Semua Bab Blind Fate: The Beta's Regret: Bab 51 - Bab 60
88 Bab
51- Through New Eyes
Chloe Jane My eyelids flutter open, and a mild ache throbs behind them. Sunlight streams through the window, casting a warm glow across the room. How long have I slept? It feels like ages since I— Wait… I sit up and blink again, frowning at what I’m seeing because… I’m blind! I should not be seeing the morning light filtering through the bedroom window! Immediately, I leap out of the bed and look around the room, but then the door slams open and Ruin stands there with wide eyes. He looks at me, his worried expression softening as he smiles at me and it takes my breath away. He starts to speak, “Hey, dove. You had me—” But I don’t let him finish. Overcome with emotion, I dash towards him, a feat that should be impossible for me. His expression shifts from shock to astonishment as I launch myself into his arms. My arms wrap around his neck, my legs around his waist, and he steadies me, his own surprise resonating through the connection we share. “Chloe Jane?” he breathes out my na
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52 - Ryker's Plan
RuinWe’re all seated in the living room of the pack house, watching Ryker pacing the floor. He’s just returned from Vegas and filled us in on what happened. The shapeshifter who looked like me had no intention of speaking, but after Fenriz used his Alpha Sight on him, Fenriz could see everything.Alpha Sight is when True Alphas embed their claws into the base of a person’s skull to see their hidden memories. Fenriz found this out when he was having fun with the shifter, who looked like me.The Euro Five are planning to wage war on us, and there are already rats inside each of our packs. And the real reason Ryker is so pissed off? The Creators didn’t show him shit about what’s coming.“I don’t fucking get it,” he growls, pacing. “Why keep silent on a brewing fucking war?”“Why keep silent on the fact that we’re all suddenly getting mates this time around?” I counter, shifting Chloe Jane closer on my lap. “You have to admit that they’ve been awfully quiet about important things during
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53 - Darkness
Chloe Jane Deacon and the rest left three hours ago, and yet I’m sitting here, staring at the door even though I can’t see, waiting for him to walk back. Caleb is somewhere in the pack house but I can’t help feeling like he’s resenting me for needing to stay behind. His ability could have been used to an advantage as well, but he’s here babysitting me. I wish Deacon took me up on the offer to see his fate, but they all refused me. They said it would make them overconfident or get morale down if it goes either way. I should have just done it anyway, I think; if only to ease my own worries. Sitting alone, the silence of the room amplifies my thoughts, each one a tangled mess of worry for Deacon and the others. I can’t shake the feeling of being a burden, a sentiment that’s only grown since Caleb had to stay behind. I’m lost in thought, tracing the lines of the sofa’s armrest, when I hear the door creak open. Caleb steps in, his presence unmistakable. “Hey, Chloe Jane,” Caleb’s voic
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54 - Battlefield
RuinThe transformation from man to beast, to a creature of myth and legend, leaves me in awe each time it occurs. As the battlefield stretches out before me, my senses sharpen, heightened by the return of my full power. With a thought, my wings unfurl, vast and dark, each feather absorbing the surrounding light. The power within them is palpable, a force of nature at my command. This power, long restrained, courses through me with a ferocity that’s exhilarating. And fuck me, if it didn’t feel good being in this form after so long.I’m standing in the thick of it, the chaos of battle swirling around me like a damned hurricane. The scent of blood, sweat, and torn earth fills the air, a potent mix that’s almost intoxicating. We’re in a modern-day field turned war zone, the ground beneath our feet churned up from the struggle.Each person I’ve taken down today... I can recall them all. Not with pride, but a grim acceptance of the necessity. Their faces flash before me, a silent testame
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55 - The Alotter
Chloe Jane /“Wake up, Chloe Jane! You’re in danger! Please, wake up!”/ I groan, my entire body feeling stiff for some reason. Did I fall asleep on the couch waiting for Deacon? /“Chloe Jane, listen to me! You’re in danger!”/ I immediately sit up straight when I hear Halo’s voice and notice that the air around me seems stale and dusty. I move my arms, only to hear the clanking of chains and feel my wrists burning in protest. Someone’s shackled me with silver chains! Okay, I’m definitely not in the pack house anymore…so what— Flashes of walking back into the living room with Caleb, then we sat down when my vision faded and then… my heart stills when I remember smelling Mason’s intoxicating scent. Did he force me to come with him by scenting me into submission? /“He did and you need to listen to me, Chloe Jane. He’s going to force you to use your Spinner ability to change his fate—”/ /“But that’s not what I do,”/ I say with a frown and shake my head even as I can’t see her. /“I ca
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56 - I'm Coming For You
