn't know how long he was out for again, but seeing that his father hadn't come down yet, he was sure it wasn't two hours yet.He sighed out as his mind left the brooding issues that was enough to keep him up and drifted to grey, brooding eyes as his thoughts spiralled to Spade.One of the reasons he was locked up here.No, no, his mind chided him, Spade wasn't the reason he was locked up here, he's not going to blame Spade for his luck, with or without Spade coming for his sister, his father had always been like this, that has nothing to do with Spade.His mind swayed to his mother, her beautiful face and soothing smile, the way her eyes always shone with kindness and love for them
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