Lahat ng Kabanata ng Let me Go! Mr Billionaire : Kabanata 41 - Kabanata 50
107 Kabanata
I groan.“Mom, we’ve been through this. I’m not going to look for a girlfriend.”“I’m just suggesting…”“I know you are, but please stop. I promised Regina that I would give her my full attention this weekend, and I intend to do that. I’m not on the prowl for another woman.”Mom sighs.“I wish you wouldn’t call it that. You make it sound so sordid.”I’m about to respond when Regina comes by. She grins at me as she picks up her suitcase, her auburn curls bouncing around her face.“Ready to go, Dad? I can’t wait to get there!”“It’s going to be a two-hour drive, Regina,” I remind her. “Do you have enough to keep you occupied?”“Of course. That’s all sorted.” Regina heads towards the front door. “Come on, Dad!”Mom laughs.“She’s really excited, isn’t she?”“Given this is all she’s talked about since Christmas, I’m surprised that she hasn’t worn herself out.” I pick up my suitcase. “See you Sunday evening, Mom. Have fun with the animals.”“I’m sure we can entertain ourselves,” Mom says a
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“We had the right of way, Regina. She should have slowed down.”“You think I didn’t?” I sit up slowly and gingerly move my limbs. Nothing seems broken, but I feel like I’ve been slammed into a wall. “You should have watched where you were going. Do you think you own the slopes or something?”The girl looks uncomfortable, and I momentarily feel bad for shouting at her. She seems genuinely remorseful. But her father snorts rudely.“Maybe you shouldn’t careen down the hill,” he growls.“We’re on the red slope. You think you should be fooling around at the bottom of the advanced slope?”“If it’s advanced, you should be able to stop in time.”I’m not going to get him to back down. I reach down and fumble to take my skis off, my fingers struggling through the gloves.“Let me.” The girl takes off her gloves and unsnaps my boots from the skis. “Can you stand?”“I think so.” I give her a small smile as I take off my goggles. “You okay?”“I’m fine. You didn’t hit me. But you did scare me.” She
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“I’ll speak to the principal when we get back,” I tell her as I sit on the bed and put on my shoes.“No,” Regina’s eyes widen. “You can’t!”“Why not? They’re not going to stop until they’re told to.”“They’ve talked to them before, and they haven’t stopped. It’s just getting worse.” Regina says and bites her lip. “I’m trying to ignore them, but it’s not easy.”I hate feeling helpless, and knowing my daughter isn’t happy at school hurts me. I could pull her out and take her elsewhere, but that feels extreme. Right now, I can only report it and hope that works.I will never understand the mean kids at school and why they are cruel to others.“Okay, fine. I’ll leave it alone. For now.” I stand up. “Are you ready to go?”“Yes. I’m starving.” Regina winces and presses a hand to her stomach. “But then I think about what those girls said…”“Ignore them. They are not worth your time and energy. If you’re hungry, don’t you dare starve yourself. You’ll do yourself more damage in the future.”Re
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Turning away quickly, I hurry after Caleb and Regina. I can’t be caught staring at her like that. It will make me look like an idiot.But even as I sit with my daughter and pick up the menu, I can’t help but look over at her table. She’s not looking at me, but I can see her clearly. She seems more relaxed now as if she’s forgotten about me.Somehow, I don’t want her to forget me.Lucia“Cheers!”Aliyah declares as we clink glasses. “Happy birthday to me!”I mumble in response and sip my drink. It’s already my third lemonade and lime, and I feel it going to my bladder. I’m going to need to take a bathroom break soon. At least that will soothe my ears with the pulsating beat pumping in my head. I have no idea why the bar has to have the music up this loud.“How are you feeling, Lucia?” Aliyah asks as she leans towards me, her voice loud over the noise. “Are you still sore from earlier?”“A little bit. I’m probably going to be worse tomorrow.” I shrug. “Nothing I can’t handle. I’ve had wo
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Making up my mind mostly for my throbbing head, I pick up my purse and leave the bathroom, only to almost run into a solid wall. Hands grasp my arms as I wobble, and my leg nearly gives way.“I’m sorry, I….” Then I see who is holding me, and my heart sinks. “Nathan?”“Hey, Lucia.” Nathan gives me the crooked smile he usually gives me when trying to turn the charm on. “I thought you were going to take forever in there.”What the hell is he doing here? I thought his invitation had been revoked after what he did. Aliyah said that she had done that. I push his hands off me.“What are you doing here?” I demand. “I thought you were told not to come anymore.”“Aliyah said that’s what you wanted, but she wanted me to come, so I was never uninvited.”“What?”“She said this would be a good time for you and me to talk now that you’ve calmed down.” Nathan shrugs. “And I see her logic.”I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Is he saying that Aliyah isn’t on my side? Did she arrange this? Part of me wa
