Semua Bab High School Of Paranormals : Bab 51 - Bab 60
112 Bab
Josephine decided to clear her head, she changed her clothes into something nice and walked out the door. She was taking pictures of beautiful sights. When she bumped into someone. "I'm sorry.""Pardon me." They both apologized "Clark? What are you doing here?" Josephine asked "Fancy meeting you here Josephine. What are you doing here?" Clark asked "I came with my mom, and you didn't answer my question." Josephine said"I'm her with my parents." Clark answered"You wanna check out some really cool places with me?" Clark asked "I'd like that, I don't really have a tour guide so...""You've never been here before?" Clark asked"It's my first time here." Josephine answered honestly"Well allow me to be your tour guide." Clark said "Thanks." "So are you here alone? I mean other than your mom, didn't Audrey or your twin accompany you?" Clark asked "Nope, it turns out they both have boyfriends now so… I became the outcast, so I left." Josephine said**** Audrey and Adrian were loo
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Nolan followed Wen into a room and a portal could be seen. Right in front of them both. "You may go now." Wen said Nolan sighed but walked into the portal anyway. Lucia hadn't been there in years, she wouldn't even let anyone remind her of it. Her favourite place became a reminder of her loss. "Welcome Nolan." Lucia said she was dressed in a short blue dress. "You look ordinary Queen Lucia. It's been years you dressed simple." Nolan said "Just call me Lucia." "I'm guessing Esmeralda would do, so what's up you said you had some truth to tell?" Nolan said"Indeed, sorry I haven't been totally honest with you. I have my reasons for keeping the secrets I did. It was for everyone's benefits." Lucia explained"Esmeralda, you know you can always count on me we've been friends for so long." Nolan said"I know it's just, I've been insecure for the past eighteen years and I don't even know who to trust and who I shouldn't." Lucia said "Well, you can always count on me." Nolan said"Than
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Audrey walked down the stairs and Adrian was dumbfounded. "Great what's with the look? Do I look bad should I change the dress, or my hair braiding." Audrey blabbered but Adrian wanted to stop her with a kiss but Audrey took a step backwards. "Not now." "What? Why can't I kiss you?" Adrian asked"Because you'll ruin my make up. And do I look okay?" Audrey asked "Beautiful, there's no other word for it." Adrian said with a smile. "Well let's go." Audrey said and Adrian held her arms and they both left in his car. **** Josephine arrived at the hotel "Thanks for everything Clark for lunch, being my tour guide and also being a good listener." Josephine said "I guess I should be thanking you as well for being there for me. You made my day, at least I wasn't bored." Clark said "Well I guess we are two heartbroken souls, that needs to mend. Who would really like to go to the bar and drown their sorrows away in alcohol." Josephine said"I feel the same way, but I'm sure they wouldn'
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Maxine decided to call Audrey and to inform her about everything that happened. She tried talking to Josephine but she wasn't answering her calls. *ring* ring* "Oh it's Maxine." Audrey said "Hey Max." "Hey, I just wanted to tell you that it's official." Maxine said "Oh, Kyle's now your boyfriend congratulations." Audrey said"Thanks, although I don't know how I'm going to tell everyone else in the family." Maxine said"What are you afraid of?" Audrey asked "What mom might say, she might cause trouble for Kyle you know." Maxine said"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. So are you coming home tonight?" Audrey asked "I can't, you see I'm at an island right now." Maxine said"Wait you left town without telling me or dad?" Audrey asked "I know, I shouldn't have but he didn't actually give me time to think." Maxine said"Whatever, just take care of yourself. See you tomorrow." Audrey said disconnecting the call. "Hey what's up?" Kyle asked "It's nothing, I think Audrey's ma
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Audrey answered the call. "Hey dad." "Sweetie, I hope I didn't disturb your sleep?" Nolan asked "I wasn't asleep dad." Audrey answered "Okay, sweetie I just wanted to remind you of the painting." "Which one dad?" Audrey asked "What you saw in that vision we talked about, you promised to give me a sketch." Nolan reminded "Oh… right, I'll get to it." Audrey said"I really need it as soon as possible sweetie." Nolan said "You'll get it tomorrow." Audrey answered "Okay. Is Maxine home?" Nolan asked "No she isn't, and I'm not at home either." Audrey said"Where did she go? And where are you?" Nolan asked "Dad please don't be mad, I'm at Adrian's house. His mom invited me over for dinner." Audrey said"She did?" Nolan asked "Yes, and I lost track of time so... She asked me to sleep over." Audrey said"And Maxine?" Nolan asked "I guess it would be best if she told you herself." Audrey said"Where is she?" Nolan asked "I'm not sure either but last we spoke, she... She said she w
