Semua Bab Never Love a Maid: Bab 1 - Bab 10
111 Bab
Chapter 1
I have a secret that will get me fired if revealed. My boss and I are sex partners, it started with a one night stand at the club. I turned into my new place of work as a maid the next day but who would've thought that head of the home would be the same man that had me screaming out my lungs the previous night.We ran into each other in the corridors that morning, no questions were asked, it was straight to the bed room next to take off from where we stopped. The rest has been history ever since. I think it's being up to a year now."You have sixty seconds to get lost." Cameron spat lifting his heavy weight off me. I quickly got out of bed and scrambled around for my clothes without saying a word to him. I'm used to him talking to me this way so it doesn't bug me.Once I'm fully clothed again I head for the door but Cameron's voice makes me halt my steps. "Don't forget to avoid being seen, remember the day anyone finds out about us is the day you lose your job." He always makes sure t
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Chapter 2
I see myself on a stretcher being wheeled into the hospital building in a rush, by now the pounding in my belly has tripled and I roll over in pain tirelessly. A strong hold comes over me forcing me still. Cameron stares down at me worried, I am shocked that he trailed along. A doctor appears shortly, he tells Cameron to step back which does. The man observes me for a while and yells, "Katherine, Felicia! Meet me in the operating room in five." "What is it? Does she have some sort of strange illness or what." Gina walks into the scene."No, she is in labor." The doctor tells her.The woman is beyond shocked to hear that and so am I, "you mean she's pregnant and about to give birth?" It seems too absurd to be true.He nods his head, "is the father of the child present?""I don't know who-""I'm the father," Cameron steps forward, Gina freezes like one who has just seen a ghost. "What did you just say?" But Cameron's attention is focused on the doctor."Come with me." The doctor says
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Chapter 3
I walked into the mansion no longer a maid but the house master's wife, Cameron and I had our marriage registered today he wanted it low-key without inviting anybody, not even his family. They wouldn't have come anyway, although against our union Gina had no choice but to accept me into her home, actually the house is Cameron's but he threatened to move out if she gave no peace and that was the last we heard of her rant.The maids eyed me in envy as I passed them. I returned alone, Cameron said he had some unfinished business in the office and told me not to wait up, it hurt to have him do this on our wedding night when we should be on a honey moon instead but everything about our marriage was transactional I doubt he even sees me as his wife. "How did a woman like you manage to snag my brother?" My path was blocked by Blair, she had her arms crossed and wore a mean girl look."Alcohol?" That was the only thing I could think of, perhaps if Cameron wasn't wasted that night he would've
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Chapter 4
When I woke up the next morning Cameron was gone which did not come as a surprise, I did not expect to see him cuddling me. After narrating his heartbreak story to me last night he went on to smash my heart into pieces. Not sure what expected but now I know to have no expectations. I was half way through the stairs when two girls walked by."Good morning ma." They greeted."Morning." I greeted back and they giggled on their way up."She must really think she's the madam of the house." I heard one say to the other. Rather than get angry I continued my walk to the kitchen. "Good thing you're here." Blair faced me as I passed through the door. "Fry me some eggs." I wasn't willing to put up with her nonsense this morning, "you should start frying your eggs yourself or maybe get a maid to do it." "Exactly, I'm simply asking you to do your job you have no right to refuse." She said mischievously. "I'm not a maid Blair." "That's not up to you to decide, fry me two eggs now!""Sure." I
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Chapter 5
"Get dressed, we're going out." Cameron walks into the room, he doesn't spare me a glance and starts stripping out of his clothes, the sight is so marvellous that I even drool although I have seen him naked countless of times. "Why are you still seated?" He suddenly paused and faced me with a glare.I sober up on the spot, "I'm sorry, I'll do that now.. wait.. what should I wear?""Just don't dress like a maid." I don't know what that means but I head for the closet to put together whatever I can find. I pick out a white dress I'm a hurry, it is barely above my knees with an audacious split in the middle."What's taking so-" he stops half way when I step into the room, his gaze sweeps me over in a split second, his expression tells me all I need to know but still I would like to hear directly from him."How do I look?" I question hoping to get a compliment. He breaks eye contact coughing, "not bad.""Yeah, sure." I murmur. We took off in his car, he did not bother to let me know wh
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Chapter 6
