Semua Bab The Untamed Billionaire : Bab 11 - Bab 20
141 Bab
Asher’s POVThe moment I walked into May’s room, I could feel the noticeable tension that was in the air. My mother was sitting on the edge of the bed, with May sitting beside her, a look of uneasiness on her face. I wasn’t sure how to tackle this, but I knew I had to do something to maintain appearances so I walked over and gently hugged my mother from the side, a small smile on my face.I don’t usually smile, because that would make people think you’re more accessible, which I wasn’t inclined to show. I was Asher Campbell, but for my mother, I would smile, even if it was a little.“Look who finally decide to come look for his mother.” She said and I smiled.“Mom, you didn’t inform me of your visit, there was no way I would have been able to tell you were here if Matias didn’t inform me,” I said with an affectionate smile as I planted a quick kiss on May’s cheek, playing my part in the facade.Mom didn’t know that our marriage was a contract one, one I was trying to get out of as soo
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May’s POVI would love to know what Emily was trying to say as she sat in front of me at the coffee shop. “I still don’t understand what you’re trying to say, ‘Em. What’s this about?” I asked her.She had called me very early this morning about wanting to meet up and I had rushed out of the house to meet up with her, and now, I wished I hadn’t. I didn’t like what she was saying one bit.“What exactly don’t you understand, May?” she asked me, eyeing me carefully and I rolled my eyes.“Just about everything you just said.” I said.She stared at me for a moment and then she shook her head. “I know this may seem like nonsense, May, but think about what I’m saying. If you sign those papers like your husband wants, you get to leave and live your life, then he gets to realize your worth. The more you hold onto him, the more he tag you as some silly gold digger.” She said.I glared at Emily, it was all I could do actually not to chuck something at her head. I was feeling a surge of frustratio
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May’s POVJerking out of his arms, I looked at Asher, giving him a look that said he shouldn’t think this was something it wasn’t. Asher looked at my face again, with an accusation in his eyes even though he didn't say anything, and all I could think of was what would be running through his mind presently.Holy shit, this doesn’t look good at all, there was no way I could explain this without it looking all sketchy.I felt his eyes on me, and for a moment, I wished he would just say something, anything, to break the awkward silence that enveloped us. I would also like for him but to look at me the way he was currently looking at me, like I had done something so grave.His gaze held an accusation that cut through me, though he uttered not a single word. What did he think he saw? That I was with Mr. Keith?All he saw was a hand wrapped around my waist, so couldn’t he just know that that could be because I wanted to fall and he had helped me up?Although, thinking about it now and saying
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May’s POV“Be seated!”That was the first thing Asher said to me when I went down for dinner that night. He had asked the housekeeper to cook and asked her to also get me when she was done.There was no doubt about the fact that it was an order, a reminder of some kind that he was the head of this house, the powerful man people knew him to be, and the man who could still talk to me as he liked.I couldn’t say anything to him though. Aside from the fact that I respected him too much to do the opposite of what he said, I had been trying to be extra nicer than usual, just to pacify him because I knew he was still angry about the coffee shop incident.“Get us some warm water, Dee,” he said to the housekeeper, but my mind drifted back to the coffee shop, and the way Asher had acted when Gary had called me a beautiful woman. He had looked at me for what seemed like a long time, his eyes trailing over my body as if he was stripping me off my clothes and then he had nodded his head and said.