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The next morning Adrian woke up first, he kissed Audrey on her forehead. He smiled seeing her innocent sleepy face. He saw the painting on his bed side table and decided to take a peak he knew Audrey snuck out of bed last night but he pretended to be asleep. He decided to take a look at what she said she saw, and Audrey woke up startling him. "Good morning." "Morning." Adrian said "So, I'm leaving early today." Audrey said"Oh." "Yes, my dad is coming home. And I need to give that sketch to him." Audrey said"That's okay." "So, can I take a shower first?" Audrey asked "Sure." *knock* knock* "Son are you up?" "Good morning mom." Adrian greeted "Good morning, where's Audrey?" Hailey asked "She's in the shower." "Okay, you two hurry up it's almost time for breakfast." Hailey said "Is Hazel home?" Adrian asked"I already sent the driver to pick her up." Hailey said "Okay mom. Audrey said she wants to leave early so... We'll be down soon." Adrian answered "You didn't menti
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Hazel woke up in a cave, her clothes were slightly torn. Her head was spinning she tried remembering what had happened and why she ended up in a cave. But she couldn't.She and Helen were drugged and then brought to the cave. She wasn't just kept in a cave, she was locked up in a cage. Hazel tried touching the cage but it burnt her hands."Ah." She screamed retracting her hands immediately. She looked to her side and saw someone else in a cage. Recognizing who it was she called out."Helen, Helen wake up." But Helen hadn't regained consciousness. Hazel sighed she guess she was alone for the mean time. She wondered why she hadn't seen this happen. She was a seer and she was supposed to prevent stuffs like this from happening. Was her powers really that worthless? But then again it wasn't true, she felt she needed to accompany Helen to her car, because if she hadn't no one would know Helen was missing no one would look for her. At least until after a day or two. ****Audrey's port
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Audrey and Adrian finally got to the end of the cage, but Peterson and his men were already in the car ready to leave. "How are we going to stop them?" Adrian asked"Take my hands." Audrey said and Adrian did, even though he didn't understand what she wanted to do. Audrey teleported them to the road the car was bound to follow. "Sir, I see two people blocking our path what should we do?" The driver asked "Run them over, we can't afford to get caught by them I don't have my power source here it would be detrimental if that girl catches me she seems like a really powerful witch." Peterson said "Okay." The driver answered stepping on the gas. But Audrey created a barrier around the car. "Sir the car can't move." The driver said slightly panicked"You have ten seconds surrender yourselves. And let the girl go. Else you might all die where you sit." Audrey threatened"Adrian, it's good to see you." "I wish I could say the same for you Peterson." Adrian said and Peterson and his men
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Josephine and Eleanor were on their way back home. Eleanor had finished partying with her friends and Josephine was bored staying in the hotel all alone. "So mom are you back to being my mom again or do I have to wait till we get home?" Josephine asked "Well we're already on the plane so what is it?" Eleanor asked "Actually I just wanted to ask, you wouldn't be mad if Maxine accepted Kyle as her boyfriend right?" "Just you watch me. I would not stand Maxine's stubbornness all because of some boy, she has the ability to be the best. She's not like you she is just a witch she's not a vampire. But there she goes wasting her talent, her time on a boy who might just end up dumping her after school prom." Eleanor said angrily"You don't know that mom. Besides Kyle's a nice person." Josephine said"You and I both know Maxine had always been naive." Eleanor said"Mom." Josephine called "Josephine please I need a peaceful flight back to town I don't need a headache right now." Eleanor sai
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After Audrey dropped Greta off, she drove herself home. "Audrey you're almost late." Maxine said as soon as she walked into the house. "But I'm not right?" Audrey asked"Nope, the driver has already gone to pick mom and Josephine from the airport." Maxine said "Okay, I'll take a shower." Audrey said going upstairs. Audrey was changing her clothes when she heard a tap on her window. Audrey ignored it thinking it was just the wind. She wore her clothes but then she heard the tap again. Audrey decided to check it out. "Adrian?" Audrey called out surprised to see him. "Can I come in?" Adrian mouthed and Audrey opened her window for him"Thank you." Adrian said climbing in. "What are you doing here Adrian?" Audrey asked "Audrey I'm sorry, I'm sorry I yelled at you." Adrian apologized"I don't care Adrian just leave." Audrey said "Audrey please listen to me." Adrian said holding her hands. "What is it?" She asked"I'm sorry I yelled at you, I really am. And I also want to say tha
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