Semua Bab Dumped At The Altar: The Billionaire Instant Bride: Bab 21 - Bab 30
74 Bab
The party
EmmaI was in my office when my phone suddenly ring, I checked and discovered it's my mother“Mum?” “Emma?” I heard my stepfather’s voice“Father?” I called in a longing tone“Don't tell me you’ve suddenly forgotten about your father after getting married?”“No father, I’m sorry I haven't visited all these while” “That's okay, how have you been?”“I’m fine father, how is your health”“My health is good, the house never felt the same after you left and your sister Henessy? You know how she could be, she's never at home, I don't know what I did in my past life to deserve such a daughter like her, please forgive her for what she did at your wedding, your little sister has totally lost her mind”“It's okay father I’m not even upset with her anymore, I just want her to stay off my marriage and stop causing me trouble”“Is she disturbing you and your husband after taking Charles away from you?” “Yes father, but you don't have to worry, I can handle her this time around’’“Alright baby gi
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HenessyAs I walked into the party the whole place was blasting with music filled with people of different high caliber, they were all in mask. This is the perfect place for me to carry out my plan the perfect atmosphere to get what I want.I was putting on a devil eye mask that only covered my eyes and nose, as I walk deeper into the crowd I can't help but search for my prey tonight, Mr Valmore where can you be? I saw a waiter carrying a tray of champagne, I took a glass and kept searching for him, it wasn't long before I sighted him sitting gloriously in the VIP section“There he is…..’’ I licked my lips deliciously and looked at the drink in my hand, this glass of champagne will be the key for me to get what I want tonight, I gulped down the whole glass of champagne and left the crowd immediately.I went straight to the changing room and brought out the waiter's uniform I came with I came with it was the exact same uniform the waiters here were wearing. I wore my mask making sure
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Her crazy side
Me ValmoreI was at the party but my mind was at home. I'm always looking at my wristwatch to know when I’ll leave. I promised Emma that I’ll be back home so early and I don't like breaking promises. The launching of the new Gold chain was finally over and it was not time to go to the dance floor and danceI stood up from the VIP and walk down to the dance floor, people were busy dancing while my eyes were focused on the time I’ll leave any moment from now. Everywhere was lively, the music was in order and people were dancing to their heart's content, it was a ball dance actually since it's only people of high standards,I was observing the whole place when all of a sudden I heard shattering of glass behind me, I turned instantly and saw it was a waiter, I watched as a lady landed a hot slap on her cheeks, ranting on her face, the whole place was already chaotic and I knew it's time for me to leaveThe vibrating sound of my phone in my pants pocket caught my attention and I pulled it
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Neck Pain
EmmaI sat on the bed with my hands folded below my boobs, I was glaring daggers at him as I wait for him to explain to me the reason why he was late at home after promising to come home early“I’m waiting Ajeez start talking” I growl“come on Emma you always call me Ajeez whenever you're upset with me, I’m serious, I even left early other people were still dancing at the party”“You only left early because I called you”“I swear Emma, I was already waiting for the perfect time to leave before you called, after the launching everybody was made to go to the dance floor, I was there waiting for the perfect time to leave before your call came”“The most important thing is that you wouldn't have left if I didn't call”“Emma please believe me I was really going to come home it's just that I was waiting for the perfect time to leave”“It's okay, I forgive you” “Really?” He asked excitedly, I ignored him and climbed the bed ready to sleep, he was about to climb the bed too“What are you doi
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His neck
Me ValmoreI walked into my company with an Ice pack on my neck, all my staff kept looking at me in a weird way, some were even giggling happily all thanks to my overthinking and nagging wife“Don't tell me you don't enjoy the way she nagged and also took care of you at the same time?”“Care?” I almost yelled at my conscience,“You called coming to work with an ice pack on my neck a care?”“You deserve it after all you made the queen wait all night and still came home late”“You’re my conscience, are you on my side or her side?” I growl making and entered my office, “Actually yes I’m your conscience but I’m.on Emma’s side, you can come home late today and see if you can walk properly the next day”“Get out you're useless” I shut out my conscience immediately as I took my seat in the office, I relaxed my head back on the chair the the ice pack still on my neck, the only sensible thing Emma did this morning was this ice pack, else I wouldn't be able to come to workThe blaring sound of
