Все главы MATED TO THE RUTHLESS LYCAN KING: Глава 51 - Глава 60
CHAPTER 51~3RD PERSONS POV~It was late at night in the beast-wolf pack territory; the moon was high, and the cold wind that blew by caused the trees to rustle and bow. Unlike many packs, these wolves didn't live in mansions or have fancy clothing.The alpha lived in a cave deep in the woods. It's door was a large rock; he had to move aside every day to go hunting. In their human form, they wore the dried, fury skins of their prey around their back and waist and used the bones of said prey as weapons.The beast wolf hunted only during the day, and at night they would gather around their pack's territory bounds to protect it. Any intruder that decided to attack them would have to go through the beast wolves bounds before they could get into the territory.The beast wolves positioned themselves in three different positions. The first set of wolves protected all roads that led to the Alpha Wolf Cave. The second set of wolves were further away from the alpha's cave, and the third protect
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CHAPTER 52~GABRIELLA'S POV~I and the other girls carried Cortana back to our room that night, leaving Garcia at the door. We had her dressed like Cortana, so no one would be suspicious by morning. No one ever looked at Cortana's face or even noticed she was there because of how still she was, so we knew placing Garcia there for an entire day wouldn't change a thing.After bringing Cortana to the room, we placed her on the ground and locked our door. We sat on our beds and turned to each other.“What now?” Maria asked.“Well, I guess we wait for her to wake up in the morning. The last time she woke up was some time before the bell rang, so we'll have to stay awake until she does; otherwise, she'll break through that door and escape my questions again,” I replied.“You mean you'll have to stay awake until she wakes up? I'm going to bed,” Marie said, then pulled her blanket over her head. I stared at her for a moment, then let out a sigh.“You guys can go to sleep if..." I was about to
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CHAPTER 53~GABRIELLA'S POV~I knocked on the door to Steven's office, and after a few seconds, Steven's voice sounded, “Come in, it's open."I gently turned the door handle and pushed it open, then stepped into the office as carefully as I could to avoid spilling the food.“Sorry to disturb you; I couldn't find your room, which was locked, so I decided to bring your breakfast here,” I said softly, bowing to him and Gregory.“It's okay, just drop it on the table,” Steven said, pointing toward the area where I was supposed to drop his food. I put down the tray, stepped away from the table, and then reached into a large pocket in my uniform to bring out the book Steven borrowed from me.“Here's your grandfather's book; I'm done with it. The man lived a very strange and mysterious life and talked a lot about the relevant stories in Mortimer history,” I said with a smile.Steven smiled back. “Yes, it is those very mysteries I wish to uncover myself. Maybe, just maybe, there's something th
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CHAPTER 54~GABRIELLA'S POV~"Who... are you?” I asked with a confused expression.The female giggled then replied as she raised the hood of her cloak, “Like I said before, I'm a friend.”My eyes widened as they met hers. Her right eye was dark brown, and her left was strangely colored. I had never seen an eye so strange and beautiful in all my days. No, I had; in fact, it was only two days ago that I saw eyes similar to this one. Her eye was dark blue and had white spots that looked like stars; her pupil was white, making it look like a moon in the night sky. The only person I knew had that kind of eye was... Marie."What... do you want?” I asked.“I'm here in search of someone—my sister. I asked around, and I was told a girl who always wore a blindfold was brought here a few years ago,” she answered.“Who's that?” Steven asked, walking toward me.“She says she's looking for someone—one of your maids, to be precise. Should I let her in?” I asked, turning to Steven.“Sure, let her in,
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CHAPTER 55~GABRIELLA'S POV~“For over a million years, the moon goddess watched over the world of the supernatural. Deciding the fates of the Lycans and witches alike, she ruled as the most powerful being in existence.One thousand years ago, she created three nameless heralds who would serve the purpose of delivering messages to the beings who roamed the earth.After an atrocity was committed against her, she vanished without a trace, leaving the mortal supernaturals to do as they please. These heralds were left to roam the earth for eternity, acting as spectators of history and watching as the earth changed over time.One day, they all decided to give up their immortality, hoping that one day, once reincarnated, they would be able to serve their master again.Many years later, we were born. Werewolves who had gifts beyond average and eyes that could see not just the physical but so much more. We, the reincarnations of the moon goddesses, are not bound by time or the laws that gover
