Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 41 - Chapitre 50
Chapter Forty One
Riley Are you ready? I call out from the hallway while I hold the Christmas tree in one hand and a huge sack in the other hand full of decorations. "Nina. Close your eyes." I hear Julia tell her and, for some strange reason, it makes my heart fatter "Okay, ready or not, here I come!" I walk into the lounge to find Nina with her hands over her eyes as she bounces on her feet for excitement, ready for her surprise, although I can’t imagine she'd ever guess that it would be this. "3... 2... 1!" Julia sings then Nina’s hands fly away from her eyes, and she looks straight at me. It takes a moment, but then she notices the box in my hand with a picture of a Christmas tree on it, and I swear I have never heard anyone screaming so loudly in my whole life. She runs over to me bouncing on her feet. "Is that a Christmas tree, Riley?" It's clear that she knows that it is, and I know that the smile that has taken over my face is as big as ever, but I don’t care. Seeing this reaction from N
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Chapter Forty Two
Julia I've always heard people on the streets comment about how they are going home for a nice long soak in a hot bubble bath and as much as I could never relate I always imagined that it would be pretty amazing, it sounded it anyway. However, I was wrong, it is so much more than amazing, so much more. The moment I dipped my toe into the hot bubbled water I knew that when all of my body was in there it would feel like heaven and I was right, it did. It felt so good that I stayed in there for far longer than I had planned and only got out once my fingers had turned wrinkly and I was at risk of falling asleep. Once I'm out of the bath and dried I use some creams that Mandy had me buy. She put a whole face skin care pack together for me and a moisturiser that I can use on all of my body and told me when to do them. She also told me all the benefits that I would get from using them but if I'm being honest, I didn't take in a single thing that she told me, it was just too much. "Shit!" I
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Chapter Forty Three
Riley "Are the results in yet?" It has been two days since Mario's doctor took the DNA samples and the results are due today and Josh seems just as eager as me to hear the results. "Why are you so invested in the results?" He slumps down in the chair in front of my desk and starts loosening his tie. "I want to know if my best mate is a Dad, if I'm an Uncle." His cheesy grin makes me smile and his words just remind me of one of the many reasons as to why he's my best friend. "As soon as I hear anything, I will tell you. I swear, Scout's honour." He picks up a stress ball from my desk and throws it at me laughing. "As if you were ever in the Scouts." I throw it back at him but he is too quick and I completely miss him. "I would have been an excellent Scout thank you very much!" "You fucking wish!" My cell beeping stops me from saying another word and I smile when I see Julia's name on my screen. Today is the first time that I've been to work since they moved in. I would still be off
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Chapter Forty Four
Julia Seeing Riley in the lounge as I come out of the bedroom makes my breath catch my throat. It still seems surreal that we are here with him and it still seems surreal that I am standing in a lounge with my little girl here while we wait for a man to come home from work. This is some real suburban, family, shit and something I never thought I would experience, to be honest with you It's something that I never thought I wanted, I thought I was okay with my life and how it was. Granted, I wanted to get me and Nina off the street, but aside from that I thought it would just be me and her, and yet here we are standing in Riley’s penthouse, and despite the side of me that doesn’t want to think that things can work out, there's a bigger part of me, much bigger that is loving every single second of that and doesn’t want it to end, ever. Nina runs back over to carry on dancing to another one of the musical programs that she found on the TV. When Riley’s cell phone starts ringing in his
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Chapter Forty Five
RileyToday is Christmas Eve and once again, I'm up at the ass crack of dawn and already showered eager to see my girls. It's been two days since I found out that I am Nina's biological Dad and fuck, I swear that I've been smiling every second of every damn day since the moment that I found out. It’s been in the back of my head for so long, the fact that she could potentially be my daughter. There was even a time when I was beginning to think that I was imagining it, but then hearing those words out of Mario‘s mouth, hearing him say that she is my little girl...Well, fuck! It just blew me away and I’m pretty sure that I've been walking around in a daze since. How can someone so precious, so beautiful, so perfect, be a part of me? She has my blood running through her veins and that thought alone is insane and crazy. To think that I had a part in creating her is mind-blowing and brings out these strange emotions in me that I'm not even sure how to deal with right now.So yeah, knowing
