Semua Bab Revenge of the Night: Bab 31 - Bab 40
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Chapter 31 Convince
George was hesitating. He mused, 'If this man really is Alexander's godson, then Queenie really can find great success. Question is, is he really who he says he is?' George couldn't be sure about that.A long while later, George said, "Mr. Greenshade, worry not. If you and Queenie are really in love, we won't get in your way, but marriage is a big thing. I need some time to think this through. I promise you'll be satisfied."Nox looked at Queenie. Queenie knew she couldn't force her folks to make a decision right now, so she nodded."Please, Mr. Greenshade, have some tea. Queenie, meet me in my study. We need to talk." And he took Queenie away.George closed the door and pulled Queenie aside. "Tell me the truth, Queenie. Is he really the godson of Alexander?"Queenie lied, "Yes.""You're not lying?""No.""Odd. How'd you get in touch with an Empire Corp guy? I never knew about this," asked George curiously.Queenie scratched her head. "W-We met on a dating site.""A dating si
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Chapter 32 Disbelief
"There's no way she knows someone that high profile."Hogs answered solemnly, "I share your sentiment, but you saw what happened. I think Alexander does know her.""So, you're saying Queenie hooked up with an Empire Corp guy?" Jezebiah said."I don't know, but if we cross Silas because of her, we're in for a lot of trouble.""That's obvious. We took his money, and we're this close to the contract signing."Hogs looked more displeased than ever. A long while later, he shot up. "Tap into every single connection we have and find out if Alexander does have a godson. As for me, I'm going to Centersea.""To see Silas?" Jezebiah asked.Hogs nodded. "Yes. I don't care if Queenie did hook up with Alexander's godson. Silas must know about this, or we're going to be in big trouble.""Got it. I'll make some calls."…Ever since Queenie started the lie, she sat around, waiting for the outcome of this ordeal. If she could bullshit her way out of this and cancel her marriage with Silas, she
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Chapter 33 Raymond Thunders
"But Dad just told me Centersea is a partner of Empire Corp, and the bastard knows Alexander. We can't keep up this act any longer. He's going to find out, and when that happens, we're done for!" Queenie added fearfully. "Why don't you just run, Nono? While you still can."'She wants me to run?' Nox cocked his eyebrow."This isn't your problem in the first place anyway. If he finds out who you really are, you're going to have trouble knocking on your door. Nono, just listen to me and run!" Queenie dragged Nox, attempting to make him leave.Nox did not budge. "I told you, calm down. I'm here, so nothing's going to happen.""What are you two talking about? Queenie?" Queenie's parents came closer.It was awkward for Queenie, but Nox stepped in. "It's nothing, Mr. Sanders. We were just chatting."George grunted, but he said nothing more. Queenie was fidgeting, but Nox was unperturbed. Calm. Almost as if he really was the godson of Riverton's richest man.Queenie's mind was racing. '
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Chapter 34 Mockery
"Just you wait, Queenie. And you too, you bastard. You'll rue the day you crossed me."A moment later, the motorcade came to a stop before the Sanders Residence. Out came a swarm of bodyguards in black. Then Silas, Hogs, and Jezebiah came out. Finally, Raymond made his appearance.Hogs led the way into the residence. "Follow me, Silas. Queenie and her cur of a lover is right inside."Silas tossed his cigar away, his eyes twinkling venomously, and he strode into the residence.Queenie, Nox, and Queenie's parents were in the lobby. Then, a wave of black came in. Queenie's parents shot up from their seats, staring at the Joshton bodyguards in shock.Queenie was watching as well, and she blanched. Nox, however, didn't even spare them a moment of his time. He was quietly finishing his cup of quality tea.A shout echoed in the air. "Get out here right now, Queenie!"Hogs, Jezebiah, and Silas came in. George quickly approached his brother."What's wrong, Hogs?"A sneer curled Hogs' li
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Chapter 35 The Truth
Total, utter panic had settled in Queenie's heart. She saw no way out. This was just an act, to begin with, but she never thought Hogs and Jezebiah would search for Alexander's family tree right away and throw money at their connections to find out if Alexander had a godson.The secret could no longer be contained, and Queenie had no idea what to do.The silence was making George nervous, and he was almost going to pounce. "Tell me the truth, girl! Who is that man?!""If she won't tell you, I will. I've spent a ton of money to get this intel. Unfortunately, Alexander has no godson. He has a daughter, however. Only daughter. And Centersea is one of Empire Corp's business partners. Ask Silas if you don't believe me." Hogs sneered.Yvette and George were petrified, and then Yvette's legs buckled. She plopped to the ground like jelly. George was shivering in rage, his eyes crimson. "He's not Alexander's godson? You and the bastard tricked us? We're your family!"Queenie was tearing up