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CHAPTER 56~GABRIELLA'S POV~“It's a little strange. I've never heard of the pack Valerie and her sisters came from. The merigold pack is nowhere on the maps, and no one has spoken of it in any of the books in the library. It's almost like they don't exist,” Steven said, staring at some maps pasted on the wall to the right side of his desk.“They probably were very discreet with their existence to avoid other packs trying to take over their territory,” I replied. It was just me and Steven in his office now; the others had gone to make preparations for their departure.“Yeah. From what Valerie said, I think the lady who rescued them was the same old witch my grandfather described in his book. She probably left the Heralds to set the stage for the holy event.As for the little girl named Margret, she must have been the same little girl who appeared to the first werewolf Mortimer, and must have also appeared to the old lady, asking her to come set the stage for the holy event,” Steven sp
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CHAPTER 57~GABRIELLA'S POV~We all gathered in Alpha Steven's office on the day of our departure to go over the entire journey we were about to embark on. I wasn't sure I was ready to go through with this because I hadn't been away from home for a long time, but I had to at least give it a try.“So, the night walkers dwell in a forest toward the north of Willow Crest City; it's a very snowy and cold place, so we'll need a lot of thick clothing. The journey will last a total of two days, so we don't have to pack so much food; it'll only slow us down,” Valerie explained, staring at a map on Stevens Wall.“Wait, I thought you said no one knew where the Night Walkers came from?” Marie asked.“Yes, the night walkers are creatures that started appearing around the world centuries ago. Their concentration in that forest grew over time, and drawn by a certain connection they have with one another, the rest of the night walkers around the world moved there as a result.For some reason, they k
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CHAPTER 58~3RD PERSON'S POV~Lady Anaya stood quietly in front of a large glass wall, watching as her maids moved around the front yard under the sunset. She looked distressed; it was unusual for Lady Anaya to be seen in this kind of mood, as she was known to always be prepared for everything.Edith walked toward her, the orange light from the wall casting her show long and leaning on the floor. Edith noticed the look on Anaya's face and let out a sigh.“I haven't seen that look in a while,” Edith said with a worried expression.Anaya turned to her and smiled. “I'm fine, Edith; I just need a little time by myself,” she said, then turned back to the window.“That worries me even more. Ever since you caught the criminal among the council members, you've gone from your usual bright and happy Anaya to whatever this is. If anything's bothering you, I'd be honored to listen,” Edith said softly, holding Anaya's hand.Anaya turned to her and sighed again. Her gaze lowered to the ground, and
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CHAPTER 59~3RD PERSON'S POV~“The Belmont family was a family of werewolves that ruled over a pack in Mystic Meadow called the Blackburn. The pack was among the most powerful in its time, but after the entire family went missing mysteriously, the pack was attacked, and without an alpha to lead them into battle, all the worst wolves were killed.We didn't know where you came from, who you were, or what kind of position you held in the hierarchy of werewolves or humans. We found you in the forest, covered in serious burns and near death, so we had to rescue you.The head of the council, my lord, used magic to heal your burns and nurse you back to health. After your burns had vanished completely, he realized you were the Luna of the Black Burn Pack, but there was no one left to return you to, so he decided to keep you a secret from the world until you regained consciousness.He knew he had enemies in the council but wasn't sure who they were. He knew an attempt would be made to take his
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CHAPTER 60~3RD PERSON'S POV~“My lord, Derren's warrior wolves draw close. They should be in these woods by nightfall; the spy says Derren isn't with them, so I'm sure it'll be easy to take them down,” one of Stevens warrior wolves said, stading beside Gregory on a large rock.“That's right, we'll have divisions positioned at every possible route leading to the Grey Wolf Pack. We'll also have warrior wolves stand guard all around the alpha's home in case some of them manage to slip past us. Our strategy leaves no room for errors as long as you all play your roles correctly. Do you understand?” Gregory said this to a group of warrior wolves standing beneath the rock he stood upon.Gregory was shirtless, and so we're the other warrior wolves who were there to fight with him. They all nodded after Gregory spoke and dispersed to take their positions.“Alright, I want two divisions attacking from behind the Blackburn wolves a few minutes after they decide which route they want to follow.
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