Semua Bab Beauty and the Billionaire: Bab 31 - Bab 40
53 Bab
Chapter 30. Give in to you
'I love you, Beauty, I love you. When I tell you I love you, I'm not saying it out of habit. I am reminding you that you are my life. Marry me, Beauty. I want to keep you, I want to hold you, I want to do this every night with you.' -Drew James Mondragon- . Beauty's POV . I felt Drew's tongue licking my neck. It's a combination of kisses and licks, and it ignites my body into flame. His kisses came down in the middle of the valley of my breast. I gasped as he took his time kissing me. It's like he's taking his time kissing my bare skin. I moaned in excitement as ecstasy took over me, and the only sensational response I could do was to whirl his hair, gently massaging his nape. "Oh, Drew..." I gasped for air while panting underneath him. Drew's hand travels underneath me, slowly, as he caressingly rubs me underneath. I couldn't control my needs, and I felt so hot. My body arched as I moaned, calling for his name. "If we're doing this—" he uttered under his breath, and we stared
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Chapter 31. Security
Unconditional love is a real sense of security. Beauty's POV . Funny as it is, after that steamy night we had, Drew ended up purchasing a box of condoms. A box wasn't enough. He added four more boxes. There was no time to relax. We love making out, and it's driving me insane. And like him, I can't get enough of this desire. We were like a newlywed couple on a honeymoon's stake. "Are you okay?" He asked, kissing my bare shoulder. I smile. "Yes, darling, but I'm sad." Drew Mondragon is indeed dominant and possessive but with a good heart. Now, having here with me, loving him like this, I could no longer ask for more. I used to have a lot of insecurities within me, including my status in the society. Drew is of noble birth, while I have nothing to offer except for my heart. I don't want him to think I'm taking advantage of him. I still want to pursue my dreams. "Sad? And why is that?" Drew grabbed my hand and lingered around my fingers until he molded it with mine. He smiled whe
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Chapter 32. Not so secret anymore
Beauty's POV "I'm happy that Drew has found a wonderful woman." I couldn't keep myself from smiling so much. It's nice to listen to Nay. She's adorable and reminds me of my grandmother. She taught me a lot about Drew's preferences when it comes to adding spices to his food. It was a simple dish, but Drew's taste buds had an elegant palate. "Did someone mention my name again?" I turn to see him. He looks fresh and smells great. He is drying his hair. He had just finished his warm shower. "Drew and Liam are my sons. Please take care of that big one." Nay chuckled slightly as she pointed to Drew. Drew is smiling and walking towards us confidently. "Drew's father is a perfectionist, Beauty. I hope you won't get intimidated by his words," Nay continued. I pressed my lips together and wrinkled my nose when Drew peered a quick kiss on my lips. He also gave Nay a quick hug. "Go and put on some top clothes, son. Food will be ready soon." Nay ordered him. "Yes, Nay." Drew's lips quickl
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Chapter 33. Comfort
Beauty's POV . "Welcome back, Mrs. Beauty Mondragon!" Bobita exclaimed loud enough for the others to hear. "What the heck, you!" I grabbed his wrist and pulled him with me straight to my office. I shut the door the moment we both stepped inside. "What the heck is wrong with you?" with both hands resting on my hips, my face flustered. He wickedly looked at me from head to toe and whirled around, heading towards my table. He sat on my chair, and his eyebrows raised. The expression on his face definitely tells me one thing. He told everything to my sister! "How's the honeymoon?" his expression softened, and he looked at me suspiciously. "What honeymoon? W-Who told you that it was a honeymoon? It was work, okay!" I stammered. I avoided his gaze and walked towards the other table, where more papers were waiting for me to review. "Come on, Beauty, tell me your story." He is now following me like a puppy. "Oh, come on, Bobita! I told you it's a secret, okay? But why did you tell my
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Chapter 34. To prove
Beauty's POV . "You haven't told Drew Mondragon yet, Beauty?" Atticus asked. I'm here at his modeling shop center. He explained to me what to do once we head to Japan. I also signed some paperwork for his company. I am now an exclusive model of Monde Fashion. It was actually the main branch head in Japan that invited me. They saw my modeling performance during the Monde Corporation event, and they liked me. I've heard that the company holds the top supermodels in Asia and the world. "Not yet, but I will." "Drew knows you're coming here for the training, but I haven't told him about Japan. He asked me to look after you. So I'll be holding you as one of my talents." Atticus explained the matter seriously, and I nodded in agreement. "The fashion will take place in three weeks in Japan. A few models will accompany you, dressed in creations by Asia's top designers. So keep up the good work, Beauty. I know you can do it." We finalized everything, and it was all sorted. My sister, Am