I boldly challenged him, unafraid and oozing confidence, daring him to unleash his worst upon me. “Did you just talk back at me?” His eyes grew darker with each word, as if he couldn't fathom the audacity of my defiance. Sober, I might have cowered and shown respect, but the alcohol flowing through my veins banished any trace of fear."Why am I not allowed to express myself? Or do you wish to transform me into a mindless puppet?" I fearlessly retorted. He blinked back, utterly speechless, unable to comprehend my boldness."You have quite the nerve," he sneered, believing that my newfound status as something more than a mere maid had changed nothing. "You still work for me, and I can easily dismiss you if your work displeases me."I threw my head back and laughed, refusing to take his threat seriously. "You and I both know it's not that simple to get rid of me, considering the circumstances we find ourselves in. Whether you like it or not, Cameron, you're stuck with me forever."As we
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Chapter 7
"Why have you only just returned now?" Gina's voice echoed in my ears the moment I crossed the threshold.Cameron paid no attention to her and continued working. Clearly, the question was not meant for him, but for me.I held back from sighing. Wasn't it obvious that Cameron and I went out? Undoubtedly, she was well aware of this fact. Yet, she seemed determined to make things difficult for me, which shouldn't come as a surprise."You're a mother," she snapped, noticing my lack of response. "You should start acting like one. You left your two kids behind and went out to party. You should be ashamed of yourself. Look at the time you're coming back home."She walked over to where I stood and sniffed the air. Instantly, her hand shot up to cover her nose, and she gave me a disgusted look. "I can even smell alcohol on you. How irresponsible can you get?"Last time I checked, drinking wasn't illegal. I'm no longer a minor. I couldn't help but wonder what the actual problem was here. Was th
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Chapter 8
As per usual upon awakening, Cameroon was nowhere to be discovered. I had grown accustomed to this, so I didn't let it bother me too much. With a yawn, I rose from my bed and proceeded to change into my morning attire. Descending the stairs, I entered the kitchen in search of sustenance. For some inexplicable reason, I awoke that morning with an insatiable hunger.I found myself in the kitchen, devouring a sandwich, when Blair stormed in with a scowl etched upon her face. "First thing in the morning and you're already on a food hunt. I wonder if you were deprived of nourishment as a child," she sneered.Choosing to ignore her snide comment, I continued to quietly consume my sandwich. I lacked the energy to engage in an argument, especially not this morning. Blair seemed frustrated by my lack of response and forcefully shoved me aside as she walked past. However, even this act failed to elicit a reaction from me.Coming to a halt, she turned to face me. "By the way, I hope you haven't
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Chapter 9
Furious, Gina's question halted me in my tracks. Did she not realize that I was not wanted here? Yet, I was forced to remain still and endure their nonsense. How is any of this fair?Silently, I returned to my seat and she nodded in approval. A few chuckles filled the air, and I hung my head in embarrassment.I overheard someone mention that she was once a maid of this family. "You are kind enough to have accepted her as your daughter-in-law," they said. “I couldn't imagine my mother tolerating it. Gina, you are a good woman.”Internally, I rolled my eyes at the remark. Good woman, my ass. If it weren't for Cameron threatening to leave, she would never have agreed to this marriage. Even now, her daughter and she were actively trying to push me out and make my life a living hell. They were probably aware of it, but since I was once a maid, nobody gave a damn. I was lucky enough to have been accepted into the family.The rest of breakfast passed peacefully, with me being shoved to the s
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Chapter 10
“Pardon me-” I was on the verge of raising my objections until I found myself face to face with none other than the very woman I had spotted with Cameron at the recent party, Helen or whatever her name was. It caught me off guard, but I swiftly regained my composure, carefully selecting my words.Yet, before I could utter a single syllable, she parted her lips and accused me of having a penchant for pilfering what rightfully belonged to her. I knew exactly what she was alluding to, but no matter how incensed I felt, I struggled to rein in my anger."You can keep the dress," I offered, turning away to make my exit. However, she grasped my arm, preventing my departure. I slowly lifted my gaze, meeting her eyes, and within them, I detected an intense yearning."What about returning what you've snatched from me?" she confidently declared, raising an eyebrow.Shrugging off her touch, I stood tall. "Madam, I have not stolen a thing from you. In fact, I don't even know who you are. As for th
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