Semua Bab The FEARLESS Alpha : Bab 21 - Bab 30
104 Bab
Chapter 21
My meeting with Alpha Mark left me feeling mentally exhausted. Or maybe it was because of that an expression that the Queen kept giving me even while the Alpha spoke. I know that she hated me. She never put in the art of trying to hide that, but unless they wondered if even she herself could really answer the question of why she hated me so much. Was it just pure resentment for something I had never done? or was it just a natural Instinct of feeling for her? I could never hate someone for no reason. Especially when they've never done anything wrong to me. I just don't understand how she can hate me with so much passion.Alpha Mark’s words however resonated inside me. He wanted me to keep away from his son. This one word that I had heard from the Queen over and over again. As I turned the corner, my breath hitched in my throat. There he was— Weston, standing tall and imposing. I've never been nervous when I saw Weston but right now, with the words of his father ringing in my head, I c
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Chapter 22
The whole argument with Bethany still lingered in my mind. I could not fully understand why she would choose to behave like this. While I hated my step sister, I believed that she was intelligent and that she would see right through Justin’s act. Yet, like always, she is convinced that I'm trying to steal something from her. Someone. If only she would understand that I'm not interested in Justin and I never will be.A bad feeling settled at the bottom of my stomach, realizing that Patricia and Aria’s presence today might have something to do with the Alpha or his cousin.Everytime I think about Weston, simple images about our kids play in my mind. and all I want to do is make out with him again. All I want is to feel his hands on my body, exploring me, touching me, kissing me and wanting me to himself. As we lead Patricia and Aria into the forest where we could easily talk away from the prying eyes and ears of my stepmother and stepsisters, we remain silent. I always felt safe eac
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Chapter 23
I reached the foyer where Mistress Mary stood, with a stack of papers in her hands. I somehow felt uneasy about it,while I loved to work, seeing her holding papers like that meant more work; not for all the servants, but for me. The perks of being called her favorite servant came with the mistreatment of having more chores slumped on my shoulders. Her sharp gaze met mine as I approached, and I straightened my posture, attempting to hide my nervousness. Mistress Mary and I always got along smoothly. She was wonderful and I always made sure to do what I was told. She hardly ever reprimands me, and she always gives me enough time off when there isn't too much work to do, which is mostly never."Ah, Alondra, just the person I was looking for," Mistress Mary said, her voice with authority. "I have some important news. We will be receiving guests in two days, and preparations must be made immediately."Guests? My heart sank. The pack house was already a hive of activities, and the thought
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Chapter 24
I hurried down the corridor of the pack house, carrying clean clothes from the laundry room for the guest rooms. The preparations for the impending arrival of the werewolf dignitaries were in full swing, and every moment counted. It felt like a circus inside the Pack house. Everyone was moving around, not caring who they bumped into. Each person was trying to figure out where they belonged and what they were supposed to do. While mistress Mary was in charge of assigning duties to everyone. She seemed to have been given lesser duty to serve the servants who finished quite early and we're not sure what to do next. In the Pack, whenever a servant is done with her duties, there are extra points given for seeking extra work instead of going back to rest. I however, have never gotten the opportunity of seeking extra work because my hands have always been full. My mind was focused on the tasks at hand, trying to distract myself from the lingering memory of the kiss Weston and I had shared
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Chapter 25
I knelt in the garden, working on the flowers but my mind was far away. The forbidden kiss I had shared with Weston in this very garden flooded my mind. It gave me butterflies. I touched my lips, feeling their electric adrenaline that pumped through my skin at the thought of him kissing me again.The intensity of that moment replayed like a vivid dream, igniting a fire that burned over my skin and made me feel like the ground could open up and swallow me.A rustling sound broke the silence, drawing my attention. My eyes fluttered open, and I gasped as I spotted an unfamiliar figure stumbling into the garden. It was only just a few hours away from the ceremony. I wasn't sure what would be announced at a ceremony or what it was really about but I was glad that I had finished a big portion of my duties for the day. The mysterious woman looked around my age, with striking features but an air of elegance that marked her as someone of importance. I figured that she must have been one of the
