Lahat ng Kabanata ng The Rich and the Loved: Kabanata 21 - Kabanata 30
97 Kabanata
One Step Forward
Felicia walked out of the kitchen carrying a steaming teapot. Then she carefully placed it on the table and slumped in the armchair opposite the sofa where Raven and I sat. She looked tired after walking a few steps between the kitchen and her living room, as if for her, boiling water had become as exhausting as running a marathon.I could see that Raven watched her closely, most likely catching all of the symptoms of… whatever kind of sickness drained her body. I shuddered at the thought of what must have been done to her to cause such a condition.“I studied to become a nurse, you know?” Felicia smiled wryly as her trembling hand reached for the teapot.“Let me,” I said, hurriedly grabbing the teapot and pouring the tea into our cups.“Thank you,” she muttered and pulled a strand of her dull hair behind her ear. “I met Alistair during my practice at the hospital. I didn't know who he was, and he even pretended to be a doctor just to trick me into giving him my number.” Her lips twit
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My heart stumbled as I stared at the two, rage filling my veins. I had met Alistair Pearson once or twice when I had still been one of Doctor Rogers's patients. He hadn't changed since then. He was wearing an impeccable, well-tailored suit, charcoal this time. His reddish hair was, as always, kept short, emphasizing all the sharp lines of his handsome face. Even the smirk remained the same. Only his green eyes now betrayed more than before. Or perhaps it was my eyes that could see more of his true, despicable nature.Seeing Darren standing beside someone like Alistair chilled me to the bone, releasing all kinds of questions. How well had they known each other? Was I right in assuming that Darren was Alistair's friend? And... was Darren the friend whom Alistair called the night Felicia almost died?I released my breath and blinked, realizing that I should move before one of them noticed me staring. Engaging with either of them would have been far more stupid than my clubbing date with
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On with the Plan
DARRENIt was after midnight, but I was still in the office in Le Chevalier Noir. I sat by my wooden desk and stared at the laptop screen. I preferred this place over my fancy office at Eques Gold Corporation. The club was more quiet on weekdays, and I was desperate for quiet. It was the only thing that helped me contain the storm inside me.Grinding my teeth, I raised my head above the screen, looking at my friend-slash-partner. “I want a full report on Pearson, and I want it ASAP.” I tried to keep my voice even, but I could feel the claws of rage scratching their way out through my skin.Lucien gave me a meaningful look as he sprawled on the sofa. Still, he grabbed his phone and made a quick call, ordering his men to do what I told him to. The bastard found my anger amusing, and he had been acting this way from the moment he'd learned about my brief encounter with Ms. Hayes at the restaurant.“Don't make me wipe the smirk off your face with my fist,” I warned him.He straightened up
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A Challenge
“Dylan Morgan was the last one we knew of, and he is now dead,” I told Lucien the next day as we sat in my other—more formal and elegant—office on the top floor of the Eques Gold Building.Lucien muttered a curse or two, his fists clenching. He was as engaged in the plan to send Hayes to jail as I was, and I knew that for him, another failure tasted just as bitter as the bitterness currently filling my mouth. He'd had an older half-brother who had been my father's assistant. He'd been on board that plane, sitting beside my father when it had blown up.“So that's it? Our final witness is gone, and there's no way to prove William Hayes's guilt?” He gritted his teeth as he stared at me.I exhaled sharply. “I'm running out of ideas. Dylan Morgan was the fourth one. Now all of those who claimed they saw Hayes at the airport are dead, and we have nothing.” Admitting it tensed every muscle in my body.A dry chuckle left him. “Not only did he kill your father and my bro but four other people,
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His Offer
LILLYI might have stopped breathing. No. Correction. I definitely wasn't breathing as I stared at Darren Knight and the hand he offered. Those women who surrounded me were now all turned toward him, each ready to replace me if I refused him. What the hell did he want from me? Was this some kind of trick? A part of his sick plan?Seconds passed, and I kept my gaze on him. My heart pounded as I hectically searched for the right solution. I knew that his gesture and my silence drew attention. This was not supposed to happen. I had never thought that he would decide to go anywhere near me. Him, openly asking for a private conversation with me was another thing I would have called ridiculous just a moment ago. And yet, he stood two feet away from me, smiling, as if our conversation were the most natural thing that could ever occur. Should I just… go with him? No matter how far we would go to have this “private talk,” we'd still be in a public place. He would never plan to harm me after su
