Semua Bab The Lycan King's Assassin: Bab 71 - Bab 80
83 Bab
Book 2: Chapter 70
Osiris POV The cold stare of the witch's blue eyes stops me in my tracks, and I realize what a mistake I have made. Willow is on her knees at the witch's feet. Tears are streaming down her face. I have seen Willow shed a tear here and there, but I have never seen her actually cry. The blonde witch is holding Willow by her hair. She is wearing nothing but a potato sack for clothing. I can see every inch of her body through the thin material. Willow's arms and shoulders are covered in the same strange symbols that line her spine. But that is not the only thing that is different about her. The blonde witch tilts Willow's head to the side, exposing her neck. At first, I don't know what I am looking at, and then it dawns on me. Her mate mark is missing. Heavy sobs wreck Willow's chest. She refuses to look up at me. "I am sorry," she stutters. "I couldn't..." Willow is sobbing so hard she isn't able to finish her sentence. A guttural growl erupts from my chest as I look
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Author's Note
Hello My Lovely Readers, I need to apologize for the lack of update today. Things have been absolutely wild in my house. First, the AC broke and ruined my ceiling, then the toilets broke, and then my van broke. Between fighting with companies and homeowners insurance, I have fallen behind in writing. I am taking today to try to catch up and get ahead. I also want to say thank you for all of the support you all have given me on my writing journey. I love reading your comments. Once again, I apologize for the lack of update. Solange Daye
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Book 2: Chapter 71
Willow POV Grabbing Osiris by the arm, I walk past my birth mother, not sparing her a second look. This isn't the homecoming I expected between the two of us. I expected to feel something different than anger when I finally met her. But anger and resentment are what I feel at the moment. I don't want some heartfelt reunion. Osiris pauses at the tower door, looking back at my grandmother and the three sisters. "Are you coming?" He asks them curiously. "We will meet you back at the cottage," Petra says. "We need to do a little bit of house cleaning before we leave." Osiris cocks his head in confusion as he looks at the four witches. "House cleaning?" "We are going to burn this place to the ground," my grandmother says with a smile. She already has balls of flames in the palms of her hands, ready to set the tower ablaze. "This place is the source of some of their power," my birth mother chimes in. "It will weaken their abilities." "What about us?" I say quietly. "We
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Book 2: Chapter 72
Faris POV I am already undoing my belt when Natacha opens the door to her sketchy apartment. I need this release more than she does, I am sure, but she never denies me. Natacha opens the door, and my anticipation wanes when I see the look on her face. She usually greets me with a bright smile and makes some excuse for why her apartment is a mess. She would throw her arms around me and guide me to the corner of the studio apartment, where she keeps her bed. But not tonight. Lines of worry are etched across her face. She stands back to let me enter her apartment. She doesn't even reach out to touch me. Once she closes the door behind me, she wraps her arms around herself as if she is trying to protect herself from me. "What is your problem?" I groan. As I re-buckle my belt, it is clear that I am not getting what I want tonight. "Why did you call me here?" "I have news," Natacha says. My ears perk up at the sound of news. Natacha has been less than forthcoming with her inform
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Book 2: Chapter 73
Osiris POV A headache is pulsating at the back of my skull as the doctor tells me the damage that Willow sustained to her neck when I tried to remark her. I know I should be listening to what he has to say, but the only thing I can hear is the steady beep of the machines coming from her room. To me, those are the only sounds that matter because they are the only indication that she is still alive. My eyes wander past the doctor to the room filled with Willow's family. Her adopted father, mother, and grandmother are all surrounding her. They are all wearing identical faces of worry, and it is all my fault. I couldn't have known what would happen when I tried to remark her, but I should have known we got away too easily. I should have known that the witches had something more sinister in store. Guilt fills my brain as I think about what I have done. My mate is fighting for her life because I was determined to make her mine again. "Alpha?" The doctor interrupts my thoughts.
