Semua Bab The Billionaire's Instant Bride: Bab 41 - Bab 50
55 Bab
Chapter 41
KYLE"Do you want me to get rid of your shirt?" I smile as I bring my nose to inhale her scent as I caress my nose against her neck. I lick her chin slowly, gently moving to her ear, and then take a moment to kiss her neck. "I want to get access to your beautiful chest." Sighing, I step a step back as I hold her shoulders. "Or you can go upstairs and clean up. God, I need to stop trying to be inside you the moment you come home."Dawn finally talks, licking her lower lip as she stares at my hands."I want you to get access to my chest." She laughs nervously. "And I like how you're trying to get inside me the moment I came home." She bites her lower lip and makes a show of it. "I guess we both missed each other, huh?""I sure did miss you."Stepping closer to her, I open the top few buttons of her shirt. The silk fabric beneath it reveals a black bra with intricately embroidered red and pink poppies on the cups. It's the one I picked out for her alongside her
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Chapter 42
DAWNWaking up in Kyle's arms, I raise my head a little to look at the surroundings. Bright light pops in from the curtains as I shove a hand in my hair to remove it from my face. As I blink my sleepy eyes slowly a few times to clear my vision, my eyes fall onto the wall clock, and I sigh into the back of my hand to see that it's close to five-thirty a.m. The sun outside feels hot, and I stretch my limbs drowsily, wondering if I have a lot of work today on my hands. I remove Kyle's warm hand from my torso and sit up as I straighten my back to lean against the headrest.Yawning, I watch Kyle's bare chest rise and thud as he inhales comfortably in his sleep. Immediately, a blush colours my lips as I replay the events from last night. I reckon we moved from his den eventually to eat the dinner he cooked for me before I came home, and then he stayed up with me in bed as we stared at the ceiling and talked. I remember him caressing my hair to comfort me when sleep became heavy
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Chapter 43 (Kyle's POV)
KYLEWhen I wake up in the morning to get ready for work, I feel Dawn's warm hand resting on my bare chest. I twist and turn against the sheets to face her. Her fingers lay outstretched, and her chest rises and thuds gradually as she breathes while sleeping. Her mouth makes a pout, and her eyes move beneath her lids. I reach her face with my long fingers to fix her hair behind her ear.I reckon it's a blessing to watch her fall asleep next to me and wake up next to her.My fingers fix more of her hair as I kiss her on her cheeks. Her eyes flutter beneath her lids for a second, but then she hides her face as she moves to sleep on her side. Begrudgingly, I rip the duvet off me, take a moment to properly spread it over her body and get out of bed. I wish I could spend another fifteen minutes with her, staring at her sleepy face and caressing her, but I have to get to work early for a meeting.The planning team is almost in the final stages with the most significant
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Chapter 44
KYLEThe morning meeting puts me in a funky mood, unlike anything I have ever experienced. I'm this close to snapping at people, and I realise I'm feeling upset when I see Ms Burton's face when she steps into the room and stares at me expectantly."To what do I have the pleasure of seeing you this early, Ms Burton?" I clear my throat. "Why are you here? Please explain yourself.""Fiona wanted me to tag along so I can take down the meeting minutes." I look at her hands to see if she's holding a notepad, but to my amazement, she's actually carefully holding a large computer tablet between her fingers. Her face breaks out into a smile as she stares at me. When she catches me looking at her hands, she gives me an even brighter smile. Her smile pisses me off. "Oh, this, Mr Waugh. Actually, I thought it was high time I put in a request for a company tablet so I can take down the notes efficiently and not waste time typing everything down on my computer a second time to send
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Chapter 45
KYLE"So, this is what we have decided on, Mr Waugh. I think it's of utmost importance to be cognizant in this meeting that we need to allot 30% of the total advertising resources to the planning team so they can collaborate with the marketing team and review campaigns as needed going forward." Fiona speaks on behalf of the marketing team. "Do you know this will probably save us 20% in overall spend if we compare our metrics from last month and decide where to put our focus next if we compare the data between both teams and share responsibility?" Ms Jenkins touches her lower lip. "I think if both teams work together on this, we will not only be able to go through the last six months' data faster but also save on the extra manpower we would probably have to hire from outside just to keep things progressing smoothly under this project."Flipping the pages of the planning report with my fingers, I circle some data with a pen on a page that catches my attention. This informati