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MichealWith Regina on her iPad and doing her own thing, I thought it would be a good idea to have some time to myself. The bar, though, is really loud. Either someone is having a party, or the staff has turned on the music to keep everyone else entertained. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea.I am about to leave, not wanting to blast my ears out with that noise, when I see the woman from earlier in the hall ahead of me. She’s with a young man near her age with blond hair who looks like he lifts weights for a living. He’s trying to talk to her, but she’s clearly furious. Her body language says she wants to be away from him.What’s going on? Is she having a drunken argument? I should leave them to it, but I find myself approaching them. If she’s drunk and this guy is harassing her…The relief in her eyes is palpable as she looks at me.“Everything’s fine,” she said stiffly. “Nathan was just going back to the party.”“I’m not going anywhere,” the guy says defiantly. “We need to talk, and
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“She’s your responsibility. I could’ve been seriously hurt if I'd been traveling faster.”“I don’t think so.”“So you’re a doctor now? At least accept that you should have been paying more attention yourself. Otherwise, I might have been hurt. You’d certainly get a bill for my medical treatment if I hadn’t come away with just bruises.”She knows how to fight back with fire, although the wavering behind her expression tells me she doesn’t like doing it. I find that surprisingly cute. Something is really wrong with me.I just glare back at her, which is better than reaching for her and having her slap me as she did with her ex.“I’m sure we would find out who was at fault. You can’t blame a child for a mistake.”“I’m not blaming a child. I’m blaming you. Call yourself a parent? At least she seems like a decent kid. Hopefully, she gets that from her mom and not you.”She might as well have slapped me. I feel the anger build rapidly.“Her mother is dead,” I snarl. “And I would rather you
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Aliyah looks uncomfortable as she sips her drink.“Nathan really regrets what he did. I believe him. He’s a genuine person,Lucia, and I know he means it.”“If he’s genuine, he wouldn’t have cheated on me!” I snap back. I gulp my milk and put the glass down with a thud on the table. “I can’t believe you condone cheating.”“I don’t!”“Then why did you do this? I told Nathan no, and he’s being as stubborn as a mule. If you want me to disrespect myself and get back with him, carry on as you want. Just don’t expect me to be at the end of the phone if you need any help from me from now on.”“What?”I don’t answer, storming out of the dining room. I don’t want to speak longer than I have to when I’m sure Nathan might turn up and I get cornered by both of them. That is a scene I don’t want to have in front of everyone. This is too embarrassing.Especially after it happened in front of that grumpy but strikingly handsome dad whom I’ve had the misfortune to encounter hot as he is, I know he’s f
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“Yes.” Regina swallows. “My snowboard swerved when I tried a turn, and I fell. I felt a crack and the pain…it’s fucking awful…shit, I…I’m sorry…” she grimaces. “I shouldn’t be cursing.”“Given what you’ve done, I think you can be let off.” I open the kit. “You might have broken something, so we will keep you still. I’ll try to keep you warm and call for help.”“You have a phone? Dad says he doesn’t want me taking it up on the slopes in case it gets broken.”“Then just get a normal phone that isn’t as expensive and enough call card in case this happens. That’s what I do.” I bring out the foil blanket and shake it out. “Just like I always have my first aid kit with me. You never know what’s going to happen.”Regina looks bemused.“You do this a lot?”“I’ve been skiing for years. My parents ensured I knew exactly what to do if I was in trouble.” I lay the blanket around her and tuck it carefully around her body. “Do you want me to remove your goggles? I can do that, at least.”“Please.”
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“Thank you.” I swallow. “How fast do you think they’ll be?”“Depends on how quickly they can get the helicopter here. She’s more than likely going to be airlifted out of here.”“Airlifted?” I glance at Regina, who whimpers. “Regina’s scared of heights. She gets sick.”“The paramedics will deal with that. They will take care of her.”“Will Dad be able to come up with me?” Regina asks.Lucia hesitates.“You’ll have to ask them. If not, your father’s going to have to drive over to the hospital.”Regina starts to sob again. I touch my fingers to her cheek and shake my head.“I’m not going anywhere without my daughter. I can’t leave her.”“It won’t be for long. You’ll meet her at the hospital.” Regina says and then squeezes my shoulder. “They’ll look after her, and you’ll be with her as soon as possible. She’s going to be fine.”“She might have broken her arm and might have a concussion!” I snap. “What’s fine about that?”Lucia nods at Regina, and I wish I could understand the look that pa
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