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Chapter 35. Protection
Beauty's POV."Beauty! Boo! Boo, talk to me! I won't go away until you talk to me!"My eyes widened when I heard a familiar voice. . . It was Jasper.My sister and I headed to the front door to check what was happening outside. When my sister opened the door, we saw Jasper. The security guards held his arm on each side while he was yelling and disputing."What the — are you insane!?" Annoyed at the situation, the neighbors are now getting curious. Many of them are outside like they're watching a drama."I thought you two split up? Why is he acting like that?" my sister asked me."I don't know, sis. Jasper is a pain in the ass." I mumbled.My sister and I step out. Our neighbors are gossiping, watching, and filming us at the moment."Hey, Jasper! What the heck is wrong with you? You're already setting up a scene in the early morning. When are you going to stop doing this? We're done! It has been over three months since then. Do you have a mind of your own? And if you do, please go awa
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Chapter 36. Mom's advice
Beauty's POV . "Damn, what the heck? Fudge," Drew swore silently. He put his pointy finger in his mouth and shook his head. I laughed along with the kids while he made the fire. He did well but burned his finger. We are here now in my mother's place, in the countryside, at the back of the house, in the dirty kitchen, cooking chicken soup. Drew wants to join us because he wants to meet my mother. My mother was shocked when she saw me with someone. Joey and my sister Amalia were with us. Drew uses his big van so that we can fit all our stuff. It was all good. My mother was quite observant and didn't ask me much, but Drew introduced himself as my fiance. Mom seems okay about it, but I'm sure she will probably ask me many questions later. "Beauty, your husband is very handsome," Mikai said. She is only ten years old. The rest of the kids adoringly looked at Drew. They're all amazed at him. Drew just kept smiling, concentrating on adding more firewood. "Really? Uhm, he is not yet m
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Chapter 37. Ex girlfriend
Drew's POV . "Make sure that he will rot in hell, Glenn. Cut all his benefits. I want to see the bastard crawl until he begs me to kill him." I swore under my breath while talking to Glenn in the line. I had had enough of Jasper and wanted him to disappear from Beauty's life. Aside from being a drug addict user, Jasper was also held accountable for some funds that had secretly vanished during the past five years as a senior editor at BCF. BCF CEO is a mate of mine, Alexis Chengkuo. He is busy enough, touring the world, going back and forth for the business. After learning about Jasper's whereabouts, I had the opportunity to dig deeper into his wits. "Point taken and yes, well executed," Glenn responded in the line. "Geez, the price of loving someone drives you insane, right? It seems like you want Jasper to eliminate, un-existed?" Glenn laughed. My jaw tightened. Eliminate? I just want him to die. "Just do your job, Glenn. I have to go now. Beauty is here." I smiled at the lov
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Chapter 38. The new face of MC
Beauty's POV.I kept staring at my phone back and forth for three hours. I’ve been waiting for Drew to call me.He arrived early today, but he went straight to work. Today is the board member’s meeting, and I understand how busy he is. My sister already told me about his day.Drew called me after the rehearsal and told me he couldn’t visit tonight, but he made sure to call me before bedtime. But what time is it now? I’ve been waiting for his call, and still, nothing!“Aren’t you going to sleep, Beauty?” My sister, Amalia, asked me.I did not respond. Although I heard her loud and clear, I had no desire to respond. I can’t help myself, and I can’t focus as I’ve been thinking about Drew. On the other hand, Beatrice Mercedes was also doing my head in.“Why are you staring at your phone like that? Are you waiting for someone to call you? Hey, Beauty!” She lightly hit my head, making me turn to see her. I can’t concentrate because Drew and Beatrice Mercedes are on my mind.I pouted. “How
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Chapter 39. When?
Beauty's POV.I gasped softly as I realized what this would lead to. His unstoppable kisses are taking full advantage, and he's making sure that I can't say no."Oh, Drew, baby," I softly whispered between our kisses.I forgot everything, and here I am in bed with him. I should have said no, but I miss him so much, and talking to him overnight wasn't enough. I want to be with him tonight. So, I decided to go with him.I've messaged my sister when we left, and she didn't respond. She was probably asleep.Drew is holding me tightly, embarking on hot and lustful kisses around me. It gives me so much pleasure and need.I moaned as he touched me, and my toes curled as we kissed. My body was hungry for more, and as Drew's hands explored my curve, I couldn't stop arching my body in response to my need."Oh, Beauty, darling... So beautiful," he whispered in between kisses.My head jerked up when I felt his mouth against my neck. The heat sparkled fast, igniting my whole, sending fireworks to
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