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Chapter 46
DAWNAfter Neil drops me at work, I keep my head down while walking into the office. I still have around thirty minutes before Fiona is supposed to come out of the conference room, so I take my time taking the stairs instead of the elevators. The couple of flight of stairs that leads towards my office floor winds me out, and I find it hard to breathe. Taking a minute to pause as I catch my breath, I reflect on how I haven't had the time to frequent the yoga studio where I usually get my weekday practice. Sucking another breath, I make a mental note that I need to keep healthy, and I need to find another yoga and wellness studio that's closer to Kyle's home so I can go there on the weekends.Maybe I can check something out on the internet when I get home.That's when it suddenly dawns on me.I've practically moved into Kyle's house, haven't I?It feels like I had wanted to have this conversation with him, but I always chicken out.And it doesn't look lik
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Chapter 47
DAWN"Dawn," the person says in a stern voice. "Are you in there?" The person talks much more loudly this time. "Are you okay in there? It's me, Fiona." Then she pauses. "You can come out right now. I need to talk to you."When I don't say anything, she proceeds to talk into the silence as I sense my tolerance for her behaviour evaporating into thin air when she addresses me again."Dawn. I know you're in there. It's all right. You can come out." She pauses. "You're sick, so I don't want to stretch this longer than it has to be here." When I don't respond in any way to her words, she starts talking again. "Oh, please, for the love of God, you can come out now. I won't bite you." Another pause. "Scratch that. I am worried about you since you are my teammate."My heart beats loudly against my chest.What does she want to talk to me about?Is she for real?Is she acting sympathetic towards me after all this time that has passed where she has done noth
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Chapter 48
DAWNWhen I return to the office room, I sit down on my work chair with a plop, exhaling a harsh breath.I have just gotten to work, but it already seems like a long day has passed.Julie looks at me curiously when I turn my desktop computer on, wanting to get a headstart on work, open the attached files on our work messenger and log into my email on my screen. But when I don't say anything for a minute, she bows her head down and focuses on her work."What's going on now, Julie?" I ask her without looking up. "Is there something you want to tell me or ask me?""Not really." Julie shakes her head. "No, unless you want to tell me what happened with Fiona." She wets her lower lip. "Did you run into her or something?""Yeah." Jutting out my lower lip, I nod. "Well, she came into the women's washroom to confront me. Thanks for looking out for me even though you find me cold, rude, and indifferent to your hardships. I got there just in time because of you. A
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Chapter 49
DAWNAs I walk towards the stairway, my stomach flips upside down. A warm need makes itself known as last night's images flash in front of my eyes.I can't stop thinking about him moving between my legs, can I?Just asking myself that question makes my face flush and my eyes warm.I'm glad Kyle is not here.If Kyle was here, I know he would notice I'm blushing.I wonder if he could see right through me.It's not that hard to read me, either.Is it?My pussy walls flutter as my heart throbs against its walls.Why am I feeling like this?It's just Kyle.God, I need to stop feeling this way around him all the time when he's with me.But why do I need him so much?I have no answer to this question either.As I take quick steps towards the stairwell, I finally come face to face with the slightly cracked open door in front of it on my office floor. Opening it slowly further, I peer inside. No one seems to be in the
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Chapter 50
DAWN"Good, you're back," Julie declares her words to me as I step into the office room. "You were not kidding when you said you'll be gone for a bit.""I wasn't." I give her a small smile, getting into my desk chair as I suck in a deep breath and release it. "There were things I needed to take care of, so I took care of them." Shrugging my shoulders, I exchange glances with her. "That's it.""Sounds good, Dawn." Julie picks up a stack of files and passes them over to me. "I forgot to give them to you earlier. When Fiona came in to check on you, she brought them with her, and she wanted you to go through all of them by the end of the workday." Stretching her limbs above her head, she yawns. "I have to help you out in sorting the data out too. It's our team lead's orders."
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