Semua Bab Profession: Bab 31 - Bab 40
40 Bab
31| Profession
“I don’t understand why you want me there for Halloween.” I laugh. “You can do fine without me Grams.”“I should feel offended.” Grams says with a straight voice. “If you’re trying so hard to stay away from me that means that you’re enjoying your job, right?”I smile into the phone, my fingers playing around in the bag of chips I’m eating before I answer.“I’m not trying so hard to stay away from you Grams, I just can’t come when my contract is not over.” I tell her. “And I do enjoy my job, very much.” I add, heat rising up my neck as I think about certain things.Lucas is upstairs to make sure Isabella doesn’t make a mess of their wardrobe as she goes to put back her homework in her school bag.Lorenzo is making a business call in his office. We’ve been spending so much time together since I told him I liked him four days ago.I start to feel like a teenager whenever I see him, I feel all the walls I’ve spent my life building crumbling whenever he tells me to sleep in his bed or when
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32| Profession
The day was bright, even though it was hard to see from the thick curtains in Lorenzo’s room. I blink multiple times to get my eyes ready for the morning however the first thing I see upon looking beside me is the face of the man whom I blindly fell for hook, line, and sinker.I smiled at his sleeping state, his features looking more peaceful and more carefree while at sleep, even though his grip around me was vice-like. I pursed my lip when I tried to get up but failed and ended up pulling myself closer to him, our bare skins rubbing against each other.It's weekend but I still need to go check up on the kids.A smile pulls to my face again at the thought of the kids. Isabella and Lucas, the kids that I’m here to look after. They’re the reason I’m in this house and they’re the reason Lorenzo found me. I am grateful for them. They are precious to me, and with the months we’ve spent together, I have learned to be with them and love them as if they were mine.As if I were their….“Soone
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33| Profession
“I gave you life, I gave you food and shelter, I gave you a proper education and I shaped you into the smart woman you’ve become just so you can be someone that I can proudly point at someday and say, ‘she’s mine’, but this – this is how you repay me?” My disappointed father complains throwing my papers at my feet. “What is this?”I maintain a smile, a shallow one. I held on to that smile as I watched my graduation & school certificates fly across the floor. After my years of working towards a certain goal and my hard work to become the person I wanted to be, everything was scattered across the floor, the same floor that my feet were standing on.I bent down and picked up every one of them before standing before my father again.“Ah, well you see – this is proof that I finished University,” I told him, a chuckle slipping out. “I’m sorry, I just thought you’d know what they were.”My mother slaps the table. Our dining table, where everything was happening over dinner.“You think this i
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34| Profession
“Hey, I’m sorry but did you see the person who delivered this?” I asked the guard who dropped off the letter.He sighed and shook his head.“It was collected from the mail, it was dropped off this morning.” He told me.The thin envelope scrunched in my fist as I held it tightly. Sighing, I thank the guard and shove the paper into the pocket of my sweats.Before I could turn around and head back to the dining room where I left Lorenzo, the door to the living room was yanked open and I let out a yelp before scurrying back.I put my hand to my chest when a smiling Theodore walked in, with a bunch of gift bags in his hands. The guards around me didn’t even flinch, either they were too good with their job or they were used to him coming in like this. Besides, I don’t think a dangerous person would be able to waltz in this carefree with all the bodyguards outside.“Theodore, ” I called mouth and eyes gaped.He looks over to where I am standing, noticing me for the first time, and his smile
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35| Profession
I sighed, leaning on my work desk as I entered my office. I can hear Theodore’s footsteps as he approaches the room, almost excitedly. I put my head in my hand and pinched my temple, knowing what was coming already.“You fell for the nanny?” Was the first thing he blurted the moment he barged into my office.“My God,” I muttered under my breath.He scoffs unbelievably.“Wow, I can’t believe – I just cannot believe it. You fucking made it clear that no one should get attached, it was only a six-month contract, and she has to focus on the kids! The way I see it, you’ve stolen all the attention.” He yaps, dumping all the paper bags on the sofa. “I knew this was going to bloody happen, I knew there was something up when you hired this one after one interview. I should’ve known you were damn whipped, I mean, who wouldn’t be right?”“Theodore shut up,” I tell him, lifting my head from my hand and folding my arms across my chest. He keeps quiet for a second, but then a stupid smile breaks ou