RuinThe moment we burst through the doors of the pack house, a bitter sense of dread wraps around me like a shroud. The silence is wrong, the air too still. My heart hammers against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat signaling bad news.“Chloe Jane!” I call out, my voice echoing through the empty halls, met only by silence. My worst fears start to take shape, each unchecked room amplifying the panic clawing at my insides.The guards, our warriors, lie as scattered, motionless figures that paint a grim picture of what occurred here. Each lifeless form serves as evidence of an unseen struggle, conveying the message that we were too slow. That we’re too late.“Where the fuck is Caleb?” I hear Ryker growling as we check every room, but something propels me toward the wine cellar. My feet move of their own accord, leading me towards it with a single-minded focus.When I crash through the door, the sight that greets me sends my blood boiling. Caleb. He’s there, slumped against the wall with a st
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57 - Two Fates Are Better Than One
Chloe JaneI sit up in bed with a smile on my face, excitement coursing through my veins. I did it! An idea popped into my head about visiting Deacon in his dreams, and it just worked! I have no idea how I did it, but just focusing on getting to Deacon helped!“Thank you, Halo,” I whisper into the dimness, acknowledging the pivotal role my familiar has played in all this. “For everything. For guiding me, for giving me the tips on how to reach out to him.”/“It was all you, Chloe Jane. You’re stronger than you realize,”/ Halo responds, her voice a comforting presence in my mind.Encouraged by my success, a new plan begins to take shape. If I could reach Deacon in his dreams, maybe there’s more I can do with Halo’s help. I focus, calling on Halo’s sight once again, and turn my attention to Leianna, curious to see if I can establish a similar connection.To my astonishment, I find Leianna awake, sitting up, her hands moving through the air as if she’s handling something delicate, somethi
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58 - Putting It Into Action
Ruin I wake up with a start, my body slick from sweat as I try to grasp what Chloe Jane just told me. A smile splits across my face as I realize that she’s literally just given me more than what we have before. She’s given me a fucking location. /“Ryker, are you up?”/ I ask over the mind link as I throw on a pair of black jeans and a t-shirt. /“Chloe Jane contacted me again. She has a location.”/ /“I’m in the office,”/ he answers, and I don’t even find it weird that he’s still up. According to Blight, he’s only been like this since we returned here. I have a feeling it’s about his supposed mate, but I won’t ask him. I make my way out of the bedroom to his office and see him pouring two glasses of bourbon. He doesn’t look up as she hands me a glass, either. “So, tell me,” he says. I take a sip of the bourbon, savoring the burn as it goes down before I start. “She’s not being held in a cellar, she’s in some sort of attic; so a building with multiple floors. There’s also an open fie
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59 - The Last Time
Chloe JaneI can barely keep track of the days, but according to the scant meals we’ve received, it’s been two. Two days since I spun Ivan a tale about changing his fate, and two days since I last reached out to Deacon, hoping against hope that he’d find us. Sometimes Leianna visits me in my dreamscape, but I can see her hope starting to fade. But something tells me she’s used to the bleakness of life, I can see it with the way her eyes have dimmed. She doesn’t think we’re getting out of here.I want to ask her about her life back home, but I doubt she’d tell me. She grew up in a cult and was worshiped like some Goddess. I can’t possibly imagine what she’s been through, so I won’t pry.My sight has been returning more and for longer periods than before, but that immediately changes when Ivan suddenly bursts into the attic, his presence like a dark cloud billowing through the cramped space. My normal vision fades and Halo’s negative one takes its place.Without a word, he grabs me, h
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60 - Found You, Dove
RuinThe moment Chloe Jane’s knees buckle, everything else fades into irrelevance. I surge forward, my only thought is to catch her before she hits the ground. As my arms wrap around her, a feeling of rightness settles over me, despite the chaos. She’s light in my embrace, too light, and it makes me want to rip that fucker’s heart out again.“I got you, dove,” I whisper, lifting her with ease. The warmth of her against me, something I’ve been aching for since the moment we were torn apart, floods me with relief.Finding this damned place took everything we had. Every lead felt like a dead end, every clue a frustrating riddle. But the moment I caught her peach scent, I knew we were close. With Chloe Jane secure in my arms, I reach out over the mind link to Ryker. /“Ivan is dead. Chloe Jane is safe,”/ I send, the words stark in their simplicity. There’s a beat of silence before Ryker responds, a rush of relief palpable even through the mind link./“Good work. I’ll handle the other fat
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