Semua Bab Seduced for Revenge: Bab 31 - Bab 40
191 Bab
Seduced for Revenge: 31 - Support
A few days later, Owen came down for breakfast, and something seemed amiss. The dining table, usually full of food, was empty, and when he called out, none of the household staff came to ask what he needed. He heard laughing and screaming, so he followed the sounds. Several people were outside in the garden, running around excitedly.“What is happening here?” Something darted under his feet, and the maids stood in line and averted their eyes.The culprit barked at Owen and nipped at his slacks playfully. “Come here, you crazy mongrel!” Regina grabbed the ball of fur and hugged it tight. She giggled when the three-month-old golden retriever licked her face.“How am I not surprised you are in the middle of this?”“I asked a friend to bring their puppy for your mom’s mental and emotional health.”“How does a dog feature into that?”“I had a bright idea last night.”“Oh yay, one of those.” Owen expressed sarcastically.“I was thinking some old folk’s homes have animals they use for emoti
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Seduced for Revenge: 32 - Rain
The next day, Regina wondered if she should cancel her date with Arthur. The kiss with Owen had been weighing heavily on her mind, and wondered if it affected Owen the same way. She was distracted and worried her date with Arthur would not be enjoyable. But at the last minute, she decided that backing out would make her look bad. Arthur worked for Owen, and she didn’t want it to be awkward between them when they saw each other again. Arthur took Regina to Cherry Blossom Park, knowing she was fond of flowers. Once a year, the flowers bloomed and during that time they covered the entire park in pink petals, falling like snow on a winter’s day. Regina wore a dusty pink sundress with small, white flowers, making her look like she was part of the display, like a fairy or a wood nymph dancing among the trees. “This place is so pretty. I love sitting among the benches out here and just watching the petals falling. Come Art, I know the perfect place.” She pulled his arm and led him to he
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Seduced for Revenge: 33 - Home
That weekend, Regina went home to visit her parents. She was getting overwhelmed with the men in her life that she needed a break.‘Who knew I would come here knowing my mom nags me about getting married constantly? I guess it’s better than thinking about three different guys and comparing them all day.’“Mom! Dad! I’m home!” Regina called out in the living room, but nobody answered. She went to the kitchen, and all the maids were nowhere to be found. So she sent a message to her mom and asked where they were. “We’re at the clubhouse for brunch. I sent all the maids home for the weekend.”“That’s odd. Why would you do that?”“Nobody’s at home these days, dear. They have nothing to do. So at least they get to rest and spend time with their families.”“I’m here, and I’m staying for the weekend. Make me food, Mommy.”“You know the number for the takeout places. Order something.”Regina sent her mother an icon with its tongue out to show her displeasure. “I’m making pancakes and messing
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Seduced for Revenge: 34 - Chocolates
A,I finally did it. I asked her out. I asked Regina out. I didn’t think she’d say yes, but she did. It was the coolest day of my entire life. I almost screamed for joy when she said yes. Can you believe that there is not a single day that I don’t see her, and it fills my day just to be in her presence? I want us to be together soon, so I can stand beside her, hold her hand, kiss her soft, red lips, and touch her face, but I can hear you telling me to be patient. And I will. I can feel that she’s warming up to me already, giving me those lovely smiles and secret looks. Okay, okay, before you throw a fit, I will tell you about our date. It was perfect. I didn’t think it would happen, but it did, and it was magical. You should have been there. We had so much fun. I can’t tell you enough how smart she is. She knew about every topic I threw at her. It was like we were really in sync with each other. Once again, I will say you are right. She was awesome, and nobody else can replace her. I
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Seduced for Revenge: 35 - Brothers
Yvan Bennet, the youngest of the brothers, had been a model since he turned 18 seven years ago.His family was shocked when they learned he skipped school to pursue his career. To the detriment of his family, he never finished high school, which is why they gave him a hard time.But as he grew, the importance of education stuck with him. So he took the GED* test to get the equivalent of a high school diploma. But college was still out of the question.People always think modeling is an easy job. Posing and standing around, looking good, couldn’t be that hard, but Yvan was just as dedicated and worked harder than anybody.He put in long hours to catch the correct lighting, jumped into freezing waters in winter just to deliver the perfect shot for the new summer collection, and dealt with people he knew had less than honorable intentions. His hard work had paid off by affording him an apartment in the middle of the city. Nestled among the skyscrapers was his refuge, giving him a scenic
