Semua Bab Rogue Alpha's Silver Luna: Bab 31 - Bab 40
44 Bab
Chapter 31
Aaron grabbed the man’s collar and pulled him out of the chair. Shock was reflected clearly in the man’s eyes. He obviously didn’t expect a fat, bald short man to be capable of such a feat. Man, did it feel good to be finally able to vent some of the frustration he had been holding inside him ever since he left the pack.The decision not to fight, to let himself be beat up hadn’t been easy. Irrespective of whether he led a pack or not, he would always be an alpha. Backing away from a fight was one of the most difficult things for an alpha.“Aar…” Keyah’s cry penetrated the haze of red. “Let him go!”When he momentarily turned his head to face Keyah, a strong fist connected with his jaw.“You bastard!” Aaron shouted, his hand still firmly grasping the man’s collar, rage once again coloring his vision red. Grabbing the man’s neck, Aaron head-butted him, knocking him out cold.Before he could do further harm, Keyah pulled him away.“Let’s go. The dealer just called security. Fuck, Aar… s
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Chapter 32
Aaron growled.The shifters from Charlie’s. So they had been here all along.One of them held Keyah’s arms behind her back, while the other advanced upon Aaron.Aaron bared his teeth, his canines lengthening menacingly; deep growls were emanating from within his chest. It wasn’t his wolf growling, but himself. His wolf was mad as hell too. Aaron told him to get in line. Without even looking at the male advancing toward him, he landed a fist on his mouth, his gaze fixed on the one holding Keyah captive.The male who had the misfortune of connecting with Aaron’s fist fell to the ground clutching his mouth. Lifting his foot high up in the ground, he brought it down hard on the man’s stomach, making him double over with pain.Aaron’s eyes never left the shifter who had dared to touch Keyah.“Let. Her. Go.”“Stop. Stop right there. All I want to do is talk,” the shifter said, taking a step back, dragging Keyah with him.“Let. Her. Go,” Aaron repeated, advancing upon the shifter.“I’ll hurt
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Chapter 33
Keyah glanced in the direction of the hotel, and sure enough, the human male who had accosted them at the blackjack table was rushing out of the arched entrance, his eyes roving over the cars parked on both sides of the driveway.“Shit. If we move now, his attention will be drawn to us. What do we do?” Keyah asked, chewing on her bottom lip.Aaron pressed his fingers against his temple. “He can’t chase us on foot. Even if he does see us leaving, there’s nothing he can do about it. Aaaah! I think the potion is beginning to wear off. I’m feeling woozy.”Keyah threw a concerned glance his way. “Will you be alright? For the journey?”“Yes. I’m fine.” He shook his head a couple of times before training his gaze on the human male who was pursuing them. “He won’t even be able to scent us. I hope he sees us leaving; I want to flip him off. Hit the road, Keyah!”Keyah did as he suggested. The man did see them leave, even tried to run after them, but had to give up once they pulled onto the bus
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Chapter 34
Keyah didn’t want to let the situation overwhelm her as she rummaged in her tote bag. Aaron was holding the flashlight, shining it inside the bag.She had been cornered before. Admittedly, she had never been in a situation quite like this one. If they didn’t find a way to make it to the nearest big town, there was a real chance they could die of thirst or starvation. They were in the middle of nowhere. Even if they shifted into their wolf forms, it would take them a couple of days to get to Dragon Tree Falls from where they were. There might be other towns on the way, but they didn’t know if they were human settlements or shifter towns.Besides, she was very reluctant to shift. Neither the humans nor the shifters could ever see Keyah in the form of Silver Wolf. Wolves with pelts of pure silver didn’t exist in nature. If any human saw her in her wolf form, they’d immediately get their guns and would try to hunt her down, just as her dad had been hunted. And the shifters–who knew how th
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Chapter 35
Keyah forced herself to step away from Aaron.“We might have averted the immediate crisis, but we do need to get going. We’re low on rations, plus the fuel tank needs a more permanent fix. And we need to find a gas station.”Aaron stopped her, holding her in place with his hands on her shoulders as he looked into her eyes. “Something changed tonight. Tell me you didn’t feel it when we kissed just now.”Keyah’s heart hammered against her chest. He’d felt it too? If he said the words, she’d be forced to reject him. She would not be responsible for ruining his fated mate’s life.When Keyah’s dad had rejected his fated mate, it had weighed heavily on him. Even as a three-year-old, she had seen the deep sadness in his eyes that had never quite left him until the day he died.She forced a smile on her face as she looked at Aaron. “The potion has seriously messed you up. You’re imagining things. The kiss was incredible, as always, but I think it only seemed more potent because of how relieve
