Semua Bab Alpha Xavier And The Legend Of His Chosen Mate: Bab 41 - Bab 50
144 Bab
ATHENA'S POVI stood before the mirror, draped in a regal purple gown that cascaded elegantly around me. The fabric whispered tales of opulence. My reflection shimmered, framed by the intricate details of the dress that embraced my form with a majestic allure.I traced the delicate embroidery that adorned the gown, and marveled at the artistry of my makeup. Subtle yet striking, it highlighted my features, accentuating the grace in my eyes. The. Makeup artist really did work a number on my face.Adorned with jewels that sparkled like captured starlight, I felt like a heroine straight out of a royal movie. Xavier had hired some designers to get my jewelry and dress made on order apparently. I couldn't help but be impressed by his choice. It truly was ethereal. A knock on my door was heard. It was Valerie. “Wow! You look gorgeous, Athena. A walking siren. I'm sure Alpha is going to have some serious issues controlling his wolf today, huh?” She smirked, making me blush. “Stop. I don't
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ATHENA'S POVThe moment Xavier opened his mouth to start his speech, a loud crash interrupted him. All heads whipped to the source to see Scarlet looking down at her feet with shattered glass pooling round her heels. “Sorry,” she announced sheepishly. “I just dropped my drink by mistake.” I rolled my eyes at her annoying behavior. Xavier sighed and shook his head before starting once again. “Packmates, welcome! Tonight is special, a celebration of unity under the Luna's light. I stand before you, honored to lead, and thrilled to introduce my chosen mate, Athena. Together, we'll thrive. Let this Luna Ceremony mark the beginning of a new era for our pack, bound by loyalty and the howls of a brighter future!” Roars of cheers were heard as Xavier continued. "In the glow of your Luna's radiant presence, let our spirits intertwine like the roots of an ancient forest. Athena, my chosen, embodies resilience and compassion. She joins our pack not just as a leader's mate, but as a devoted ser
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ATHENA'S POVI fumed, and my blood boiled at the sight. I knew this was all a drama. She was doing it purposely to destroy my night. This bitch! I wanted to murder her. “Scarlet?” Xavier shook her unconscious body, making me see red. That bitch was currently in my mate's arms, getting the attention she was desperate for. And I could do nothing but stand there and curse her in my head. But not this time. I wouldn't let her ruin my night with her foul plans. “Scarlet?” I pulled up the best worried face I could. Moving forward, I leaned towards Xavier, and tapped her face. Once, twice, thrice. Ok, I was lying. I did not just tap it. I actually slapped it. Hard. All the while making it look like I was just using enough force to wake her up. But the Goddess knew what I was doing. I saw the slight flinch of her hands at my stunt, and it made me mentally smirk. I wasn't done yet, honey. Getting up from my place, I rushed towards a nearby table. Not being able to control myself anymore, I
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ATHENA'S POVTrue to his word, Xavier gave me the punishment I deserved. And to say I enjoyed it would be an understatement. I felt freaking ecstatic. Over the moon. Xavier showed me a side to him that I had never seen before. A wilder one. A sexier one. One that would make me fall for him easily. Goddess! Since when did I start enjoying this? I'm sure my ass was probably a cherry by now, with the amount of spanking it had borne for being, as Xavier quoted, ‘a bad girl’, and bad girls deserved to be punished. And I learned, for the very first time, very good use of ropes. Well, not that I didn't know already, but experiencing it from Mr. Adonis himself was something on a different level. I loved the sweet pain my body was currently bearing. It was a reminder of the blissful night I had spent with the hulk of a man. And yes, he did leave me unable to walk for a week. I heard a knock on the door. “Come in,” I knew it was Valerie. I had mind linked her to get me some breakfast in the
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ATHENA'S POVI was in the pack kitchen looking for some fruit in the fridge since I was craving it a lot. “You look awful! The bags under your eyes look hideous. Like you haven't slept the whole night!” I rolled my eyes, turning to see the person I least liked. “Of course I didn't, Scarlet!” I snarked. “Xavier didn't let me,” the response with a smirk on my face made the one on hers vanish. “He likes to keep it rough and deep, you know. Usually drags it for the whole night. Now that kind of pleasure can surely not let me sleep at night. Why would I want to anyway when it's that good?” “Hahah,” she laughed in her evil bitch tone. “Oh, trust me little Athena. I know everything about how Xavier likes to do his women. And when I say everything, I mean everything,” this time, she smirked, showing her teeth, making me want to do nothing more than punch them until she was toothless. “In fact, if you ever want suggestions on how to please him, you know who to come to,” she winked. This bit