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Seduced for Revenge: 36 - Bad Doggie
Bella barked in her high, shrill voice. She used several tones for different reasons, and Regina tried to discover what they meant. But when Regina came to curb her bad habit of rushing toward the door and antagonizing the guest, Bella sat quietly and listened attentively to Myles.One “shush,” and a command to sit was all it took for Bella to follow Myles like a trained puppy.“What? You tell her one time, and she followed you right away?”“You have a very bubbly, nervous energy Regina, so she picked up on that. Plus, she knows you are a sucker for her cuteness, so she manipulates you every chance she has.”After getting a treat from Regina for being an obedient dog, Bella bounds off somewhere and disappears. “Oh, there she goes. Let me find her and get out of your way. Welcome home, Mr. Bennet.” Regina curtsies, making Myles break out a smile.“She and that dog are almost the same. Goofy and adorable at the same time.” Owen stared at Myles. He’s never heard his brother describe some
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Seduced for Revenge: 37 - Dinner
Arthur looked at Regina, trying to conceal his smile. But his dimple showed as soon as he expressed his amusement.“Are you going to do it?” Regina nodded to make him agree.“I’ll pay double and order one delivered to your apartment ASAP. Just give me your address.” She forced him to write his address on a piece of paper with the shoe size and stuffed it in her purse.“You don’t need to pay double. I’ll wait for the replacement. But I would like to invite you to dinner if you have nothing else to do.”“Sure, I’ve been running around town looking for this shoe that I worked up an appetite for burgers and fries.”“We’re having that for dinner then. Your wish is my command.”“I’m glad you didn’t get discouraged from watching me eat at the Korean place last time.”Arthur smiled. “Of course not. It was nice seeing you eat so enthusiastically. If only it didn’t rain.” His brows furrowed for a second, changing his facial expression, reminding Regina how he got so mad that day. But she kicke
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Seduced for Revenge: 38 - Competition
Regina sped away, realizing Owen’s shoes were still in Arthur’s possession. The only thing she came for so she could keep her job, and now who knows what would happen?The next day, she was not surprised when Arthur came by to drop off the package, but seeing him got her defenses up.“Why are you here, Arthur?” Regina rudely asked as she let Bella out of her car, not caring that the dog growled at him ferociously.“I’m sorry about last night. Here, I brought the shoes because I knew they were important to you.” Bella snapped at the package as Arthur came closer.“You can keep them. I’ll talk to Mr. Bennet and ask for more time. They’re just shoes. I can get them anywhere.”“Regina, please,” Arthur held her hand to stop her, letting go quickly when the dog reached for his arm. “I got ahead of myself and was overcome with my feelings. I apologize for not stopping when you asked.”“I don’t know, Arthur. I need to think about it.”The clouds were getting darker, and it was threatening to r
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Seduced for Revenge: 39 - Culprit
The whole morning, Yvan played with Bella and walked with his mom while she did her morning routine. It was as if the model had nothing else to do with his time but hang out with the dog.“Aren’t you supposed to be out doing a photo shoot or posting your outfit of the day on social media?”They just finished lunch, and Marius had just joined them. The physical therapist elbowed Regina and scolded her with his eyes while pulling her back so he could hiss at her.“Don’t make him leave. This is the first time I’ve exchanged more words with him than hi and bye.”Regina rolled her eyes. “You’re responsible when he gets pesky.”When Marius and Regina returned to the garden, mother and son were munching on chocolates from a box.“Where did you get those chocolates? You’re going to ruin your mother’s appetite and give her indigestion.”“Mom brought it out of her room. And I’m not telling her no when she looked so happy about it.”“You should. It’s your responsibility to help your mother live l
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Seduced for Revenge: 40 - Restaurant
The next few days had been quiet. Most of the Bennet boys were out of town and busy with their jobs, so Regina had some reprieve from their antics, but Bella stared out the windows a lot, looking for them.The house became quiet, and it was easy to see why Mrs. Bennet’s health declined when her best friend passed away. Without her husband or children to keep her company, her memory just wilted away.With the family back home and the health care workers arriving daily, the house and Mrs. Bennet felt alive again.“Good night Mrs. Bennet. I will come back on Monday.”“Enjoy your weekend, Mandy. Say hello to your brothers.”It was Friday, and Regina was going out to dinner with Raffy and his wife that night, so she needed to hurry.She was looking forward to dining with them since it had been a while since she saw the couple, and they were going to Regina’s favorite steak restaurant.“I have been dreaming about the steak here all night, and I cannot wait to have dessert. Since you’re buyin
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