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The congress
EmmaI went back to my office smiling all through the day for what I did to Mr Valmore, I can tell he's already tired of me, I’m starting to enjoy Mr Valmore’s company, he's that selfless kind of person who will displease himself to please you, he always likes to see me happy he always lets me get what I want even if it's going to displease him. Mr Valmore is the kind of person you can never hate no matter how hard you try, it's like the more I try to find reasons to hate him the closer I get to him, he's such a baby that needs love and assurance all the time, I don't why the outside world termed him ruthless, but maybe that's what he uses as a shell to protect himself against this cruel worldBut this question will keep on running in my head, if he's this tender and kind, then why did he kill my father and run away, what really happened? I need answersIs he pretending to be good to me? But he doesn't for one bit look like someone who is pretending, he has always has that genuine lo
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EmmaIt was 10 am, I was all dressed up in a bossy black suit looking like a female boss, and of course, that's what I am, my hair was loosed as it flowed freely, I also wore a black sunglass and right now I couldn't even recognize myself before the mirror, I look so domineering “How do I look?’’ I asked turning around for Mr Valmore to rate me, he didn't go to work early cause he wanted to see me off before I leave“Bossy and gorgeous” He commented with smile looking at me with eyes full of admiration“Are you ready?” He asked and I nodded“Let me walk you downstairs,” He said and took my black handbag while he held my hand as we left the room, the maids and guards were all lined up in the living room, immediately they saw us coming downstairs, and their eyes widened in surprise, I can tell this is the first time they saw their boss carrying a ladies bagThey all bowed their heads immediately we got closer to them, we walked past them and got outside where Mr Philip stood waiting fo
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One Rough Night
HennesyI didn't dare to go back home, I didn't want to face my father yet, and I don't want to see that wicked stepmother of mine mocking me, I drove myself straight to the Casino to get wasted, the whole country is probably talking about me right now, Emma has made me a laughing object to everybody, that sister of mine dared to reduce me to nothing, She's going to make my father to lose a lot of shares and contract almost everything that he's worked so hard for all his life, and all of that is going to happen because of that foolish Emma, that crazy sister of mine dared to mess with me, Emma I swear I’m going destroy you for doing this to me Emma I will destroy you, She….she made fun of me in front of the whole world, she took a video that day and I never knew about it, she not only took a video but she dared to expose it in front of the whole world, after taking away everything from me she wanted to take my life too?Emma……! I swear to you Emma I will be the death of you, for ch
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The couple
EmmaI felt so fulfilled after giving Hennesy a taste of her own medicine at least she won't mess with me again without caution, how dare she try to humiliate me in front of the whole world, all she does all the time is to look for ways to destroy my life, I know she's going to trouble me, I just didn't know she's going to go public and try to make a sceneAfter I left the congress my phone has been buzzing with calls and different messages, and that's what I expected, all thanks to Hennesy a lot of companies are now messaging me to cooperate with them.My mum has been calling nonstop, I was trying to avoid her calls cause I know she might be with my stepfather, after calling for the hundredth time I decided to pick up the call, I slid on the green icon“Mother?”“Sweetheart, I saw what happened, are you okay? How could your sister say all that about you?”“You don't have to worry mother, this time around I didn't just let her insult me, I made sure to pay her back in her own coin, I’
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HennesyI know coming back home is the last thing I want to do right now but I have no other choice but to be here, after wasting yesterday night at the Casino and having a random one-night stand with a stranger, I know it's time to come home and explain what happened at the congress to my father even though I know that nothing I say would make sense to him cause probably that manipulative stepmother of mine has filled his brain with useless thought about me, I drove into our mansion and parked my car before climbing down, I walked into the mansion and met no one there, I was surprised that my father was not in the living room waiting for me which was unlike him, I was actually happy as I try to sneak upstairs to my room when suddenly I heard someone cleared throat behind me, I halted on my steps and slowly turned my back to see my father standing behind me with his two hands folded below his chest and a disappointed look on his face“You reek of alcohol mixed with cigarettes, tell
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