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Chapter 36 A Promise
"That you'll never be pushed around. That you'll never be used as a chip to bargain. Put your trust in me, and I'll make you the happiest woman in the world. Forever."Queenie was stunned. She thought, 'He just feels so cool all of a sudden. His eyes are shining, and even his face is gleaming. Everything about him just screams, "I'm the king."' Queenie had never had anyone give her that kind of promise before."One last time, Queenie. Do you believe me? Will you take my hand?" Nox asked huskily, and he extended his hand.Queenie stared at his hand, her mind blank. Not a single man had ever given her that kind of promise before. None of them would ever do this for her. She wondered, 'But he's just an amnesiac. He has no idea who he even is. Who is he, really? Is he a good guy or a bad guy?'So many questions, yet so few answers. Still, when she stared into Nox's eyes, she felt secure. Safe. And she was starting to waver.Driven by her impulse and desire to escape her family's oppre
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Chapter 37 Undefeatable
The bodyguards swung their weapons. A scared Queenie covered her face, but Nox did not even move. A sneer escaped his lips, and he brought his foot down to the ground with a slam.The bluestone tiles were crushed into smithereens.An invisible shockwave undulated across the battlefield, and groans of pain tore through the air as the bodyguards were sent flying. They fell with a sickening thud, none able to get back up.Hogs was in disbelief. 'Is he even human?' he wondered.Even Silas did not look as confident as he was before.Nox stood regally. "Anyone still want some?"Silas came up. "Remember me, punk?"Nox glanced at Silas."You slept with my woman, and now you're taking her away? Do you think I'm that much of a pushover? I'm telling you, you're not leaving this place alive!"He roared, "Raymond!"With a thud, a burly Raymond came forth. He smelled like sickly, metallic blood, and he had the eyes of a leopard, glaring at Nox darkly."My family has kept you for three year
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Chapter 38 Promise Delivered
Raymond's other arm was broken as well. Everything happened in a flash. In mere moments, the once infamous murderer of the northern Tri-State area had his arms broken.Silas felt fear filling him up, and the Sanderses were stunned.Nox continued, "You want my arms and legs? Very well. I broke your arms, so I guess I'm going for your legs next." And he darted ahead, quick as a phantom. No one saw what he did, but they heard something getting crushed. Twice.A silhouette was sent flying like a cannonball, and it fell before Silas. The man was none other than Raymond, though his limbs were all broken. He was howling and screaming in agony.Just like that, the murderer fell, plunged into pain and agony. He was once the best enforcer of Silas' father, but now he was a cripple.Silas did not expect Raymond to be defeated so easily, and he took an involuntary step back.Nox looked at Silas. "Your turn." He slowly approached Silas.Fear was squeezing Silas' soul. "W-What do you want? I'
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Chapter 39 A Decision Made
Queenie fled her house, lied to her parents, watched as someone beat her father up, and now she was cutting ties with them. Never in her life had Queenie thought about committing any of those crimes, but here she was. She did everything in the span of a single morning.Even when she was leaving the residence, her mind was blank, and she was shivering. Nox kept quiet all the way, though he was giving her concerned looks. He knew it was hard for someone to take in all of this at the same time.The journey back to Pearl Residence was a silent one. When they came in, all the pressure and tension finally broke Queenie. Everything went black, and she fell.Quickly, Nox held her up. He checked on her and heaved a long sigh of relief. "Just knocked out from all the pressure, that's all."He took her to the bed and injected his inner energy into Queenie, and then he sat with her quietly, guarding her.Queenie's cheeks gained a shade of red, tear tracks still lingering on her face. She look
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Chapter 40 A Little Argument
She started roaring at Nox, "I'm done for! I'm finished! I told you to leave, but you wouldn't! We got exposed, and now my folks disowned me! What should I do now?" She got sad again and cried.Quickly, Nox said, "If they're kicking you out, then I'm taking you in!""What are you talking about? What can you even give me? You lost your memories. My God, what was I doing? I can't believe I left my home and I held your hand in front of everyone!"Nox watched her cry for a while. "Don't tell me you're regretting this. It's not too late to back out."Queenie grabbed a pillow and smacked it on him. "Regret? What are you saying, Nox? You took me away, and now you're dumping me?"Nox was speechless. 'I am not dumping you,' he thought."Listen up, you amnesiac. I'm going to stay with you from now on, and there's nothing you can do about it! I don't care that you've lost your memories. I have nothing! My folks disowned me!"And once more, she got heartbroken.Nox grinned. 'Oh, so she did
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