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Chapter 26
As we continued to talk, it became easy for me to share with her. And I told her about Weston. Well, I didn't really use his name; I avoided using a name to begin with. But I did tell her that there was a boy with him I was madly in love with, but it wasn't meant to be because, he came from a world that was untouchable. Because the thought of him and I was despicable and unfathomable. Serafina actually listened to me. It didn't sound like she was judging me or looking at me with discontent. Instead, she just listened to me from stop. She let me read and talk on and on. I told her about how it made me feel. What I thought it meant. Was I crazy for just trusting a stranger?“It sounds to me like this but I truly loved you but just don't do it. or he is fighting with his own feelings and hoping that they can just go away if he ignores them.’’ because the first thing that ever had someone spit something that made too much sense. but then, I also felt like I was dangling on false hopeful s
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Chapter 27
From my vantage point, hidden behind a cluster of trees, I watched as Seraphina approached the entrance of the pack house. Her steps exuded confidence, Something that I wish I had whenever I walked. Everything about her fully displayed someone who had lived her entire life training on human interaction and how to make the perfect first impression. I was already excited about being her friend and we had only talked for less than 2 hours. I felt proud to know that I had formed a genuine connection with her. not just because she was an important person but also because she seemed like a genuine person.As she entered the pack house, I couldn't help but wonder what she had really come to do. I knew that every guest was invited into the pack house for such ceremonies. Especially because there are not so many democrats who were invited this time. It seemed to be a small gathering. My thoughts drifted to Trish and Aria, my royal friends whom everyone felt I did not deserve. I knew that the
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Chapter 28
As the evening progressed, I began to sink into the comfort of talking to them. I didn't anymore feel like I was walking on eggshells. I felt comfortable. I felt like I had known sarafina longer than just three.“Ladies,’’ Mrs Troy greeted as she joined our circle. we all smiled back at her before nodding our heads.“Would you care to refill my glass for me dear.’’ she said as she extended her lead and it over the glass to me. I looked down at it before smiling and bowing my head.“ That's not what she's here for today.’’ Trish interjected as she touched my arm urging me to stand.“ It's only going to take her a few seconds or stop and besides it's not like she understands any of what you girls are saying. I mean isn't it obvious, servants are pretty illiterate.’’ I stared at her silently. I kept my head bowed feeling the pain that gnawed at my chest. “ Alondra is very intelligent. She's not illiterate and she has never been. Mrs Troy please have your glasses filled by another servan
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Chapter 29
The ceremony had turned out to be a private one, and like what all the pack members were led to believe. rumors were that the contenders for the alphas had turned out to be more than expected. and the private ceremony was to decide who were going to be the lucky girls to make it to the finals. this all sounded like a f****** competition. as soon as a competition to compete for one man’s heart. Yet this very man has already won my heart. how can I argue and devoutly say that he doesn't deserve it? Of course I can't. Because Weston has my heart in a jar without even knowing it. Right now, all the alphas and the delegates have just come out from their own private meeting and it will now be announced to the public. I was both nervous and excited. my nervousness was still at the fact that I had not fully accepted Weston was going to be mated to another. But I guess I had to embrace reality. Weston did not mind. He was mated to another and his mate had not shown up. nowhere to choose anot
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Chapter 30
Days turned into weeks, and a growing sense of unease settled within me. The initial excitement of the contenders for Weston's heart had faded in the pack. Now people were making bets and hoping to make some wealth out of it. The truth is that no one really knew who was going to be picked. it was just a matter of crossing our fingers. among the three each of them had a fighting chance. serafina was an Alpha’s daughter, her father Alpha Mark had a pack territory alittle smaller than ours. Even with its size it was still significant. significant enough to get his daughter among the first three contenders.Jolene was a little younger than sarafina. probably about nineteen or twenty. She seemed nervous and I could tell that she didn't really want to be here. My best guess is that she had been forced to come and that she didn't even want to be picked. Her mother was the sister of the lunar of Blackwood Pack. Blackwood Pack was almost as big as ours. It was also known for its large markets
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