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36| Profession
☼Willow☼Show me how it feels to be in love with the son of a Mafia Don.Mafia?A short laugh slipped past my lips. It was almost like a surprised laugh, an unexpected one. Then the breath I had been holding when reading the letter was let out when I laughed again, feeling stupid for reading the entire thing.This is bullshit. I thought. How the hell could Lorenzo be the son of a Mafia Don?How could Lorenzo even be part of the mafia itself? There’s nothing murderous or dangerous about him so how could he manage to be part of the mafia? Well, there have been several rumors about him running illegal businesses and stuff, people saying that he belongs to the mafia. But that’s just rumors,Right?“Bullshit,” I muttered, the letter in my hand crumpling as I squeezed it in my fist. “There’s no way in hell. Not when he has those kids to protect.”I fed myself those words over and over again, making it a mantra I had to believe in. I chuckle nervously at myself for almost being fooled.I br
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37| Profession
Lorenzo arches an eyebrow curiously at me as he enters my room, his footsteps slow – almost wary.“You look awfully pale,” He comments, closing the door behind him.I tear my eyes away from his face, suddenly interested in the design of my room all over again. I don’t know how I should look at him or who to look at him as.Lorenzo doesn’t look like a fucking murderer, there’s no way he could’ve slaughtered people.The thought alone makes bile rise in my throat.I’ve seen murderers before, I’ve lived with one, and I know how unregretful they are. How getting blood under their nails doesn’t faze them. Lorenzo doesn’t look like that. Lorenzo doesn’t look like a cold-blooded murderer.I trust him, he isn’t a murderer.“Willow…” Lorenzo calls cautiously.“I think I’m going to throw up,” I mutter feeling everything surge up my throat as I race for the bathroom. I make it to the toilet seat in time and pour out revolting piles of vomit.I flush the toilet. I go to the sink, rinse my mouth, b
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38| Profession
☁︎Lorenzo☁︎Four hours earlier.“Wow, you’re so heartless,” Theodore says with a dejected sigh as he slumps into the chair in my office. “How could you talk to your sister like that?” He whines after I hang up on Amelia.“Shut up,” I respond tiredly and take a seat on the other side of the room, facing him.“She’s probably choking on her tears right now, I know I’ve been wanting her to get back to work but after hearing you chew and spit her out like that, I kinda feel bad for her,” Theodore confesses. “Can’t we just let her live a normal life? I mean, this kind of life is hard for a woman anyway.” He mumbles the last part, his eyes skimming my face warily.I sigh, rubbing my temple in frustration.“Theo,” I call, my voice quiet.He answers in surprise, I don’t know if it was because I called his name short or because of how solemn I sounded.“Non possiamo sfuggire al nostro destino, this is something we were born with and it is something we grew to accept. We kill and take, people tr
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39| Profession
“Is this about me, Willow?” Lorenzo asks.Suddenly, I hesitated to answer, mouth dry like cotton and tongue heavy like a wet carpet. Were my words too transparent or was he just self-conscious that I was trying to talk about him?“Is there something you want to talk to me about?” He asks again, his voice as patient and calm as ever, almost making me guilty of thinking of him as a murderer.But I can’t get it out of my head, I mean the contents of that letter. I can’t get the written words that Rose had sent inside that letter out of my head and I’m starting to have second thoughts about the man I’ve come to love.“Enzo,” I start, my tongue darting out to wet my lips nervously as I fiddle with my fingers.He hummed in response, forcing me to carry on with my words.“Do you know someone named Rose?”I felt his body stiffen slightly at my question, it made my racing heart pound faster. I clench my sweaty fists, trying to swallow the lump forming in my throat.Blinking rapidly to avoid te
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40| Profession
“It’s Halloween!” Isabella squeals her announcement as she emerges from the door. The pigtails I put her hair in this morning before school were nowhere to be found, only a nest of very disturbed hair.“Soon,” Lucas adds bluntly from beside me, lazily sprawled on the sofa. I can tell from the little smile he’s hiding that he’s just trying to spite her.Isabella scoffs.“Less meddling Luke, I don’t wanna know.” She retorts, tiny hands on either side of her waist.Lucas starts to say something, but Isabella ignores him and runs towards me. I stand up from the couch before she arrives, allow her to hug me hard, and make it look like the impact made me fall back on the couch.“It’s Halloween soon Wooly.” She tells me again.“Well, someone’s excited,” I said with a teasing smile, wrapping my arms around her waist and holding her up as I stood up, laughing slightly at how energetic her nodding was.“Just child behavior,” Lucas comments making his sister frown.“Child bee-hayvor?” Isabella f
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