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Chapter Forty Six
JuliaAre you ready baby girl? I call out to Nina as I put the last of my stuff into my bag, since Josh and Riley said that they have got to show us all the great things of Christmas, this penthouse has been nothing but a bubble of excitement, and I’m not sure who is the worst out of us all. Once, Riley told us what we were going to do first Nina ran to her bedroom to get dressed. That was almost 10 minutes ago, and I haven’t heard a peep out of her since.I go to call her just as she comes running out of the bedroom door dressed in some of the new clothes that Riley has bought her. She runs through the penthouse and straight past me, only stopping when she reaches the cupboard that holds her new coat, hat, scarf, gloves, and winter boots. I swear I have never seen the girl get dressed so quickly in her entire life."Are you two ladies ready?" Josh shouts as he makes his way across the penthouse from the couch where he's been waiting for us to get ready. "Yeah!" we both shout at the s
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Chapter Forty Seven
Riley Today has been incredible. Every Christmas Eve, Josh and I head for the Christmas carnival and we always have a good time but today... today It was something completely different. I made memories that will stay with me for the rest of my life, will stay with all of us for the rest of our lives, Josh included. Seeing the the joy on Nina's face along with the sounds of her giggles was enough to have my heart bursting but to add Julia to it was just the icing on the cake. I've always been blessed with money, yes, but I've never believed that money can bring you true happiness and I know that it may seem hard to believe but it's true. I always had everything that I needed or wanted as a child and well... It's been the same since I became an adult and took over the business. Yes, I have anything I've ever wanted including cars, bikes, a yacht and several homes including holiday homes but you wouldn't believe the number of times that I have sat in one of those many places with ever
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Chapter Forty Eight
Riley "You really are incredable, Riley." This time she leans in and kisses me, only she doesn't stop after a simple kiss instead, she keeps going deepening the kiss and making my head spin. Once she pulls back, she places her hands on either side of my face and I watch as tears lace her eyes, but I'm pretty sure that they are happy tears. "Thank you so much, Riley. I don't have any words." The look on her face is more than enough thanks for me and I've still got another surprise for her. "Do you know the names of the people staying here?" I nod then rattle off all 10 of the names that I have mesmerized and while she seems happy, I can tell that there's something else she wants to say, someone else she wants to ask about and I'm pretty sure I know who it is but before she can ask I need to distract her or It'll ruin the last surprise. "Want to come and see where they all work?" She nods then surprises me with another kiss before putting her helmet on and climbing back on the bike.
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Chapter Forty Nine
Julia After another three dances and two songs, Nina finally let Josh have a break. While they have been busy Riley and I have been in the kitchen getting some snacks together ready to watch a Christmas Eve film before bed. Riley told me that it's something that he did growing up, a Christmas Eve tradition and that he'd like to carry it on with Nina and I love the idea. "That girl has some energy!" Josh beams as he comes to stand by the breakfast bar, sweat dripping down his forehead. Riley laughs as he passes him a cold bottled water before coming to a stop next to me. "You bring it out in her." He smiles at me clearly loving that he has that effect on her then proceeds to drink half of the water in one go."She is such a great little girl, you should be proud Julia. You have done an incredible job raising her. Hell, I'm already proud to be her Uncle." His words warm my heart and have me reaching for him and hugging him, something that isn't my usual mo but I can't help it. It's be
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Chapter Fifty
Riley "I want you so badly!" The words come out before I can stop them but they are the truth and it may be too soon to be saying it but still, I can't help it. She drives me insane with desire and having her sitting on my lap is fucking torture, although I still don't want her to move. I prepare myself for her to get off me, to pull away from me because I let my cock run the show for a moment but she doesn't, she just stays where she is staring at me. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself, just ignore me." She smiles at my words then leans forward and kisses me and just like the last kiss it soon gets hot and steamy while my cock gets so hard that it digs into my zipper and slowly gets painful and if that wasn't bad enough, she then goes and moans into the kiss driving me fucking wild. I pull back from the kiss when we need to take a breath and just stare into her eyes while we both pant trying to catch our breaths. "We should stop." She looks surprised for a moment but quickly cover
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