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Asher’s POVSomething had been burning in my heart ever since I saw May with that man, Gary Keith, or whatever his name was, but I didn’t understand what that burning meant.Maybe it was anger, the one I didn't even think I could explain why I was feeling.Clearing my throat, I rubbed at my temple, and then I focused on the paper that was in front of me. I was trying to make sure everything on the deal I was trying to make was handled was there wasn’t any last-minute surprise.When I heard a knock on my door, I grumbled because I already told my secretary that I didn’t want any distractions. This better be good or she was going to be getting fired. I wasn’t even in the mood to entertain just anyone right now, and even though I didn’t want to admit it to myself, I couldn’t stop thinking about Gary’s hand on May’s waist, the way he had held her as if she was his, she wasn’t remotely his.That picture had been popping up in my mind since and even though I had tried as much as I could to
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May’s POVWhat the hell was that all about? I asked myself as I walked out of Asher’s office. Why was Asher acting like that all of a sudden?Was this some kind of ruse or something? I shook my head as I thought about his actions. For the first time in a long time slash since our marriage, he was acting like he was my husband.Don’t be fooled, I told myself, because, with Asher, you can never be too sure of what to expect. It was just like he had treated me like I wasn’t so welcome right before Mr. Keith came. I wondered what he had come to see him for anyway.Getting into the elevator, I pressed the button for the ground floor and the door started to close, but before it could completely close, it opened right back and two women stepped into the car.I nodded at them with a smile but they looked at me like they didn't care I was there so I just looked away and focused back on my thoughts.The two women who stepped into the elevator soon started to talk but I decided to drown their vo
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May’s POVThe sound from his shoes must have woken me up, and I raised my head from the kitchen table to look up at him.My breath caught at the way he looked so handsome and rugged, standing there looking like a piece of candy, even though my heart was still squeezing from the pain of how he had treated me in his office, and from the thought that he might be seeing someone else.That was the thing about this six feet three, delicious-looking man, I couldn’t stay mad at him for long, especially about something I wasn’t sure was true, but I was really hurt about his indifference towards me in his office. “I cooked dinner.” I said, standing up and looking at him as he stood at the door, staring at me with those intense grey eyes.Those darn eyes I had gotten lost in the first time I met him, a week before we got married. Although, I knew why my step father agreed to me marrying him, to get himself out of debt, but I couldn’t really figure out why Asher himself had agreed to marry me, si
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Asher’s POVMy cell phone beeped and I slid out of my suit's inner pocket, glancing at the number before I picked it up. It was my mother, and I grumbled.Don't get me wrong, I was always glad to speak with my mother, any day, any time, but I knew she was calling me now to make a fuss. Dad already told me she was going to call me.I picked the call and pressed the phone to my ear. “Hello, mother.” I greeted in a not so happy voice.“Asher, can we meet tomorrow? I have something to discuss with you.” She said. Of course, she always had something to discuss with me. I knew that she was going to talk to me about what she told May when she came home to the house, but I wasn’t going to give her the chance to.“No mother, I have a lot of important meetings to attend tomorrow.” I said.I knew my mother enough to know that she wasn’t going to let it end at that. “What are you talking about? You have important meetings to attend?” she asked and I could imagine her pushing her brows up in quest
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Asher’s POVThe game was getting boring, or maybe it was because my mind wasn’t here, but either way, I was losing my interest. I was in the the VIP section of Club 69 with Chanel and we were waiting for my best friend to join us, but that seemed like it was going to take forever, as he said he was delayed in a meeting.That was surprising though, seeing as he was the one that called me out tonight to get things off my mind. I blew out a breath and folded my arms, as I watched Chanel picked her drink and took a sip, but my mind was on May.I still wasn’t picking her calls, but I’ve read every single text she had sent me, and none of them indicated she was ready to sign those papers. I hated our forced marriage so much, and she should too if she didn’t have the ulterior motive to dig as much gold as she could from me.There was something else I hated though, the fact that it seemed like I didn’t have any control over this situation anymore. I was a powerful man, almost on top of any s
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May’s POVIt’s been fifty two calls,Twenty eight emails,And over a hundred texts to Asher. Guess how many replies I’ve gotten? None! Even right now, as I pressed the phone to my left ear and waited as the ringing continued, I knew there wasn’t going to be any response from him, but I was still hoping. Just what the hell was his problem? What the hell had he been doing that was taking so much of his time he couldn’t pick any of my calls, or be bothered to call me back. I wondered why he hated me so much, leaving me here all alone without even bothering to talk to me, or see if I was doing okay. I was here all alone, well, alone in the house with the butler who I haven’t even seen since last night after he dropped the envelopes from the mailbox on the kitchen counter.Maybe I should have just listened to Emily and gone with her to the club like she had suggested when I called her this afternoon. Damn, I wasn’t even sure of what to do with myself anymore.The only compensation was t
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