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ATHENA'S POVMy paws thudded against the wet soil as I ran without looking back. I ran as fast as I could, testing my limits, wanting to break them. Avory had shut herself behind the doors of my mind after our little heated session in the kitchen with everyone. She was just not expecting Xavier to act this way. I mean, neither was I, and it was only fair for me to expect him to be on my side. Slicing through the cold breeze, I finally came to stop before the lake I had discovered with Avory on our last practice. Dropping my clothes from my jaw which I had carried here, I shifted back into my human and slipped into them. Hot tears ran down my eyes as I realized the weight of the situation. Was I overreacting? Clearly not! I couldn't afford to lose the only person who had been nice to me all this time. That too for a bitchy ex-mate. I felt angry, the fury coursed in my veins, making me punch the tree trunk, which I regretted instantly. “Ow!” I winced when my knuckles hurt. That was a
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Xavier's PovI tried concentrating on the words written in front of me, but nothing made sense. Frustration gnawed at my skin, as my head started to hurt with the recent events. I already had a lot on my plate with the recent attacks on borders and couldn't afford more drama between Scarlet and Athena. I get where Athena is coming from, I understand that she is insecure about Scarlet's and my history. But if I could have changed it, I would. Heck, I wouldn't even have her as my mate in the first place if I had the decision. But you can't change fate. Yes, at one point, I did feel something for Scarlet because of the bond. It was natural. I couldn't deny it. But as soon as it ended, the distance between us increased, the bond broke. I don't feel anything for her anymore. Not even the slightest. Only if I could open my heart and show it to Athena, she would understand the only person in my life is now her. And wouldn't have it any other way. So her insecurity has to go. She was being
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XAVIER'S POVMy foot tapped against the floor impatiently as I saw the doctor run some vital tests on Athena. What amazed me was that even in this condition she managed to take my breath away. There was a different kind of glow on her face that I had never witnessed before. She looked so peaceful, so ethereal. Or maybe I was just falling for her harder. Yes, I had fallen for Athena Moonville. It was impossible not to when everything about her screamed perfection. A few questions lingered in my kind, confusing the hell out of me. What was she doing in the woods so late anyway? Why did she go out for a run without informing me? I mean not that she has any restrictions on going anywhere. But she always informs me. Was she still upset about the whole Scarlet scene? I sighed, knowing that could be the only reason. And look where it got her. She was literally wiring her little head for no reason. I was all hers and wouldn't leave her for anyone. “Her vitals are stable now. She wasn't phys
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ATHENA'S POVSitting alone in the quiet solitude of my thoughts, I found myself grappling with the undeniable distance that has crept in between Xavier and me since that unsettling incident. It's a rift that seems to widen each passing day, a tangible gap that defies easy reconciliation. I can't help but replay the moments that led to this, wondering how we arrived at a point where conversation feels strained and connection elusive.Xavier, in his genuine attempt, reached out with words meant to bridge the gap. He tried to talk, to understand, to mend. Yet, despite his efforts, I felt an instinctual pull to retreat.The incident left scars, not just on the surface but seeping into the fabric of our relationship. Each time he extended a hand, my fear gripped me tightly, whispering tales of lectures that were sure to follow. The echoes of him siding with his Scarlet lingered like a haunting refrain. Would he truly hear me, or would his advice echo the sentiments of someone who had once h
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AUTHOR’S POV Nate stood alone in the dimly lit room, a heavy silence enveloping him. The weight of guilt pressed upon his shoulders as he replayed the moment he betrayed Athena with Lia. The air seemed thick with remorse, and regret etched lines on his face that mirrored the turmoil within.His mind drifted to the vibrant memories he once shared with Athena – the laughter, the trust, the warmth. Now replaced by the haunting image of Lia's presence, a betrayal staining the canvas of their once-perfect relationship. Nate's heart ached with the realization of the irreversible damage caused by his impulsive actions.He yearned for a time machine to undo the wrongs he had committed. The echo of his own voice declaring infidelity replayed in his ears, each word a sharp reminder of the irreversible path he had chosen. Nate's gaze lingered on a photograph of him and Athena, their smiles frozen in a moment of bliss that now seemed distant and unattainable.If only he could turn back time, era
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