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A Deal with a Demon
My ribs shrunk, squeezing my lungs. My breathing became shallow—too shallow—providing too little oxygen to spread by my hectically pounding heart. I lowered my gaze and stared at my trembling hands. “Do you seriously expect me to look for evidence against my father?” I asked hoarsely.“I've never said that.” His tone hardened. “I want the truth.”Slowly, I met his gaze. “Do you? Because I believe there's only one thesis you are willing to accept.”A cold smirk appeared. “And you don't? Don't you want to find someone guilty—anyone who isn't your father?”I ground my teeth, slowly processing what he said, before questioning, “Would you accept that someone other than my father was responsible for planting the bomb in your father's plane?”He leaned back in his seat. “Depends on the evidence.”I let out a humorless chuckle. “This will get us nowhere.”“It will.” He locked his eyes on me. “I know it because you want to know for sure. You need the evidence just as much as I need it.”This c
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A Letter
I stood in the middle of my father's empty study and shivered. My father had given me a chance, a new life, and his love. I felt as if I had betrayed him just by standing there. It was proof that I didn't believe he was innocent—not entirely. Then there was this hopeful and perhaps naïve part of me that believed it wasn't as simple as all might think. Maybe… Maybe he was protecting someone—something. Or maybe I wouldn't find anything at all because he genuinely had nothing to do with that plane's explosion. I needed that hope, even if my instincts told me otherwise.I moved my feet forward to his desk—a large piece of old wood with carved drawers and side cabinets, all locked. Fortunately, I knew where the key was. The voice inside my head told me to stop before it was too late. It tried to prevent me from opening something that could be as dangerous as Pandora's Box. But it was already too late. I had decided. My hand moved to the wooden surface under the large drawer spread across t
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Proceed as Planned
DARREN“Have you gone completely insane?!” Mia roared, slamming the door right after she entered my office at Eques Gold Corporation.“And good morning to you too, Mia dear.” Lucien chuckled from my sofa. “Coffee? Tea? Freshly heated blood of the virgin?”“Screw you, Lucien,” she barked as her long legs ate the distance between the door and my desk. “Not only did you not want me to touch her, but now you collaborate with her?!” She frowned at me.I knew that she would be pissed, but frankly, I didn't care. It was my call—Lucien's idea but my call. She couldn't do anything about it. I bet that this was the exact reason she was currently glaring at me and seething in rage.“Lower your voice and sit down,” I said, meeting her gaze.Her frown deepened. “The hell I will—”“Sit. Down. Now.” My voice remained calm, but I made sure she heard and felt its sharp edge.Her mouth clamped shut, and like a sulking kid, she marched to my three-piece suite and slumped on the armchair, huffing.“Coffe
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Meeting Her Ex
The door opened, and that foolish asshole stepped inside. “Mr. Knight, I appreciate that you agreed to meet—” He cut himself off as soon as his eyes landed on me, his face draining of color. Interesting, amusing even. It seemed like the poor fucker hadn't done his homework. He hadn't known who I was back then at the gala, and he was still too stupid to match the name to the face before he confidently strode into my office. That confidence was now gone, and what stood before me reeked of anxiety. “Have a seat, Mr. Kenneth,” I said simply, pointing at the chair in front of my desk. Kenneth Welch stumbled forward, almost knocking the water pitcher off the coffee table. “I'm sorry,” he mumbled, quickly recollecting himself and walking to the seat I had pointed. His lips twitched into more of a weird grimace than a smile as his eyes landed on me. “I feel… like I need to explain myself.” He let out a nervous chuckle. “That day at the Youngs' gala... I'd been taken by surprise, and you mig
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The Wicked Side Of Me
LILLYI turned out to be a coward. I hadn't reached out to Darren after finding the letter from Ansel Holloway. I hadn't come to Hayes Global Group to look for more evidence in my father's office either. I was too terrified to look any further or ask more questions.Every word from Ansel Holloway's letter to my father haunted me, cursed my sleep, and stole my focus during the day. I memorized each sentence and tried to turn it around, find a different angle, dig out a hidden meaning... But no matter how I stretched my brain cells, I ended up with one conclusion: my father had done something unforgivable.Of course, the letter didn't say a word about the explosion, the bomb, or killing people, but the words used there were enough to suspect a lot. I knew that my uncle would call it circumstantial evidence. It wasn't enough to arrest my father, but perhaps it would have been sufficient for the police to reopen the investigation. That was what Darren wanted; I knew it well. But this wasn
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10 Protection Status