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Chapter 36
Aaron got out of the car and stretched his legs, his face upturned, looking at the star-studded sky, trying to feel a sense of calm under the ocean of stars. Ever since he had kissed Keyah earlier, his feelings were all over the place. He couldn’t make sense of anything.When Keyah had asked him if he believed in destiny, he was sure she was hinting they were fated mates, but when she laughed off his suggestion, it hurt. Which was ridiculous. He knew they weren’t fated mates. They couldn’t be. His fated mate couldn’t be a Silver Wolf. If the circumstances had been different, if Keyah had been raised by her pack, she wouldn’t even have come into Aaron’s life. The only reason they had met was because she wanted revenge.But circumstances aren’t different. She found you, the one wolf who can see the Boulder Mountain. If anything, it proves she is your fated mate. She found you against all odds, his wolf argued from inside him.Aaron shook his head, not having a counter argument. His wolf
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Chapter 37
“Keyah?”When Aaron gently shook her shoulders, she jerked, suddenly coming awake. She had passed out. When had she passed out? She had only closed her eyes for a minute; it had still been dark out. Now, the sun was high up in the sky.Sitting up, she rubbed a hand over her face. After they had fueled up and left Fanny Pack, Keyah had been at the wheel until they crossed the Direwolf Mountains. The paved road ended soon after, and Keyah had begun to feel her eyes close. Since she knew better than to stubbornly stay at the wheel when feeling sleepy, she’d asked Aaron to take over, promising to relieve him after she’d had a few minutes of shut-eye.Well, it had certainly been more than a few minutes.“What time is it? Why didn’t you wake me up? Were we followed? Did we cross the streams?”Aaron grinned. How could he look so handsome despite not having slept a wink? She was sure she looked like a racoon with purple circles under her eyes despite having slept for a few hours.“You went fr
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Chapter 38
Keyah read the text, feeling perplexed. She glanced at Aaron, and he was studying her intently, taking deep inhales.Keyah now knew why he did that. With the potion, her senses were heightened. His natural scent permeated her nostrils, trying to envelope her brain in a fog of desire. If she let it, it would cloud her senses completely.Shaking her head, she forced herself to read the text out loud. “Tara says: ‘you can alter your scent and throw those goons off your track. Just chew on some basil before taking the potion.’ How the fuck did she know?”Keyah banged her fist against the dashboard, suddenly needing to vent her frustration. Now she knew how Aaron had felt. When her fist connected with the dashboard, she was horrified. Her car! Her poor car! How could she ill-treat it?Aaron growled low in his throat, probably feeling triggered by her aggression.Fuck, it was going to be difficult. Keyah looked at the lake again, trying to calm her mind. “Let’s find an auto repair shop. We
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Chapter 39
“Breakfast will be served everyday in the cafe downstairs between eight am and ten am. The bathroom’s through here. I’m sorry we give you a room with twin beds,” Becky apologized, twisting her hands.Aaron wished the hare-woman would leave already. She had a tendency to ramble, and she had apologized ten times on the way up to the room. He knew he’d say something rude if he spoke, so he walked to the Juliet balcony attached to the room. At least, the view was stupendous. From here, he could see both the lake and the Direwolf Mountain.Becky was still talking, telling Keyah all about how she had inherited the villa from her great-grandmother and turned into a B and B, following a life-long dream. They were a little short-staffed today, she explained. Aaron wanted to shout–we fucking don’t care. Leave!But the only thing stopping him from pinning Keyah against the queen-sized bed and ripping off her clothes was Becky’s presence. So in a way, Becky was probably doing him a favor by linge
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Chapter 40
Aaron slowly tried to back away, but collided against the doorjamb. Keyah’s eyes flew to him.“Aaron,” she whispered, her eyes dark. And although a hint of color tinged her cheeks, she didn’t close her legs or remove her hand from her breast.“Sorry, I didn’t know… I’ll give you some privacy,” he said, turning on his heel.“No. Wait.” Keyah’s voice was hoarse and thick. “Be with me. I’m trying but it’s not enough.”If she asked him to touch her, he’d be a goner. His cock would be buried inside her in minutes, irrespective of the promise. “If I touch you, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”Acute lust coursed through his blood, making his heart pound. It seemed like all the horniness he had worked off after his run was now back with a vengeance. He clutched the bundle of basil tighter, hoping to regain a semblance of control.“I’m not asking you to touch me. My fingers just aren’t doing the job. Make me come without touching me. Tell me all the things you want to do to me. Talk dir
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