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Book 2: Chapter 74
Faris POV Natacha follows me into the royal mansion, keeping her head down. As we walk through the mansion, I can hear the whispers coming from the Omega servants. They are wondering why I have willingly brought a rogue into Lycan City. My personal Omega, Jessica, is leaving my bedroom when I reach the top floor of the royal mansion. Her face blushes deeply when she looks at me but quickly disappears when she lays eyes on Natacha. Jessica's nose wrinkles as she catches Natacha's rogue scent, and a scowl tugs at her lips. "How can I help you, Your Highness?" Jessica says with a fake smile spread across her face. "This is my close friend, Natacha. I need you to set her up in the room next to mine," I instruct Jessica. Jessica doesn't try to hide her displeasure at the thought of a rogue staying within the royal mansion, but still, she gestures for Natacha to follow her down the hall. Natacha hesitates to follow the young Omega. "Are you coming with me?" She asks nervou
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Book 2: Chapter 75
Osiris POV Ella grabs my hand and teleports back to the hospital. The wind swirls in the sky as the witch sisters appear out of nowhere beside us. I am unsteady on my feet as the world comes back into focus. "I don't think I will ever get used to that," I grumble as I choke back the vomit rising in my throat. "You will get used to it over time," Ella says as she gently rubs my back. I shrug off Ella's hand and turn to the four witches. "We don't have time to lose," I say. "We need to get to Willow." Once I have regained my balance, I head into the hospital with the witches following behind me. As we walk through the halls, people scatter away from me and the women walking with me. Whispers follow us through the corridors. Many of my pack members have not seen so many witches together in one place, and their eyes follow us as we make our way to Willow's hospital room. As we approach Willow's room, the doctor is waiting for us. He looks the witches up and down before o
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Book 2: Chapter 76
Faris POV It is the wee hours of the morning when I finally return to the royal mansion, but the mansion is already buzzing with activity. I quietly slip past all of the Omegas who have already started their morning chores. I go upstairs and past the room that Natacha is staying in. Her scent of lavender and roses is wafting through the door. She barely smells like a rogue anymore, and I wonder if it is because she is carrying my child. Slowly, I turn the doorknob, and I am surprised to find it is unlocked. The door opens with a slight creek, causing me to cringe. I consider walking away, but curiosity draws me further into her room. Natacha is sleeping peacefully. I have to admit she is beautiful. Not as beautiful as my Kayla, but still beautiful nonetheless. Tiny puffs of breath leave her full lips as she sleeps. She is sleeping in an oversized t-shirt. A smile crosses my lips when I realize the t-shirt is one I had left behind at her apartment. The t-shirt has ridd
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Book 2: Chapter 77
Willow POV After much negotiation with the doctor, he finally agrees to let me leave the hospital. The wound on my neck is almost healed. I have not been brave enough to look at it. I don't want to see the damage that Osiris has done to me. After taking a shower in the tiny hospital bathroom, I open the bag of clothes that Osiris brought me from the farmhouse. I roll my eyes when I see a pair of bright red lace panties and a matching bra. Sticking my head out of the bathroom, I hiss at Osiris. "You couldn't have brought something more comfortable?" There is a mischievous grin on his face. "They looked comfortable to me," he chuckles. I shut the door in frustration, and I begin to pull on the leather pants and black t-shirt. I pull my hair up into a ponytail and walk back out into the hospital room. But there is no one in there. I peek out of my hospital room and see nurses and doctors frantically running toward the entrance of the hospital. I can hear the sounds of
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Book 2: Chapter 78
Faris POV I leave Natacha sleeping in my bed. Her new mark shimmers under the morning light shining into the room. I had expected her mark to match the one I had given Kayla, but it is different. A beautiful rose blooming under a full moon now resides on her neck. Natacha had been more than willing to accept my mark. The lovemaking between us had been patient and gentle. I was worried about hurting the pup that grows within her. But when it came time for Natacha to mark me in return, I couldn't let it happen. It felt too much like I was replacing Kayla. Natacha pretended she understood, but I could feel her pain through the bond between us. She was disappointed. Pulling on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, I head into the office that adjoins my bedroom. Sitting down at my desk, I begin to make plans on when and how to attack the rogue camp. But my heart isn't in it. Now that I know I have an heir, nothing else seems to matter. It all feels petty. "Why shouldn't I let
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